Meeyeon Park & Mark R – CFI Education – Asset Classes and Financial Markets



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Meeyeon Park & Mark R – CFI Education – Asset Classes and Financial Markets
Asset Classes and Financial Markets
Through this course, you will be able to have a conversation about Financial Markets – what they are, the audiences that they serve – and delineate the three primary asset classes of Cash and Cash Equivalents, Fixed Income, and Equities.
Asset Classes and Financial Markets Course Overview
Understanding the landscape that you work in is a foundational part of success. After all, how can you possibly give financial advisory services without knowing financial markets?
As a financial planner or wealth management professional, you need to know financial markets and asset classes like the back of your hand. In this course, we give you an overview of financial markets – what they are, who they serve, and why a healthy one is so important for the global economy – and the three primary asset classes in them.
Asset Classes and Financial Markets Learning Objectives
By the end of the course, you will be able to:

Explain what financial markets are and their purpose
Navigate the major asset classes and identify their characteristics and purpose
Identify the key financial products in each asset class that financial planners and wealth managers most often encounter
Interpret real market data and formulate an opinion on the health of financial market conditions

Who Should Take This Course?
This Asset Classes and Financial Markets course is for anyone interested in becoming their own finance professional first. This course is designed as a primer to introduce all the foundational concepts you need to understand to navigate topics in financial planning and wealth management.
What you’ll learn

Course Introduction

Downloadable Files

Introduction to Financial Markets

Regulated Exchanges

Over-The-Counter (OTC) Markets

Markets in Real World

Why Corporations/Governments Need Financial Markets

Investor Access to Financial Markets
Understanding Asset Classes

What is an Asset Class

Different Types of Asset Classes
Cash and Cash Equivalents

Characteristics of Cash and Cash Equivalents

Risk and Rewards of Cash Allocation

Investors and Their Strategic Allocations to Cash
Fixed Income Securities

Fixed Income Overview

Bond Market and Issuers

Characteristics of Bonds – Lower Risks

Characteristics of Bonds – Issuance

Characteristics of Bonds – Fixed Income

Characteristics of Bonds Exercise

Benefits of Fixed Income Allocation

Risks of Fixed Income Allocation

Risks of Fixed Income Allocation Exercise

Fixed Income ETFs

Fixed Income’s Role in an Investment Portfolio
Equity Securities

Equities Overview

Market Capitalization


Dividends Exercise

Growth Stock and Value Investing

Different Classes of Shares

Defensive Stocks and Cyclical Stocks

Risks of Equity Investment

Managing Risks and Asset Allocation

Equity ETFs

Financial Planning & Wealth Management (FPWM)â„¢

Asset Classes and Financial Markets is part of the Financial Planning & Wealth Management (FPWM)â„¢, which includes 25 courses.

Skills Learned

Financial Learning, Business Development, Investment Management, Practice Management, Relationship Management
Career Prep

Financial Planner, Investment Advisor, Portfolio Manager