Alan Tutt – Symbolic Solutions


Listening to and reading about others is a good thing. You must collect information that is relevant to the problem you are trying to solve. Once you have collected the information,

Alan Tutt – Symbolic Solutions

Are you trying drive a nail using a screwdriver to get it done?
You are using the wrong tool?
If you’re like most folks, you’re trying to solve your problems with your conscious mind.  You’re reading what others have written about the problem, listening to what they’re saying, and trying to think through how you can take what they did and apply it in your own life.  But most of what you try doesn’t work the way you thought it would.  Are you getting the idea?

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Listening to and reading about others is a good thing.  It is important to gather information that is related to the problem you are trying solve.  However, once you have the information, your conscious mind can translate it into an action plan. This is similar to trying to drive a nail into wood with a screwdriver.  It’s going to take a LOT more effort than it needs to.  And you’re likely to get hurt in the process.

Let me demonstrate.
I have a friend.  Let’s call her Mary.  Mary decided to learn internet marketing to increase her income a few years ago.  Mary had heard it was easy to make a living online so she quickly set up her website using WordPress’ free blogging software.
Over the next few months, she joined affiliate programs to earn commissions for recommending pre-ordered products.-She also wrote blog posts about products she already owned.  She started posting on forums to offer any assistance and included a link to her blog.  She also posted links to her blog on Facebook several times per day.  This should have worked, according to everything she read online.
But it didn’t.
Mary was working six hours a days in her regular job and had little to show for it.
The main problem was that Mary was trying to promote products on internet marketing, yet she didn’t have a reputation as a successful internet marketer, and her Facebook friends had no interest in internet marketing.
But the biggest problem was that Mary didn’t see that.  Her conscious mind—like all of our conscious minds—could only handle 5 to 9 pieces of information at any one time, and simply could not piece together the full puzzle without help.
I suggested that Mary try a new approach after I discovered what Mary was doing.

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I suggested she let go of all the information she had read or heard and to just be as relaxed as possible.  I suggested that she visualize the end result she desired, which was a steady income that paid all of her bills and enough money to enjoy life.
I suggested that she ask her deeper, subconscious, questions about what she should do next.
Surprised by what she saw next,
In her dreamy state, she imagined herself giving talks about flower arrangement.  She was familiar with the topic and enjoyed it.  She had never given an address on the subject.  In fact, she didn’t know if anyone would want to hear what she had to say on the matter.  And how was she going to make it profitable with that?
I was able to trust her enough to give it another try.
She began with her church.  She created a flyer for Saturday workshops to post on her bulletin board and offered it to others. “love offering” basis.  This means that people paid her what they thought it was worth.
A total of 12 people attended (out of a group of about 100). Mary then added over $300 to the collection basket.
Mary was interested in offering the same workshop to other churches in her community.  After one year, she had done the workshop 42x and had earned almost $18,000.  No, she didn’t get rich off this, but this was in ADDITION to her regular income.  She had all the money she could afford and was enjoying her life.  She enjoyed what she did and made many new friends along the way.

Why did it work?
Like all of us, Mary’s conscious mind could only process 5 to 9 pieces of information at a time.  She was unable to consider all the important factors when she tried to solve her money problem consciously and ended up wasting a lot time and effort.
Our subconscious minds, however, can process hundreds upon hundreds of pieces of information simultaneously and can make connections that aren’t made by our conscious brains.  Mary asked her subconscious mind to create a plan of action. It compiled all the relevant pieces and gave her the fastest and easiest path.
In her case, Mary’s subconscious mind knew that she enjoyed flower arranging, and also remembered bits of conversations which revealed that many others in her local area also enjoyed such things and were willing to pay for workshops they enjoyed.
Have you ever seen the TV series or movie? “Limitless”?
The TV series and movie are based on the scientifically supported idea that our subconscious minds record every detail of our experiences. If we can access all of this information, we can solve any complex problems in a very short time.

