Vibhor Agrawal – AFO (Ankle-Foot Orthosis Management


Discuss the appropriate outcome measurements to detect clinically meaningful changes in patients following an intervention.

Vibhor Agrawal – AFO (Ankle-Foot Orthosis Management

Over the years, ankle foot orthoses have improved in form, function and complexity. They are not simple plastic devices that only benefit during the swing phase. The biomechanical principles behind closed design are now incorporated in the newer designs.-Kinetic chain to improve joint and muscle function for better gait and mobility.
Recent scientific evidence supports the benefits of AFOs for improving functional outcomes for patients suffering from stroke, cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis. It is crucial that therapists keep up to date with the latest developments in the field to optimize patient function and maximize revenue.
This course will help you develop effective strategies to manage AFOs. Closed circuit biomechanics will be covered.-To understand the effects of chain gait on joint motion and muscle function, you will need to learn about chain gait. You will learn how to integrate gait biomechanics with muscle function and AFO Design to improve outcomes in pediatric and adult patients. Learn more about the various types of AFOs available and how they can help you.-The most current evidence on AFOs and treatment strategies is available.
Discuss the appropriate outcome measures that can be used to detect clinically significant differences in patients after an intervention. Learn how to maximize your billing and documentation. This course will help you to improve your clinic’s outcomes by allowing you to immediately apply the information.

Articulate biomechanics for closed-Chain functional gait refers to ground reaction forces and muscle function at foot, ankle and knee.
Incorporate recent research on functional gait biomechanics for effective results AFO Rehabilitation strategies
Analyze the gait biomechanics changes with pathologies, as well as the impact of AFOs upon biomechanics.
Evaluate appropriate AFOs for optimizing patients’ gait and function in a variety of pathological conditions.
Assess strategies to ensure effective evaluation, measurement and fitting of AFOs. Follow up procedures are also recommended.
You should be aware of the documentation and billing requirements for AFOs and related services.

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Current gait terminology
Open-Chain vs. Closed-chain muscle function
Four-foot rockers
During gait, ankle joint and muscle function
Gravitational and ground reactions at the ankle, knee, and foot


Review of the most recent scientific literature on the following pathologies

Sensory perception loss
Cerebral palsy
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
Other neuromuscular disorders


Examining the existing outcome measures

Test for a 10 meter walk
Functional Independence Measure

Scandinavian Stroke Scale
With minimal detectable changes AFO
These measures show a minimal clinically significant difference

ABCs of AFOs

Review of the different types AFOs

Solid-AFOs for the ankle
Articulated AFOs

Biomechanical influences of AFOs on a patient’s gait
AFOs’ impact on muscle and joint function
Each type of medication has its own contraindications and indications AFO
Differentiating between over-The-AFOs can be custom-made or placed on shelves


Selecting the right AFO


Patient evaluation
Take the right measurements
A good fit
Do’s and Don’ts of AFO fitting
Signs and symptoms of an improper fit
Providing instructions at delivery
When to refer the patient directly to a specialist

Biomechanical evaluation at subsequent visits
Knowing when to modify the AFO treatment plan


CPT codes are used to bill time and expertise
L-Codes for reimbursement AFO
Documentation requirements
Maximizing revenue through AFOs