Antoine Bishara – CFI Education – Renewable Energy – Solar Financial Modeling



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Antoine Bishara – CFI Education – Renewable Energy – Solar Financial Modeling
Renewable Energy: Solar Financial Modeling
Project-based financial modeling is very different from corporate modeling. Learn the differences by working through a hands-on case study on a solar power project.

Define key renewable energy industry terms
Understand the development and operating timelines
Learn about typical funding structures in the renewable energy industry while building a robust valuation model

Recommended Prep Courses
These preparatory courses are optional, but we recommend you to complete the stated prep course(s) or possess the equivalent knowledge before enrolling in this course:

Excel Crash Course
Building a 3 Statement Financial Model
Business Valuation Modeling

Renewable Energy – Solar Financial Modeling Course Overview
This Renewable Energy – Solar Financial Modeling course covers critical concepts in evaluating a renewable energy project. This advanced course will guide you through a case study on a solar energy project. You’ll be given a confidential information memorandum (CIM) containing all the project details and financials you will need to build a financial model and analyze the return to investors.
Renewable Energy Learning Objectives
By completing this course, you’ll be able to:

Learn the definition of renewable energy and important terms used in the industry.
Understand the development timeline and funding structure of a solar project.
Construct a robust financial model for a solar project based on the provided assumptions.
Calculate the key return metrics (NPV, IRR, credit metrics, cash flow, and payback) and capital stack to assess the project’s profitability.

Why take this renewable energy course?
This Renewable Energy – Solar Financial Modeling course is built around a comprehensive solar energy case study. Upon completing this course, you’ll be able to construct an industry-specific financial model to evaluate the profitability of a renewable energy project.
Who should take this renewable energy course?
This renewable energy financial modeling course is designed for finance professionals who are looking to develop advanced financial modeling skills or want to learn how to build a financial model for a renewable energy project.
What you’ll learn

Course introduction

Solar case study overview

Case study details

Downloadable files
Renewable Energy Overview

Learning objectives

Renewable energy

Key renewable energy terms

Other key renewable energy terms

Key financing terms

Corporate vs project finance

Financial model goals
Return Metrics

Determining the IRR

Return metrics
Financial Model – Layout and Structure

Model structure and formatting
Financial Model – Assumptions Section

Assumptions section

Date periods

Energy production and capex assumptions

PPA assumptions

Operating costs assumptions

Tax rates financing assumptions and PPA term pricing
Financial Model – Financial Section

Financial section

Year periods


Expenses and EBITDA
Financial Model – Returns Section

Returns section

Discounting year for debt

Debt covenants

Maximum debt sizing

Interest and target principal amount

Debt schedule

Debt service coverage ratios

Depreciation schedule

Tax shelter and taxes payable

Tax shelter section audit

EBITDA and adjustments

FCFE and project IRR

Running IRR, cash-on-cash, running cash-on-cash


Acquisition cost
Financial Model – Sensitivity Analysis

Sensitivity analysis overview

Sensitivity analysis on IRR and payback
Charts and Graphs

Charts and graphs overview

Linking the data

Pie chart – construction costs and capital stack

Bar chart – return data

Download completed model

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Qualified Assessment

Qualified assessment