SINN – Complete Day Game From A to Z Mastery Program


Are you thinking it is difficult to get women to bed? You won’t after reading this important message … Finally Revealed! The Simple, Proven Method.-To-Follow the System

SINN – Complete Day Game From A to Z Mastery Program

Are you thinking it is difficult to get women in bed? You won’t after reading this important message …
Finally! The Proven, Easy Method-To-Follow System For Getting ALL Of The Hot, Sexy Women You Could Ever Want … Without Ever Setting Foot Into A Bar or Club
This Could Be The Greatest Lady-Ever Created a Getting system? You decide.
Miami, Florida Thursday, 2:01 p.m.

Dear Friend
This is the most important message of the year. It will give you the inside secrets to getting all the results you desire with women while also earning the respect (and even envy!) of your peers. Here’s why…
I’ve just released my Complete Day Game From A To Z Mastery Program. The program is a COMPLETE STEPPING STEP-By-Step system to get the EXACT dating or sex life you want, regardless of where you are at the moment.
This might sound like a lot of hype, right? I understand your concerns. But as you read this letter, you’ll discover that not only is it possible for you to get the exact results with women that you want, but it’s actually A It’s a lot easier than you might think. And I’m actually going to PROVE it to you…
But, I need to make sure you have the right information. to Know who I am, and why you should listen. to You in the first place.
I’m Sinn, I’ve gained some notoriety in the past few years for being one of the top pick-The world’s top artists. Right now I’ve reached a point where I have true power and choice with women. It’s a great feeling, but it wasn’t always this way…
It wasn’t long ago, in fact, that I hit rock bottom. to Dealing with women. It all started when my only girlfriend dumped me, and I had sex with two guys the next week.
It was crushing.
I felt a mix of anger, frustration and depression that I had never experienced before. This was my only girlfriend and I felt that I would never have another. This may be something you can relate to.
Fortunately, persistence was something I had always had. I became determined to Do everything you can to This is what you call it “dealing with women” handled.
For the next five years, I traveled the world, took over TEN THOUSAND approach, and studied directly under some of my top picks.-I was a professional artist in the world and I have studied every aspect of art. to Increase my success with women
I eventually will. “cracked the code” and became so good at this that I’ve developed a reputation as a world class pick-up artist I also have a well-I have a track record of students who have transformed their relationships as a result using my material.
Although you may not be aware of it, DAY GAME is one thing I am proud of for my success. to More than anything.
You see, when I started out, I wasn’t able to Go to bars or clubs like most men because I was not allowed to. I was underage. to You can learn my trade by trying out different approaches in places like the coffee shop, book store, or street.
It wasn’t easy when I started out, but eventually after years of studying and trial and error, I put together the ultimate system for meeting women in the day time.
I started teaching in 2004. “Version 1.0” This system was when I was the lead instructor in one of the largest picks-All over the world, you can start companies. The system is so simple that anyone can use. to Get amazing results fast
We are currently using Version 3.0. It has been thoroughly tested and refined.-proof at this time that I firmly believe it is…
The Most Powerful Woman-The Most Innovative Getting System Ever Created!
Don’t believe me? Let me ask you this…
Would you like to be able to get a steady stream of amazing women…

Without having to You can enter a bar or club by simply walking in.

Without having to Remember lots of cheesy words “pick-up lines”

You don’t have to spend a lot of time chasing girls. “doing sets”

Without having to You should be concerned about the stigma attached to meeting women via the Internet

