Psychotherapy 2.0 2016 Online Training Summit


Sounds True is a cosponsor for this event. They want to bring together leaders from the field to share what is changing in our field with you and to present ideas that can help in your professional life.

Psychotherapy 2.0 2016 Online Training Summit

The host of Psychotherapy 2.0 Online Training Summit Diane Poole Heller, PhD, notes:
“We’ve brought together some of the most respected names in the field—visionaries such as Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, Dr. Diana Fosha, Jack Kornfield, Gay and Katie Hendricks, Steven Hayes, and Richard Schwartz.”
This is despite the fact that it is “a training summit geared toward professionals,” The presentations may be of value to you, regardless of whether you are a therapist.
The Summit September 7-13, 2009. 2016 Both recordings and transcripts are available. See below.
Dr. Heller continues:
“Sounds True is a co-sponsor of this event to bring together leaders in the field to share with YOU what is changing in our field and to present ideas that matter in your professional practice and life.”
“We’ll go beyond just ordinary interviews. Each speaker will share their passions and in-depth research on healing attachment wounds and trauma.
“You will also learn how to integrate cutting-edge discoveries and practical applications of mindfulness and neuroscience that support true healing.”
The first presentation was:
“Trauma, Body, and the Brain: Restoring the Capacity for Synchronicity and Imagination” By Bessel van der Kolk, M.D., the Medical Director of The Trauma Center in Boston and author of The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma.
He discusses one of the most important aspects of being creative and alive in the book.
“Imagination is absolutely critical to the quality of our lives.
“Our imagination enables us to leave our routine everyday existence by fantasizing about travel, food, sex, falling in love, or having the last word — all the things that make life interesting.
“Imagination gives us the opportunity to envision new possibilities — it is an essential launchpad for making our hopes come true.
“It fires our creativity, relieves our boredom, alleviates our pain, enhances our pleasure, and enriches our most intimate relationships.”
He writes about healing:
“Neuroscience research shows that the only way we can change the way we feel is by becoming aware of our inner experience and learning to befriend what is going inside ourselves.”

Visit the site Psychotherapy 2.0 2016 Online Training Summit For the Training Package:
Digital training recordings: More than 16 hours Psychotherapy 2.0 trainings, interviews, and Q&A sessions to listen to online and/or download
Transcripts of all talks and Downloadable presentations.
Download Psychotherapy 2.0 2016 Online Training Summit Right Now