Sonia Stringer – Magic Words to Selling and Sponsoring Coaching Program


Learn how a simple change in your SAYING can make a big difference.

Easy BOOST your sales and Recruitment results by

 Sonia Stringer – Magic Words to Selling and Sponsoring Coaching Program

Feeling frustrated because so many people just don’t see

What is the value of your products?
Learn how a simple change in your SAYING can make a big difference.

You can easily Boost Your Sales and Recruitment results by

25-60% in the next month!…
Catch the Replay Magic Words Training Session with Steve Wiltshire’s Group
Click here to View this 60 minute training session. and Learn simple methods to

Get more bookings and sales immediately and Find new business partners
Password: Wiltshire
And if you’re interested in the longer coaching program – please see details below.

“The Magic Words to Selling and Sponsoring”

What to Say When You Talk About Your Business — So People Easily GET IT —

Buy Your Products and Join Your Team
Interactive Coaching Program With Sonia Stringer

From: Sonia Stringer — San Diego, CA

To: Savvy women around the world
Re: A Simple Method to Increase Your Sales Immediately and Recruiting Results!
Hello lovely ladies!
If you’re like many of the gals I work with in network marketing/direct sales…I bet you LOVE your products and Your business and Are excited about growing your company.
You should! There has been. There has never been a better moment to be building a business from home — for 3 BIG reasons:

The Economy: All the shifts and People are inspired by the unpredictability that has been evident over the past few years. to Find new ways to Make money. Everybody needs a Plan B. But now, more people are aware of it! That’s great news for you and Your business.
Technology: The internet and Facebook tools and Twitter makes it easy to Develop customers, connect with new leads and You can build a team anywhere in the world. Because of this — people who previously weren’t that interested in direct sales are seeing the potential, and getting involved.
Women are leaving the corporate world in DROVES to Start a business from home. Recent statistics indicate More than 400 women are starting businesses each day. From your home and Many of these gals are perfect for your opportunity.

You and Your business is in the middle three amazing trends. More opportunities to Make big money and Your business will make a big difference in the next few decades than ever before. But there’s only one problem.
How can you help others? “see what you see” and get excited to Purchase your products and join your team?
This is the greatest challenge women face right now. This is the biggest challenge women face right now. How many people do you know, right now, who definitely need your products…or desperately need another income source…but when you share your business with them, they just don’t “get it”…and You can end up frustrated. And if this doesn’t change, how many more sales or recruiting opportunities will you miss out on, just because you can’t get others to See the value in what is already yours?
Here’s something REALLY important I want you to know.
If you aren’t making the money you’d like to be in your business…it’s not because of what you are DOING, it’s because of what you are SAYING.
And it’s NOT your fault! Most people have never been taught how to do this. to communicate about our businesses, so others can easily SEE THE VALUE in what we’re sharing, then get excited to Buy from us and join our team!
If you wish to Register for more classes and One-to-One meeting that sticks, sell twice as many products and Find business partners who will take you seriously to the top of your company…You have to to Learn how to Communicate so people understand the value of what your offering. and Get involved!
And that’s EXACTLY what you’ll be learning through the “Magic Words” program.
Welcoming to The Magic Words Coaching Program!
Get ready to These are the steps that many women use every day. to Increase their bookings and sales and Results from 25 recruiting-60% – IYou can pay as little as a month! What you are all about to Learning is truly “life and business-changing”!
By taking part in this program you will…

Learn the psychology behind selling and sponsoring, so you can Elegantly influence People to make decisions and Get involved.
Explore the #1 thing your prospects require to Let them know about your business and products that will inspire you to Get out your checkbook (and happily sign up)…
Find out more Most common mistake every networker makes that is killing your results…and What to Even the most skeptical people can agree to this statement. at your business…
Learn how to “craft powerful messages” This will literally double your appointments and sales and recruiting results…
Find out What to When networking, say “live” so people are excited to give you their business card….
Be informed What to Say it when you set up an appointment Invite someone to A presentation so people not only say yes, they actually show up…
Find out how to Talk about your products and Business on-Line so people pay attention. and Want to Learn more about what you do.
Learn how to Write “power messages” In emails and You can attract great leads by putting your website up and generate a lot more sales…

If you want people to see what you have to say on Facebook, Twitter and other platforms, you need to know what you should be saying. to Contact us about your business…
Feel totally excited to approach people About your business Because your work is so successful and You are attracting more people to join your team.
Develop your skills to Keep your employees engaged in your business Even after they have joined, it is still a long time before they are reunited.
Find out how to Teach your team to You can easily duplicate your results to increase sales by 25% or more.

