Jonathan Royle – Ultimate Hypnosis


The true advanced esoteric secrets of clinical hypnotherapy – nlp – complete mind therapy – healing & stage hypnosis – exposed

Jonathan Royle – Ultimate Hypnosis

Hypnotic History was made on Saturday 31st March & Sunday 1st April 2007 in Keighley (West Yorkshire) as privileged delegates witnessed Dr. Jonathan Royle’s Hypnotic Training Seminar
Most astonishing were the mind blowing SECRET’S he was prepared to both demonstrate and reveal to those present who were to say the least dumfounded and flabbergasted at many of the things they learned and witnessed during this unique weekend event.
Fortunately,the entire seminar was filmed on professional broadcast quality camera’s and is now being released on a Strictly Limited Edition Basis as a Mind Blowing Ten DVD Home Study Course containing powerful secrets, ploys and techniques quite unlike anything you will have ever seen, read or learned before!
This Advanced Training Course with Ten DVDs is totally different and unique from any other. Royle has ever released before, in fact you’ll be amazed as you watch, witness and learn in the comfort of your own home the true, tried, tested and proven to work Advanced Esoteric Secret’s of the Master Hypnotists, including many which have been jealously guarded and hidden, until now by the select few…
You will be able to witness and learn many life-changing techniques.
Discover The Secret’s of The Ultimate Hand shake INSTANT INDUCTION Witness Royle Gently shake the hand of the person and then let go. The person will instantly fall to the ground like a sack full of potatoes and enter a Deep Sonabulistic State of Trance. YOU’LL NEVER LEARN AN INDUCTION THIS FAST ANYWHERE ELSE! 
Rapid Eye Movements (REM), the truth behind them, and how to use them to your advantage in therapy or on stage.
You’ll find out how to make genuine chemical changes occur in the client’s brain, how to do this safely and in a manner beneficial to both you and your clients. 
Exposed for the first-time Royle Complete Mind Therapy: This is his true approach to Complete Mind Therapy. You may have seen it. Royle’s CMT before and thought you knew it all, but boy this added secret is worth its weight in gold and will sky rocket your success rates and effectiveness into orbit!
Witness Royle Perform “Psychic Surgery” He literally reached into the client’s head to grab their problem and then tossed it away, with the client confirming that he now feels much better. Although it sounds like Science Fiction, this actually happened. You’ll learn how to do it on these DVDS!
Find out how Royle Uses techniques of “Spiritual Healing” To help his clients and to become a more powerful Stage Hypnotist. You’ll witness several miraculous looking demonstrations which prove these unique techniques work and of course will learn everything you’ll ever need to know to start using them yourself! 
Witness Rapid Regression used on a volunteer to help them make a change in their lives. The entire session, from start to end, takes just 10 minutes. 
Be Amazed as you witness and discover the fastest induction methods you’ll ever learn for use both in Therapy, on Stage and in everyday life!
Royle Covert is exposed in this expose Hypnosis You can use both a verbal as well as a non-verbal method to become a more powerful Hypnotist.
For the first time Royle teaches you his “Real World” effective usage of NLP techniques including anchoring, pacing & leading, mirroring and matching, embedded commands, sub vocal commands, use of metaphors and magic stories and well… just about everything taught in NLP that is of use in the real world of Therapy & Stage Work!
This is POWER NLP and it is more powerful than anything else.
You’ll witness Royle cure people’s phobias, eliminate problems with ease and erase deep rooted emotional problems all in treatment sessions lasting between around 5 to 12 minutes maximum, all of which get amazing results and then your taught in a simple step by step manner how Royle These astonishingly rapid results are what you can expect from your work.
Learn the secrets of Future Pacing and Disassociation. You will also learn how to use Positive Visualisation and many other Ericksonian style Clinical Hypnotherapy methods at a level that is far beyond anything else Royle he has ever taught in any of his seminars or DVD sets!
Witness a genius at work as he teaches you how to use pattern interrupts in therapy and on stage. It works!
You’ll also be taught several other slow, rapid & even instant induction techniques which can be used anytime, anyplace, anywhere both in therapy and on stage.
As a bonus Royle also reveals HIS TRUE SECRET’S of Stage Hypnosis and teaches you absolutely everything you’ll ever need to know from A thru to Z enabling you to become a confident, competent and above all safe Comedy Stage Hypnotist or to use these skills to make massive profits from Group Therapy Treatment Sessions.
Discover the secret’s of and the power of using “Non Verbal Verbals” – you may not of heard of them before, but on this DVD set you’ll see them being used and see exactly how effective they are.
You will also learn countless other techniques, ploys, and secrets of Master Hypnotists, which you have never seen before. Royle and in many cases have never been revealed or taught in any other book, course, seminar or DVD anywhere in the world – YES THIS COURSE IS TRULY EXCLUSIVE & UNIQUE
Order today to secure your copy of this revealing home study Ten Disc DVD course and you will also learn ROYLE’S MOST POWERFUL SECRET as follows at no extra charge!
Dear Hypnotic Truth Seeker
Amazingly Royle made a truly life changing confession to the privileged few who had attended his Hypnotic Training event…
There were gasps of shock that could be heard. Royle It was revealed that Hypnosis DOES TRULY EXIST and that apparent MIRACLES can be worked using the true hidden secret’s of Hypnosis!
These Secrets were, until recently hidden in history and trace back to Mesmer himself, The Native American Indian’s and other Spiritual Healing Systems…
Participants at this Mind Blowing Event saw firsthand the following MIRACLE with their own eyes:

Dr. Jonathan Royle A random volunteer was chosen from the crowd. He simply asked the person to stand in front of the wall so that their back was turned. Royle himself.
It’s important to note that both the volunteer and audience had absolutely no idea whatsoever of what Royle was about to demonstrate and as such the usual idea of expectation also was ruled out…
Royle took several steps back until he was standing about 10 feet away from his volunteer, he remained silent and then placed his arm out with his hand pointing towards the volunteers back as he visually seemed to enter a trance of his own…
All of sudden, without warning Royle He clenched both his fists and pulled his hands back towards himself. At the same time, the volunteer who was up to that point standing upright with his back to him, did the exact opposite. Royle FALL BACK TO THE FLOOR Unable To Remain Standing Royle had pulled him over using PSYCHIC ENERGY & INTENT ALONE.
Yes, you may have seen the TV’s Mind Control Expert doing something that looked the same on his Channel Four Show, however Royle did not use suggestion, conventional hypnosis or magical trickery of any kind to achieve this seeming miracle, and to prove his point repeated the process several times on demand over this unique training weekend…
This MOST Powerful Secret is now available as a Strictly Limited Edition DVD Home Study Training DVD.
You’ll see Royle demonstrate his “ENERGY SURG-ERY” and you’ll learn the true, tried, tested and proven to work secret’s of one of the most powerful Hypnotists who ever lived, enabling you to become the best Hypnotist & Healer you could ever become.
You’ll hear confirmation from the volunteer used in Royle’s demonstration of “Energy Surg-ery” that everything occurred exactly as you’ll see it on DVD, which is exactly how the delegates at this event saw it live in the room much to their shock and amazement.
Best of all Royle Not only will he show you how he did it, but he also explains how you can use the same technique to become The World’s Greatest Hypnotist, Healer, or Stage Hypnotist.
Yes, these SECRET’S truly are that powerful. It may all sound a little like Science Fiction when you read it here, but see this with your own eyes, discover the SECRET’S that have remained hidden for years and then you will truly realise the missing link which, until now has stopped you becoming as powerful as you can and will be when you put this DVD’s contents to use both in your work and everyday life!
The Official Release price of this Amazing Training DVD will be £47 and to be honest even at that price its way too cheap as its contents are truly dynamite, unique and unlike anything you have ever seen before, however order today and you get all these secrets FREE as part of this TEN DVD COURSE.
Incidentally you’ll also witness Royle performing rapid and instant induction’s on other audience members and witness why, Royle Many consider him to be The True King of Hypnotists.
This DVD, along with the nine other DVDS in this Unique Course for Home Study, is completely unique. Royle Has ever recorded, taught, or released anything in any way before. Watching True X is likely to BLOW YOUR MIND.-Files style that the truth  really is on these DVD’S!
This Course is life-changing, mind-blowing, and life-changing. It’s explosive in content, detail, and the revelations of secrets that have been closely guarded for many years. Royle HYPNOSIS is finally revealed as the truth!
You could spend many thousands of pounds on other inferior courses that wouldn’t teach you even a fraction. We guarantee you that this course will change your thinking and help you to think differently about hypnosis.
Get Jonathan Royle – Ultimate Hypnosis Download now

Here’s what you’ll get in Jonathan Royle – Ultimate Hypnosis

Jonathan Royle – Ultimate Hypnosis : Sample