Wondrium – This Day in History: October



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Wondrium – This Day in History: October
This Day in History: October
Look back in time and examine the amazing events that happened on this day in history and which helped shape the world as we know it.
01:October 4, 1957: The USSR Launches Sputnik 1

See how the launch of Sputnik 1 impacted America’s role in the space race and quickly furthered our research and technology in a way nothing else has since then.
02:October 14, 1066: William Conquers England

Examine how Duke William the Bastard of Normandy led the Normans to victory, created a strong feudal government, and fortified England as a powerful and influential nation—and, in doing so, shaped the history of Europe and the world.
03:October 15, 1844: Friedrich Nietzsche Is Born

Celebrate the birth and philosophical contributions of Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche as you join an esteemed professor to explore Nietzsche’s work. Nietzsche’s most famous claim that “God is dead,” has haunted Continental thinkers throughout the 20th and 21st centuries.
04:October 29, 1969: International Internet Day

Join Vint Cerf, who is widely considered one of the “fathers of the internet,” to walk through the moments and events that eventually led to the development of the internet.
05:October 6, 2010: Instagram Is Launched

Instagram is one of the fastest-growing apps today. It’s the social media platform where the concept of influencers first became popular. Learn about this highly relevant platform for brand ambassadors to engage customers.
06:October 21, 1824: Portland Cement Is Patented

Follow the story of how Joseph Aspdin, a bricklayer from Leeds, patented a versatile building material that would revolutionize construction and transform the world’s architectural landscape.
07:October 16, 1962: Cuban Missile Crisis Begins

Discover how the Cuban missile crisis would test the Kennedy administration at a time when nuclear war seemed one misstep away.
08:October 27, 1997: Asian Financial Crisis Hits

On October 27, 1997, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 7.2% due to a financial crisis in Asia. Join Donald Harreld to learn how this event, known as “the mini-crash,” had been a long time in the making, and why it was an early indicator that even worse financial disasters were coming.
09:Halloween, 1970: The Zodiac Killer Sends an Eerie Card

The identity of the Zodiac Killer and the true extent of his crimes has never been established, and to this day remains one of the great unsolved mysteries. Sleuths have long tried to decipher the meaning of the cryptic clues and encoded messages he left behind, like a strange crosshairs symbol found in messages like the Halloween card.
Look back in time and examine the amazing events that happened on this day in history and which helped shape the world as we know it.