By the end of this program – you’ll be able to talk about your business in such a powerful way you’ll easily be recruiting new business partners and Selling more products without having to to Do not be pushy or salesy.
Why not take part in this Program?

If you’re like most women in network marketing/direct sales — you already have a FULL plate between building your business, taking care of your family and juggling the many priorities in your life…so You will probably need another “to do” Your list should be like a hole in your head.
In addition, you’re probably already plugged into other coaching calls, or taking part in your company’s training, so aren’t you already doing enough? What do you really need? to Register for more training??
That’s a very important question, and Before you make a decision, it is worth asking this question. to Take part in the Magic Words program.
I recently surveyed many gals who’d gone through these sessions, curious to Find out how they saw learning the benefits for themselves. Magic Words approach. After going through all the feedback, it became clear that there were Participating in this program brought about 5 benefits.
Decide to join, here’s how you can expect to You can also benefit from this.

Big Benefit #1 — You’ll Feel More Comfortable Approaching People About Your Business, and Leading a Conversation…

Do you ever feel nervous or tongue-tied?-Are you open to having a discussion about your business? No more! This approach makes it easier (and effective) to introduce people to your products, business or both…in a way that helps them see value, without feeling “sold”.
Big Benefit #2 — You’ll Find it a LOT Easier to Book Meetings, Classes or Product Presentations…

Asking most people is the best way to find out. to sit down and look at your products/biz…or host a class for you, you likely get a lot of pushback. You will learn the Magic Words approach, you’ll become very skilled at helping people see “what’s in it for them” — and find it’s much easier to Make sure to book solid appointments to fill your schedule.
Big Benefit #3 — You Can Sell More Products At Every Meeting or Demonstration You Hold

What if you could make 25 sales?-How can you get 30% more products at your next meetings, and not have to work harder? That’s very possible when you learn this approach, because you can shift from “giving a long-winded presentation” to It is important to show people how your products can help them in many different ways. When you know how to make sales, it’s easy. to Do this.
Big Benefit #4 — You’ll Find it’s MUCH Easier to You can recruit people to your business

Most people don’t really “get” what your business can do FOR them, so it’s just easier to say they’re not interested, don’t have time, etc. All of that changes when you use the Magic Words approach. You’ll become very skilled at helping your prospects see how your business can give them EXACTLY what they most want — generating more interest, and You can recruit many more people to your team.
Big Benefit #5 — You’ll Become an Even Better Coach to Your Team and Help them quickly boost their productivity Selling and Sponsoring Results

Perhaps the greatest benefit of this program is you won’t just boost your own sales and recruiting results, you’ll also develop the skills to Your team will also benefit from your quick results. They will be grateful that you helped them make money quickly. and Will have more confidence and belief and Engagement to Keep active.

Program Details — When You Register in the Magic Words Program,

You’ll Get INSTANT Access to…

8+ hours of video training. You’ll learn the ENTIRE Magic Words approach, and Learn how to This approach is recommended to book more appointments — generate more sales at every meeting…recruit new leaders…generate ON-GOING sales from your current customers — inspire your team to fire up and get into activity — use at networking events to attract new business — use on-line (Facebook, etc) to attract new leads — and You can do more!

MP3 Recordings of Every Call — Along with the video training, you’ll also receive audio recordings of every session, so you can download these and You can take them anywhere (in your car). to The gym, etc. This will be a great addition to Your “success library” and You can listen to They will be back and Again, you can do this on your computer, iPod or other Mp3 player.

Big Fat Workbook — 100 plus pages, chock-Contains many examples and notes. and “done for you” cheat sheets that do the work for you, so it’s EASY to instantly apply what you’re learning to Get new customers and You can get results from recruiting in your business.

Live Q & A Coaching Sessions with Sonia: You’ll have the opportunity to Connect live and get answers to Any questions you may have as well as additional coaching on how to answer them. to use what you’re learning in your own business.