
Amie Tollefsrud – Instapreneur

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Amie Tollefsrud – Instapreneur
But, by…

Simply being YOURSELF

Knowing the EXACT type of content your audience is looking for

AND where to find them

Maybe you…

Have been stuck at a few hundred followers for months (or even years…) now, and are at a loss for how to grow your Instagram account organically
Feel confused about all of the conflicting information on hashtags, algorithms, DMs, pods, bots, “shadowban”, etc.
Seem to only attract competitors or other accounts in the same industry as you, instead of potential clients
Have Instagrammer’s block: you never know what to post, when to post it, or take 30 minutes just to think of a caption
Wonder how YOUR account is ever going to stand out from the crowd, when it seems like everyone else is doing the exact same thing as you (but growing faster!)
Are still too scared to show your face on Insta-stories

This Instagram Strategy Includes:

Niching down

Branding my message

Knowing who my audience is and exactly where to find them

SERVING my audience – not “selling”

Upping my photo quality

Actually EDITING my photos

Creating a cohesive feed

Writing captions that connect

Establishing a Hashtag strategy

Leveraging the “algorithm”

Instagram stories

…and more

And now I’ve turned this strategy into an easily duplicatable, step by step guide called…
The Step-By-Step Guide To Gaining Loyal Followers, Increasing Engagement, Standing Out From The Crowd, and Monetizing Your Business, All Using Instagram.
And now I want to share my entire Instagram strategy with YOU 
Here’s what’s included:
Class Curriculum

Welcome to InstaPreneur!
Start Here! + Important Links (2:27)
0.1 Instagram Goal Setting + Your “Why” (3:06)

Instagram for Business

1.1 Niche Marketing (6:53)
1.2 Your Unique Brand Message (7:19)
1.3 Visual & Personal Branding (7:04)
1.4 How to Use Instagram for Business (5:31)
1.5 Personal vs. Business Accounts (9:17)

Optimize Your Instagram Account

2.1 Your Bio (6:29)
2.2 Your Photos/Editing with iPhone (14:54)
2.3 Your Feed (10:27)
2.4 Your Captions (6:59)
2.5 Your Hashtags (23:19)

Instagram Growth Hacks

3.1 Growth Strategies (23:04)
3.2 Where to Find Your Ideal Audience on Instagram (7:35)
3.3 Tagging Accounts (4:28)
3.4 Beating the Algorithm (25:30)
3.5 Instagram Stories (13:43)
3.6 How To Be Great On Camera *BONUS* (4:36)

Planning/Monetizing Your Instagram Account

4.1 Planning Your Instagram Content (8:20)
4.2 Getting Your Audience OFF Instagram (3:42)
4.3 Making Money From Your Instagram Account (7:29)
4.4 Instagram Tools & Resources
4.5 Rebelle’s Guide to Instagram (1:42)
4.6 Reaching Out To Brands (+ Scripts!) BONUS

IG Tutorials

The Ultimate Guide To Branded Instagram Stories (11:07)
Switching to a Business Account (1:04)
Navigating Multiple IG Accounts (0:38)
Reading/Interpreting Your Business Analytics (4:01)
Instagram Bio Tutorial (1:04)
How to Edit Photos With Just Your Phone (5:30)
How To Show Up In The Top Posts For a Specific Hashtag (2:57)
Loop Giveaways (1:33)
How To Turn On Post Notifications (1:11)
How to Size a Photo For Instagram Stories (1:06)
‘Later’ Tutorial (3:38)
Hashtag Analytics (1:06)
Following Hashtags (0:35)
How to auto-publish your posts (using Later!) (3:40)
How to size your photos for you Instagram feed