Dr Pedram Shojai – Gateway To Health


Every day, new discoveries are made about how our mouths, jaws, saliva, and teeth influence our health and well-being.-being.

Dr Pedram Shojai – Gateway To Health

Heal your mouth. Heal your body.
Protect, Nourish, and Promote Yourself ‘Mouth Microbes’ Superior Immunity Health Health and Wellbeing

Why your teeth could be making you sick…
Are you concerned about bleeding, red, or raw gums? Listen up!
Did you know… bacteria in the mouth of a pregnant woman can transfer to the baby in the womb?

Did you know… imbalances in your mouth microbes are now being linked to diabetes, cancer, and alzheimer’s disease? And…

Did you know… experts believe we’re right on the cusp of a golden age in oral health?
Every day, new discoveries are made about how our mouths, jaws, saliva, and teeth influence our health and well-being.-being.
In Gateway To Health: Healing Secrets of the Oral Biome, I’ve brought together leading experts from the field of oral health to discuss the new science of the oral biome.

Here’s what you’ll discover in GATEWAY TO HEALTH: Healing Secrets of the Oral Biome…

Episode 1: Mouth Matters
The #1 cause of a cavity (and it’s NOT sugar)…

Bleeding gums? Listen up: these cavity critters can work their way into your heart valves, the gut and your blood flow…

How chronic disease begins in the mouth… and what we can do to repair, restore and rejuvenate the oral biome and our overall health…

Our health is influenced by our oral bacteria. The surprising link between what we eat, and the crowding in our teeth.

How to get healthy bacteria back in our mouths and why we don’t eat well.-enhancing oral biome…
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Episode 2: Know Thy Mouth
How to maintain a healthy dental biome. Clue: the answer is NOT to nuke your mouth with antibiotics…

#1 thing to do to maintain healthy pH in your mouth. (And why flossing, brushing, visiting the hygienist alone won’t cut it).

Why the next frontier of medicine can be found in… plaque!

Why being ‘long in the tooth’ is a warning sign of underlying disease…

How to crowd the “bad bugs” in your mouth and restore the delicate balance of good and bad bacteria…
Episode 3: Oral Climate Change
The harmful bacteria that sticks to our teeth, secretes acid and gradually breaks down our enamel…

The shocking link between gum disease and Type 2 diabetes…

Where 70% of your saliva really comes from (and it’s not us)

How the shape of your jaw can cause potentially deadly sleep problems…

The surprising link between stress and tooth decay…
Episode 4: Beyond The Mouth
If the body’s largest source of chronic inflammation is not because of diet or lack of exercise… then what is it? The truth will shock you…

How do you have a baby? Why taking care of your gums is vital for a healthy pregnancy…

Why dentistry is not what it used to be… the great chasm between dentistry and medicine 150 years ago…

Why the gut begins in the mouth…

How bad bacteria can cross the bloodstream and enter the brain, triggering a cascade of serious health issues…
Episode 5: Conflict and Oral Controversy
The truth about fillings: Are they necessary to save teeth? Or are we putting toxic material in our mouths.

What to do if you suspect an infection in an old root canal…

The link between jaw injections and heart disease…

The simple test you should take before undergoing any dental procedure…

Everything you need to know about implants… foreign bodies that may trigger a reaction or are they safe and similar to our own tissue?
Episode 6: Restorative Dentistry
Restore your teeth to full health, function and beauty: The newest, cutting edge science in restorative dentistry…

Bad for your health, brushing your teeth is a bad idea.

Are you experiencing a toothache that requires a root canal? These new technologies show why we don’t have to suffer from toothache-pulling again…

The incredible new tool that can optimize a patient’s healing process…

How to stop bad bacteria from sneaking between gum and bone and into the bloodstream…
Download immediately Dr Pedram Shojai – Gateway To Health
Episode 7: Fear, Pain, and The Future
Do you feel anxious and afraid about visiting the dentist? These new technological breakthroughs can put your mind at ease…

The new science that’s changing the game for modern day dentistry…

How can it be?-Lasers that penetrate the teeth will replace them-yanking of old…

The future of teeth care from the top minds in the oral health space…

This secret will change the way you eat, brush, floss and even chew gum… forever!
Heal The Mouth. Heal the Body

All Seven Episodes Available on Demand
Plus: 200-Page Companion Guide… $500 Savings On The Latest Oral Health Products… Full Color Food Chart… At Home Teeth Whitening Guide… and so much more!

PLUS: Get these exclusive limited-time bonuses

Silver and Gold package bonuses…
FREE BONUS #1 The GATEWAY TO HEAT Colored Food Chart
In this exclusive resource, you’ll know exactly what to eat each day to help you grow your community of ‘good’ Mouth microbes can boost your immune system, and protect against illness and diseases.
FREE BONUS #2 – The GATEWAY to HEALTH Home Whitening guide
Put your regular toothpaste in a trash can and find another one. ‘at home’ Solutions to make your teeth whiter, healthier, and more beautiful. PLUS… which toothpaste you should be using to promote a healthy oral biome.
FREE BONUS #3 – Episode 8 – The Lifetime Of Your Mouth
Our discussion on the Future gives you a glimpse into the future ‘golden age’ The best ways to care and maintain an aging smile.

Platinum Package Bonuses…all of the above plus…
FREE BONUS #4: Natural Tooth & Gum Tonics Recipe Guide
Simple DIY remedies to common ailments. These recipes do not contain alcohol, parabens, refined sugars, or other harmful ingredients that are often found in stores.-Oral care products purchased.
There was so much we couldn’t fit into the near-Documentary series that runs for 10 hours. You will find the complete interviews with our dentists and doctors.
FREE BONUS #6 Natural Mouthwash Recipe Guide
Build an environment of healing in your mouth and boost your body’s immunity by lowering the pH levels in your oral biome.
Readmore: http://archive.is/kNRz1