Without being creepy “patterns”, magic tricks or any other lame gimmicks

Would you like to? to All of this while still having plenty of time to devote to Things like your career, hobbies, or just plain being. “goofing off”? You can have it all and more when the power of Day Game.
If you want to live with amazing women, then Day Game The fastest way is BY FAR to Get there. Why? Because beautiful women are all around us during the day and it is much easier to see them. to You can attract and seduce them in daytime environments, rather than if you tried. to You can meet them in a bar, club, or other place.
You can find bars and clubs that offer alcohol. to Deal with competition from other guys. You must have to You will be able to entertain groups. You can entertain groups. to You will be able to You have a slew of distractions that could distract the girl at any time. to You will also need to deal with other logistical issues. However, these factors are not always present.
Becoming A Ladies Man… The Easy Way!
Day Game Truly, THE shortcut to Amazing women have given me incredible success. I have personally slept with over 150 women that I’ve met in the day time, including everything from professional women like doctors and lawyers to pin-I have met many strippers, actresses, and models in my time as a Hooters girl. Right now, I’m laying about four new girls a month just from Day Game.
You may think that my results are a fluke. But there is more. “special” About me. I don’t blame your for thinking this. It is not true. Let me tell you about a few other people that I’ve taught the Day Game system to…
Case Study #1: From Virgin To Professional Pick-Up Artists Though The Power Of Day Game!
You may have heard me recount the story of Doc Holiday who attended my classes. Day Game Seminar was his first experience as a teacher a few years ago, while still a virgin. He lost his virginity after the seminar and was so good at the day game that he decided to teach it for a living.
He slept with over 25 women during the year following the seminar. He also had multiple threesomes. He did this by only playing day game. He’s what he had to You can read more about my teachings here:

“Overall, learning from Sinn was an eye-opening experience. Sinn is an amazing guy and great teacher who I honestly believes cares a lot about his students. If you have the time and money, I would 100% recommend you learn from him.”

Case Study #2: An Ex-Social Anxiety Sufferer Now Sleeps with Nine Women in 30 Days Using My System
Alex, a student of mine, struggled with severe social anxiety. He couldn’t even hold a conversation before he started using my material.
But recently, he’s used my system to In the past 30 Days, he has slept with 9 new women! He went from meeting to sleeping with one of these girls! to You can have sex in under 45 minutes Here’s what he just told me recently:

“I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done for me. Prior to studying your material I had only two girlfriends and had slept with only six women in my entire life. Now I have the power and choice with women I’ve always wanted. It’s been truly life-changing. Thanks again.”

I know that not everybody needs it. to Be a professional picker-Up artist? Sleep with nine girls in one month? to Feel like a success.
A Many guys would be happy to have two or three newsgirls per month, like Omar in our last case study.
Case Study #3: A former loser with girls now sleeps with two to three new girls A Month!
Omar, another graduate of my Day Game seminar. Before attending the seminar, he had slept with only two girls all his life. He now sleeps with an average of two girls each night. to Three new girls A My system is available for use for a month!
And there’s more. There’s more. In fact, we’ll share what others are saying coming up. But first, there’s something else I need to address…
I know there is a chance that you’re heard about the amazing results others have gotten, but aren’t sure if they’re possible for you. There is a chance that you’ve tried Day Game but haven’t been able to get the results you’re after.
Maybe you don’t know exactly how to approach because the girls always seem busy and you feel like you’re “bothering” them. Or maybe you’ve made some approaches and haven’t been able to It’s possible to do that! “spark.” Or maybe you’ve gotten a few numbers that they all ended up as flakes.
If this is you, then I have some VERY good news you for you…
If you’re truly serious about getting the success with women that you want and are ready to see your game EXPLODE then you’ll be excited that I’ve distilled every shred of knowledge I have about Day Game The most powerful girl-getting system ever created, It’s called…
The Complete Day Game From A to Z Mastery Program!
This is my opinion, the best and most comprehensive training course in the world of seduction. Here’s some of what you’ll discover in this amazing program:

My complete Day Game Model revealed for the very first time! (Now you’ll know exactly what to What should you say? to say it — from initial approach to sizzling seduction

A This is a very simple way to sexualize your conversations quickly (in the first 30 seconds). And when you do, you’ll make sure that the conversation you’ve having will lead to Your bedroom is your sanctuary. to The dreaded “friend zone” – or even worse)

How to You can easily create huge attraction during the day (believe me, it is so much easier than you might think). These simple attraction tricks will help you multiply your success in no time!

