Kristie Chiles – Seo Keyword Map For Your Shop – The Riches Are In The Keywords, Here’S How (71 Page Pdf)



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Kristie Chiles – Seo Keyword Map For Your Shop – The Riches Are In The Keywords, Here’S How (71 Page Pdf)
What is the difference between your adorable Etsy shop making 0 sales and potentially growing to 100 Sales?
The exciting news is that it is very possible that
you are only a few tweaks away.
If you follow what I am about to teach you in this guide, and do it consistently every single day, you will most certainly see your visitor views and potentially, grow your sales.
We’ll discuss free and paid methods of bringing buyers straight to your Etsy storefront to buy what you’ve worked so hard to create!
Since you may be a Mom trying to pay for dance lessons, or even supplement the grocery bill, you may be hungry for some free traffic methods that only cost your time.
Plus, if you have little ones at home, you can do these methods, while they are napping or playing. This is your time to tweak your shop to bring in some SALES.
In this sweet little Guide, I’ll show you how to get lots more VIEWS, which are potential sales.
One of the ways to get visitors interested in learning more about your Etsy shop, is for them to learn more about you. So, be sure to fill out the ABOUT section in your Etsy shop.
It’s important for people to know you, like and trust you. Tell them your story so they can connect and relate to you on an emotional basis. People buy on emotion, not necessarily what they NEED.