Tommie Powers – InStream Traffic System


Attn: Online Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners & Affiliate Marketers…

“How to Exploit this Secret Source for High Converting, Laser Targeted, Low Competition TRAFFIC in Any Niche Market”

Tommie Powers – InStream Traffic System

Attn: Online Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners & Affiliate Marketers…

“How to Exploit this Secret Source for High Converting, Laser Targeted, Low Competition TRAFFIC in Any Niche Market”

The next screenshot is from one my coaching clients. He was making decent numbers when he first came to me.
But within 1 Month using YouTube Ads, we took his sales from 5 thousand to 22 thousand dollars as you can see right here…

The InStream Traffic System is broken down into 7 crucial steps that I’ve painstakingly refined over the last 12 months.


You’ll learn how to create a killer video designed to get you high converting, targeting clicks you can send anywhere you want.

I will show you how to quickly create these videos and how to get the right style for your business model.
These videos are easy to create and can be made by anyone. You’ll discover why my best converting video ads are no longer than 30-45 seconds These tiny videos are exactly the same as the original recipe.
Most people will never know the secret sauce I’ve figured out because they haven’t tested with literally Youtube ads can cost thousands of dollars Like I have.
So no matter what you’re selling, this strategy will work for you.
In fact, I am giving you the exact script writing template that we give to our clients for creating the perfect videos.
Basically, I’m taking all the guesswork out of it for you.


I’ll show you how to craft landing pages where you will send you prospects and how to get extremely high conversions, like we do day in and day out.

I also give you many resources and examples on how to quickly create pages so they are not an obstacle. Your campaign should be as fast as possible.


I’ll show you how to hijack any video you want, even if it’s your competition.

It’s called video ad placements and it may be This is the most underutilized method that can lead to huge wins. In the shortest time possible.
This strategy is extremely powerful and it’s designed for people who want extremely targeted traffic that deliver fast results. This simple, yet highly effective strategy is not being used by many people. It has a 3x higher conversion rate than other traffic methods.
To top it all, I also have a Secret software tool I automate this process to save time and effort in finding the best video placements. More information on the software will follow.


You’ll learn my secret sauce that enables me to find what I call “low hanging fruit keywords” These hidden gems can be extremely expensive to view because very few people are bidding.

YouTube keyword research is often treated as if it were attempting to rank a website high up on Google.
That’s a huge mistake.
This strategy takes advantage of keywords within YouTube to surface relevant videos to users.
I also show you how to make a little known free tool I’m almost 100% certain you’ve never heard of that will do most of the heavy lifting for you These hidden profit centers can also be seized quickly so that you can make a quick profit.


You’ll learn how to implement a simple, yet highly important part of this system – Conversion Tracking.

Conversion tracking is a key component of a campaign’s success.
I’ll show you how to set it up properly and put it in place quickly You don’t have to be a programmer or tech leader..


The A to Z system for setting up your video ad campaign, even if it’s your first time.

You’ll Take a look at my shoulders to see how I set up a campaign.
You can say goodbye to targeted traffic and high conversion rates if you miss any of the steps.
This training is done over the shoulder. I leave no stone unturned. As a matter, What I’m showing you is exactly the lesson we use to teach our staff to help them implement campaigns for big-money clients.
When potential clients are looking to hire my team, I look at many campaigns and find that 80% of them are not properly set up.
This is why I am paid a minimum $5k to do it for them because I know what produces results fast and that’s exactly what I’m going to show you.


You’ll learn the secret to being able to spend millions on traffic. It’s called optimization.

I’ve developed a Step-By-Step-by-step optimization This system will tell you what to do, and when to do it. so there’s zero guesswork involved.
My optimization formula is used regularly You get results in days After launching a new campaign.
You’ll get a PDF you can download and I recommend you print this out and file it under extremely important.
This part of the system can be priceless as it allows you to buy more traffic and grow your company faster.

What is it worth to you in order to grow your business profitably at lightning speed?

What Students, Clients, & Colleagues Have To Say…

“I was Profitable DAY 1 & generating leads for as little as 12 cents!”

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