Specific, each step-By-Step strategies for meeting women in any daytime situation that you can imagine. You are looking for to Meet women in coffee shops, cafes, gyms and stores, or on the streets. I’ll show you EXACTLY how in painstaking detail!

How to Confidently speak to Beautiful women you believe are “out of your league.” (You’ll become envy of your friends and peers once you apply these simple tactics.)

The perfect questions to Ask during your initial approach what will DESTROY any chance of “getting rejected.”

A A simple inner shift can instantly increase your success with women. This change in thinking only takes 30 seconds and can lead to a lifetime worth of success with women!

The secret to success to Many guys miss the opportunity to open during the day. (After you get this down you’ll never feel like you’re “interrupting” Or “bothering” You can approach a woman again if you are ever in contact with her!

6 proven ways to “frame” The interaction is almost as sexy as it gets. to These are so good that I get laid literally every time I use them. They’re THAT good!)

Dozens more of the best “openers” ever devised for day game! (All have been fielded.-Tested to The nth Degree through thousands and even thousands of approaches. You will find the word-for-word transcripts for each one.

A Very simple strategy to get girls to Chase you! This tactic is used by every man who is successful with women. However, it remains unknown. to almost everyone else.)

Revealed: The Ultimate Attraction Test (with this, you’ll quickly know whether or not the girl is going to Sleep with you. The best part? This test can be completed in five minutes. to her! Talk about efficiency.

Secrets to doing “direct” Approaches in the morning! (when you do this right, you’ll lay more girls in ONE MONTH than most other guys do in a year. I’ll show you exactly, step-By-step, word-For-word how to Direct approaches should be done in the right way!

Five simple words will almost eliminate flakes forever. This technique alone is worth the admission fee and more. It was a great technique that my students and I discovered helped girls to always show up on dates. It’s that powerful.)

Success-Multiplying Secrets of Phone Game (everyone who’s met me tells me that I have the best phone game they’ve seen, this section breaks down all my best phone game strategies.)

Breakthrough tactics for making sure you’re always ready to approach. (So the next time you see a beautiful woman, you’ll be naturally compelled to talk to her — without even thinking about it!)

Closely guarded secrets for Accelerated Comfort (I’ll show you how you can make a girl feel like she’s known you for years in less than an hour. The end result is that she’ll CRAVE being around you so much that a successful seduction is virtually guaranteed!)

Discover the secrets to moving sets! (Many men believe that moving sets can be difficult. They’re actually super-It is easy to master the basic Secrets of Moving Sets. You can quickly learn them and apply them.

That’s just a small sample of what you’ll find in the Day Game From A to Z Mastery Program. There is no filler or fluff. It is all beef.

“I hooked up with some girls I never imagined I could!”
“In the past month since the seminar my confidence has grown and grown. I have stabilized my social circle situation and hooked up with some girls I never imagined that I ever could. I know that I have a long way to go and a lot of learning to do but I know that Sinn will be there when I need him as I journey along. The whole experience has added value to my life and has helped me grow towards that better me I am looking to achieve. I like the way Sinn is always looking to better understand pick up and I would not even hesitate recommending any of his products regardless your level of experience.”

This is pretty cool!