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Now, we don’t have a drug like NZT to give us access to all the information within our minds.  When we relax, like we do during vivid daydreams or when we sleep, the connection between our conscious minds and our memories becomes stronger. It is easier to access all those amazing details.
Each of the meditation programs below is delivered in 6 high-quality MP3s-Quality MP3 files, each with its own background.  These files have no background, so you can add your own or just want a neutral experience.
Each program is $19.95 each. The complete set can be purchased for $97.  When you buy the full set, you’ll also get a few bonuses, which are describe further down the page.

15-Minute Vacation
When you need a break, but can’t get away, this guided meditation is the perfect solution.  It is well-known that time in an altered state of consciousness can be experienced differently than when you are awake. This 15-minute program makes use of this phenomenon to give users the experience of a 2-hour movie.-You can spend a week on vacation in paradise to release stress and anxiety and feel rejuvenated no matter what the situation.  While the main goal of meditation is relaxation and enjoyment, there are elements that support other goals, such as increased self-awareness.-Increased self-worth = greater worth-Confidence, motivation, and an openness for inner wisdom.

Deep Relaxation
For those who have trouble relaxing, as well as those who zonk right out and can’t remember what happened during a meditation.  This session gently guides you to relax as deeply as you can, while also suggesting that you’ll remember everything that happens along the way.  This series is a great way to train your inner mind to respond quickly and effectively to the guided meditations.

A strong sense of self-To reach any worthwhile goal, you must have self-worth.  This recording will guide you through a series experiences that have the natural effect of increasing one’s self-worth.-worth.  By the end of the session, you’ll have an incredible feeling of love for all of humanity as well as for yourself.  It was an amazing experience.

You will feel a strong sense of self-worth and relaxation once you are able relax completely.-Worth is the second most important thing. Self is the next.-confidence.  Increased self-confidence can solve many problems.-confidence.  This 24-This session is a minute long and will help you to see the world from the eyes of someone who is confident. You can then absorb the thoughts, feelings and beliefs of that person to increase your self-confidence.-Confidence beyond what you can imagine.  There are four symbols that you can use to increase your confidence in any situation.

Absolute Control
This session will equip you with the tools you need in order to take control over your life and the world around.  You will be able to achieve any goal you set once you have absolute control over everything.  Not for the faint-hearted.

Wealth Identity
Not just one, but two separate sessions to help identify wealth.  Once you have done this, you will be able to make more profit, take more profitable actions and get more profitable results.

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Going further (Extra bonuses)
Although guided meditations will help you tap into unlimited power of your subconscious, you’ll most likely want more to see what your subconscious can do.
The full package includes a set video from a workshop on using symbols to communicate with your deeper self.  This workshop teaches you how to relax to the optimal level for subconscious communication, how you can elicit the right symbol to represent your goal, and how you can use this symbol to maximum effect.
The workshop cost $45 per person.  The following items can be purchased: Symbolic Solutions Buy the 1.0 package today to get the videos from the workshop for free.
And since I enjoy giving more and more value than necessary, I’m also going to include my full BWE Collection, which features a wide variety of BrainWave Entrainment audio programs to shift your mind into the ideal state for such things as healing, creativity, intelligence, athletic performance, and more.  This collection is also priced at $97, so it’s like getting double your money’s worth with the Symbolic Solutions 1.0 package.

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Lifetime money-Back Guarantee
I offer a lifetime guarantee on almost all my products-back guarantee.  I’ve had so few refund requests over the years that I know that anyone who even tries the material will see results.  The only ones who don’t are those who think they already know everything.  Those who think they can cheat it will find karma to a heavy burden.  So I can offer this INCREDIBLE guarantee with confidence:

If you EVER feel that this material hasn’t helped you become a more Powerful, self-directing person, I will cheerfully refund every penny you’ve spent.  No questions about what you didn’t like. No “prove you’ve used the materials” questions. There are no questions.  There is no time limit.  (I’ll probably ask how the materials may be improved, but answering this isn’t a requirement to get a refund.)

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It’s simple —  you either get the results you want, or you get your money back.  Period.
In 15 years of online business, less than 2% have ever requested a refund.

You can see the results of my work.
Only YOU can stop you becoming the most powerful person possible.
So what’s it going to be?  Are you ready to let go of the chains of mediocrity? Are you ready for true power?
