Megan Dixon – Affiliate Rescue Workshop


This workshop will help you launch and grow your affiliate marketing to generate passive income. How to generate passive income

Megan Dixon – Affiliate Rescue Workshop

This workshop will help you launch and grow your affiliate marketing, generating passive income. You can leverage your time more effectively by creating a passive income. This will allow you to not trade your money for time and allow you to spend more on the things that you love. This could mean more time with your family, more travel, or finally being able to work. “that project” for your business that you’ve been putting off.

Because Affiliate Rescue Each person will receive customized guidance tailored to their interests and business focus. This workshop is limited to a few people.

Download immediately Megan Dixon – Affiliate Rescue Workshop
8 modules that provide an overview of each component necessary to be successful in affiliate marketing. We will determine which path is the most efficient to achieve success.


Each module will focus on a different step to get you started. You’ll leave each one with actionable homework which we’ll discuss and review during our group call.


You’ll have access to our private Facebook group where all the materials will be posted & receive ongoing support from both Megan & the group. Participants in the workshop will have access to this group only.

Module 1 Thumbnail Photo


In this module, we take a look at the basics of affiliate marketing & passive income. The homework gives you a sense of what your strengths & weaknesses are. The workshop will give you an overview of what to expect and what will happen in each module.

Module 2 Thumbnail Photo


Module 2 will take a deeper look at your current situation. You’ll explore where you are now, where you want to be, create goals and put a plan in place for how to reach them. We will also talk a bit about mindset.

Module 3 Thumbnail Picture


This module will help you to find and curate opportunities that are similar to what was covered in module 2. This module will teach you where to find opportunities to affiliate, which ones work for you, and how to decide which opportunities are profitable and which are not. After this module, you’ll have a clear sense of where you need to focus your efforts so that you are as effective as possible with your time.

Module 4 Thumbnail Photo


Module 4 focuses on “the how” This will allow you to pull it all together. You’ll receive the tools and systems necessary to implement your plan & strategy from the previous modules. After this one, you will have the nuts & bolts to get off and running!

Module 5 Thumbnail Photo


This module reviews various marketing strategies and action steps to spread the word leveraging your current list & how to use affiliate marketing as a list building strategy.
When you’ve finished this module, you will have the tools & resources necessary to begin generating a passive income through email marketing.

Module 6 Thumbnail Photo


Module 6 is about leveraging events for your affiliate marketing. We’ll discuss the types of affiliate events, how they can be leveraged, and how to host them.

Module 7 Thumbnail Picture


In this module, you’ll explore the various strategies, channels & tools to expand on growing your passive income from affiliate marketing outside of events & email-Only efforts.
You’ll walk away with a plan for how to “mix it up” so your affiliate efforts don’t seem too repetitive and boring for your audience. It’s important to always keep their attention!

Module 8 Thumbnail Photo


This module will explain how to create passive income products, how to recruit affiliates and a recap of everything you have learned in previous modules.

Group calls Thumbnail Image


This program includes a private Facebook group and monthly support calls.

What could your life look like with passive income?


Megan He has been featured in a variety of media publications, including…
Download immediately Megan Dixon – Affiliate Rescue Workshop

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Facebook Group

All the materials are available. Affiliate Rescue From the Facebook Group.

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Group calls

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Support Desk

For technical support or questions, you can reach our support team directly via email.


“Megan’s Affiliate Rescue Workshop program is chock-full of amazing resources to make real money using affiliate marketing. Spelling out exactly which steps to take to meet your goals and guiding you through these steps; the Affiliate Rescue Workshop is one that delivers real results!”