Exactly What’s Included In The Complete Day Game From A to Z Mastery Program
Day Game Mastery Core Materials
All core materials are designed to My entire day game system was explained in detail. They provide everything you could want. to Learn about meeting women at night and ending up naked in bed with them. to Before you approach, then move on to Approaching, creating attraction and getting phone numbers, setting dates and other things.
You will find manuals, audios, and other reference material in the program. Additionally, since all of the materials are hard copies, you’ll be able to Refer easily to They are repeated over and over again. Look out for a big box. Hopefully the package courier doesn’t throw his back out.
Here’s a breakdown of the Day Game Mastery Core Components
1) DVD and CD recordings of my legendary Day Game Seminar
DVD recordings of my legendary $997 are the core of the program. Day Game Seminar. Seminar. Day Game I attended the seminar three years ago. After that, I spent A It takes a lot of energy and time to tweak and test the various products. Day Game Techniques and strategies
The whole thing was then recorded in late last year. These recordings are the FIRST and LAST word. Day Game. Period. Check out my entire video. Day Game System come to These DVDs will help you live a more fulfilling life. You’ll get EVERY strategy of my entire system in painstaking detail.
Audio CDs are included for listening at home or in the gym. It’s just like sitting in on the $997 per person Day Game Seminar!
2) The Day Game From A to Z Master Manual
This massive Manual will give you all the information that you need to Apply the material quickly. It breaks down every component of the Day Game System for quick and easy reference
3) Live Infield Footage
That’s right. You get a DVD with FOUR separate DVDs. Day I made DETAILED breakdowns and time approaches as well.
Infield footage is one of the most valuable learning tools for game. You will instantly improve your game by just watching the breakdowns and watching what I do.
With this DVD, you’ll see me do direct approaches, indirect approaches, breeze through attraction and comfort, set up dates and get solid phone numbers.
It’s very cool because this is where the information in the seminar DVDs really comes to life and you’ll then be able to This information can be quickly and easily applied to your next outing and talk to girls. This end result is that you’ll get serious results FAST!
These 8 Bonuses are yours!
Special Bonus #1 A Special Module on how to overcome Approach Anxiety. I’m sorry to hear that you might have anxiety about approach. If so, don’t worry, we got you covered. You can watch a video tutorial online that shows you how to do it. to You can conquer your anxiety once and for everything. A $97 value.
Special Bonus #2: The Inside Game Report: to Think Like A Ladies Man. This special report goes into details on the exact thought processes that separate people that are successful with women from those that aren’t. This is NEW stuff that I’ve never shared before. A Value: $47.00
Trouble Shooting: Special Bonus #3 Day Game audio CD. A A few weeks ago, I sent out the survey to everyone and asked them their biggest questions. Day Game. I went through your responses and made a special CD from your feedback. If you have any questions that weren’t covered on the seminar DVDs then you can rest assured that they were covered here. A $127.00 value.
Special Bonus #4: Audio Interview With Vin Dicarlo on Same Day Lays. Would you like? to Meet a girl and go to bed the same day. You’ll find out how in this interview. It’s packed with very specific step-By-Step strategies A $97.00 value.
Special Bonus #5 – Audio interview with Doc Holiday regarding how to master direct day game. Doc Holiday is a master of Day Game. Directly, he reveals his secrets-Style Day Game In this exclusive interview. A $97 value.
Special Bonus #6 – How to Learn how to master the instant date audioCD. Instant dates are a key. to Day game success. This CD will show you exactly how to do it. to Master the instant date. A $97 value.
Special Bonus #7 – Lay Reports Books Limited Day Game Edition. You will also receive a special limited edition version of my Lay Reports Books that includes an updated section. Day Game THREE brand NEW Day Game Lay reports (all of them occurred within the last three month).
Special Bonus #8 – TWO Months of Free Membership to Sinn’s Inner Circle. In Sinn’s Inner Circle, each month you’re going to Get a monthly audio CD that focuses on a specific, important topic. You’re not only going to get a CD delivered to you every month, you’re also going to Get a transcript from the CD and my award-winning “Skill-Set-Inner Game/Lifestyle printed newsletter
You also get access to other resources. to the Sinn’s Inner Circle private forum where you can share ideas, post field reports, and get feedback from me and my highly trained instructors on your game.
You’ll get access to You can reach me via open calls within days. Throughout the year, I’ll set aside significant blocks of time only for Sinn’s Inner Circle Members. You’ll get a private call-in number where you can contact me directly and I’ll personally answer any questions you have.