Fred Crouter – Inner Secrets of Cold Reading – Millard Longman Psychic GB


Next up Fred Color Readings are a great way to get the right color for a walk.-Around situation or as part of Format File: [Ebooks-3 P… File Size: 1,09MB

Fred Crouter – Inner Secrets of Cold Reading – Millard Longman Psychic GB

The INNER SECRETS of COLD READING series is the re-Release of Three monographs that are considered classics by professionals over many years. When I was first introduced to them, of Jon Riggs gave them to me ten years back. They were extremely helpful in helping me develop my own personal approach for private and public readings. They were available only in hardcopy form at the time. Now they are digitalized and available in an Adobe PDF format.
The Big Picture
Each monograph of the Series is unique.-Free and contained-Standing alone, the three monographs make an impressive combination. This series contains a wealth of information that could be used to guide a consultation practice, as many readers have. There is a lot to it. of Information in this Series and while the old chestnut of “If you find one good idea, it’s worth the price” This is a good example of how it works. I know that I have many useful concepts and techniques that are still in use every day.
Each monograph contains the following: Fred It explains key concepts in a concise way and then provides you with a lot of useful information. of Try it-He has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field. Additionally, Fred This book lays out a fascinating array of Statistics and facts that can be used for a unique insight into people’s lives and minds of Your clients.
Here’s the breakdown of Each monograph in the Series…
Monograph #1 – Somatotypes, Colors
This 35-Page monograph begins by teaching you FredHere is the view of body types. This system teaches you how to identify key information about your client even before they open their mouths. Then, it provides you with page upon page. of Actual lines from Fred’s repetoire. It’s up to you. of It doesn’t matter if you reveal this information upfront (and establish your mind as The Real Deal), or if you save it for later in a reading to validate your favorite oracle.
Next up Fred Color Readings are a great way to get the right color for a walk.-Around situation or as part of This is a longer reading that provides you with a complete mini-review-Each color requires a different reading strategy.
The third section focuses on Fred’s expansion at the time-Honored Ken de Courcy system (made well by Richard Webster & Ron Martin). The original system is still as good as it gets. Fred It enhances it by tying the it to the body-type approach taught earlier in this monograph. This increases the potential impact and adds a level of In an earlier letter, accuracy was not possible-Keyed systems
Finally, Fred This simple tick sheet is a quick and easy method to get started with this material. It is included as an integral part of the fully customizable guide.-Editable Microsoft Word document. This tick sheet is worth the money for some people. of This can be used for admission only, as you can change it to work with any oracle. You don’t like the way it is written of What about a specific tick item? No problem! Just change it to something that you think is better.
Overall, this monograph is jam-packed with information. of It is a useful, good material. You’ll see why it was so amazing when I first saw it. But wait! There’s more!
Monograph #2: Type graphology
This 39-page e-Book, you’ll find a perfect illustration of How Fred It is possible to combine two otherwise unrelated disciplines into a new and innovative system. It is called the “Ingenious New System”. “Myers-Briggs meets Graphology”. You can identify the type of client you are by asking four questions. You will receive this information along with a sample. of You can then apply using their handwriting Fred’s List of They will be able to identify their handwriting and provide a reading that is very accurate. This will resonate with them deeply. As in Monograph 1, Fred Gives you lots of Real-World lines that you can customize for your style or use as-is.-is.
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The following section contains more information of The monograph outlines the characteristics of The 16 types found in the Myers-Briggs system and interesting facts you can use with devastating effects
In the section titled “Oldies But Goodies”You’ll be able to learn the twelve phases of A classic reading system that was taught at a Golden Age psychic center. This is not a trick. “old-school” However, this approach is no longer relevant, as every professional reader will tell you. “the more things change, the more they stay the same” This system will continue to produce powerful results year after année.
It’s no secret that i’m a huge fan. of Robert Nelson, you’ll see why I was so interested to see that Fred Includes a selection of Nelson gems — lines, concepts and principles to apply to your readings — are just as timeless as they were in Nelson’s day.
Monograph #3 – Advanced Psychic Readings
This 49″ x 49″ sandpaper is, as the title implies, made of a combination of cellulose and iron.-Page monograph is for readers who have reached a point where they feel comfortable with their basic approach but are interested in more. “something extra” These will give texture and meaning to the readings. This study begins with how to interpret subtle visual cues. Next, it moves into the mysterious. of How to identify which head types of There are three main categories that a client might fall into. You guessed it, there are many. of There are lines and insights for each category. You won’t be lost for words after reading this.
In the section titled “The Eyes Have It”, Fred This article will discuss a simple technique to help you determine which of These sections will help you determine which personality group your client is in, and whether they are open to suggestions. You can use the sections on clothing and handshakes to get valuable clues about your client’s personality, right down to whether they are a Democrat/a Republican.
There are many other things in this article, including the three thoughts every person is concerned about (and no, we are not talking the usual). “love, health and money” These three themes are much deeper than that. Fred Also, he shares his Cradle to Grave readings on a quadratic system dating back several centuries. However, it is extremely useful to modern readers. of Tom Palmer’s system could be easily called “The System of Tom Palmer”. “Ten Safe Answers” Information that can help you get out of There are more than just a few sticky corners to be sure.
“The Inner Secrets Series Bundle gives a reader enough information to start a very profitable private reading practice no matter what the economic conditions. It will greatly improve the accuracy of the readings of anyone in private reading practice. The entire cost will be returned by a reader’s first couple of clients after implementing the information Fred Crouter teaches. This is worth way more than its cost to any reader, whether for entertainment on occasion or in a full time private reading practice.”
~~ Dr. Charles Green
A Little About the Author
Fred Crouter Retired psychologist and teacher, he has also worked in private practice for more than 40 years. His teaching experience includes Bellevue University and the University of Nebraska, Nebraska Psychiatric Institute and Iowa Western Community College. As a continuing education for physicians, he taught medical and hypnosis at Creighton University Medical School.
He has had a passion for mentalism all his life, and has been especially interested in one in particular.-On-One psychic reading. After retiring from the field of Psychology, he became an expert private reader and, among other things, served a four-year term as the resident psychic at CasinOmaha. This Omaha Indian casino.
As you can see Fred It has amassed quite a bit. of Life experience is invaluable in this field of It allows him to consult privately and allows him write on the subject with a lot of ease. of Authority from the real world
 Here’s what you can expect in the new book Fred Crouter – Inner Secrets of Cold Reading – Millard Longman Psychic GB

Fred Crouter – Inner Secrets of Cold Reading – Millard Longman Psychic GB Sample