Kurt Ballou – Fix It In The Mix



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Kurt Ballou – Fix It In The Mix

17 Video lessons in HD
4h 56m of class content


Intro And Overview
General Techniques
Kick Drum Techniques
Kick Drum Questions
Tom Drum Techniques
Snare And Tom Q&A
Overhead Mic Techniques
Room Mic Techniques
Overhead And Room Mic Q&A
Bass Guitar Techniques
Guitar Techniques
Vocal Techniques
Master Bus Techniques
Drumatom Techniques
Snare Drum Techniques
Kick Drum Techniques II
Snare Drum Techniques II


Techniques For Fixing Bad Audio

The best way to get a great recording is to start with great source material, but that’s not always possible. Occasionally you are stuck with a less-than-perfect recording and the only thing you can do is to try and clean it up.
Lucky for you, there are reliable techniques for restoring poorly recorded audio, and Kurt Ballou will teach you everything you need to know in Fix it in the Mix.
While replacing drums with samples and reamping guitars are often effective ways to rebuild a sub-par recording, they are time-consuming and can diminish the uniqueness of the original recording.
Fix it in the Mix will explore organic approaches to recovering and enhancing the natural tones from the original performances. Kurt will use recordings from real-world scenarios and walk you through, in detail, the audio restoration process.
In Fix it in the Mix, Kurt will show you how to think outside of the box to come up with creative solutions to audio restoration problems every engineer has faced.

Kurt Ballou is the brains behind Boston, MA’s Godcity Studios. One of the most prolific producers in metal/hardcore/punk, he’s worked with a laundry list of bands including everyone from Champion and Have Heart to Kvelertak, Cave In and Nails.