Paul Janka – Beyond the Digits


How to EXEMPT anxiety so you can talk to women anywhere without sounding anxious or needy. You have more control over your FASHION SENSE than what you were born with. You’ll learn tips on how to dress that will make women drool…

Paul Janka – Beyond the Digits

What I’ve Learned After Approaching 10,000 Women On the Streets of New York City – Many men claim that they know how pick up women. “advice” is anecdotal. It may have worked once or twice. They now proclaim their technique as “universal.”I’ve spent YEARS of my life, approaching woman of all shapes, colors, and ages, on the streets of New York City. I know what works and what doesn’t.

For instance…
You shouldn’t look at a girl for more than two or three seconds before you approach her, otherwise you’ll creep her out. If you stand around looking at a distance for more than a second or two… she’ll think you lack balls (which you do).
Second, DON’T introduce yourself by name, or put out your hand, that’s not necessary. Don’t say “Hi, I’m Paul,” Both of these are lame. It would be better to say, “did you see the car accident outside?”
An even better approach would be to tease her in a friendly way…
Avoid A “Business-Like” Vibe at all costs!

Successful pick-ups do not require formality.
The other thing is, don’t make the If you have to interact for more than a few minutes, it could get awkward. If she offers email, let her go, cause she’s just trying to put a barrier between you.
It’s okay to have a little contact before saying goodbye. You can even keep the conversation as you’re walking away. It should be casual. Don’t trip her, push her, or spit at her. Don’t tell her she’s beautiful.
Don’t take her out to dinner or buy her lots of stuff. Don’t take her on an extended loop (like five dates). You should indicate that you are interested in a sexual relationship. Don’t let her think you’re her buddy. Don’t spend a lot of time or money.
I know a guy who’s been on six dates with a woman, and she still won’t come up to his place… Take your grandmother out for six dates, not a woman you’re trying to get physical with.
I tell you this because I want you to understand that what I’m saying is NOT theoretical. My advice works. the board, and not just with me…
My Methods have been Proven “In The Field”

It’s possible to work for any guy in any situation

The techniques I’ve developed have been tested on thousands of women in New York, by me and two other guys who are extremely good with girls.
Between the three of us, we’ve had sex with over 839 women. That number rises by almost double digits every week.
Also, I say: “tested” I don’t mean that we’ve tried something out once. I’m talking about trying different approaches on THOUSANDS of women.
And the These techniques are great because they were tested by a group. “universal” It is a great option for any man, no matter his age, looks or income.
There are many other men who teach. “pick-up” This may work well with women. They are often only able to teach what they want.
When other guys tell you that their techniques are effective, it is a sign of weakness. “tested” Or “proven” You might be interested in asking them how many girls they have. “theories” They were tested!
My system produces results for guys who use it. “universal.”
“Beyond The Digits” Are 6 DVDs Included in the Package?

Practical Tips to Meeting Women

Let’s be clear. I’ve put EVERYTHING I know about pick up into the program. I don’t anticipate ever doing another seminar like this again. I didn’t censor anything.
My friend players wanted me to “hold some stuff back,” but I didn’t. It’s ALL here.
It’s 6 DVDs that are JAM packed with over 12 hours of footage. It comes in a gorgeous black case that will look great displayed on your shelf.
You’ll learn things like…
How to make an impression on a woman who is attracted to you. the Chances of getting her number.
What almost EVERY man does wrong when he goes to the pub? the Bar in the hopes of meeting a woman on Friday or Saturday night.
A jealously-Most secure secret “pick up artists” DON’T want you to know.
What NEVER to say to a woman when you’re asking her for her phone number (if you do this it will SERIOUSLY damage her pride).
How to quickly and easily create an ATMOSPHERE that is conducive to sex (do this and she’ll practically be ripping YOUR clothes off).
The absolute best TIME to pick up a woman (she’ll be MUCH more receptive to chatting with you and giving out her phone number).
How to end your lonely weekends (wouldn’t it be nice to have MULTIPLE women wanting to spend time with you so you’ll almost NEVER be alone?).
This secret phrase TURNS WOMEN OFF.
A place where you can make an INTIMATE connection with your partner, rather than having an AWKWARD conversation.
Boost your confidence by learning how to manage rejection (and a way to make meeting women fun—even if you’re getting SHOT DOWN).
The most important thing to do when you’ve JUST met a woman you’d like to date. Ignore this and you’ll lose her FOREVER.
How to EXEMPT anxiety so you can talk to women anywhere without sounding anxious or needy.
Your FASHION SENSE is more important than your genes. You’ll learn tips on how to dress that will make women drool.
How to make a bullet-Proof exterior that will allow for you to pick-up the The hottest woman in the You can have room without worrying about it.
My sure fire method for making sure that even if a woman FLAKES out on a date—that I’m still getting some ACTION that night.
The SIMPLE question that you can ask a woman that will let you know if she’s available. TIP: Asking “are you single?” will OFFEND her.
How to make women feel at ease around you with playful, fun chat
How to follow-up with a woman so it feels natural. Follow up too soon and you’ll appear needy—too late and she’ll IGNORE you.
Learn the SUBTLE dynamics the pick up that will clue you in on what she’s thinking, so you can effortlessly number close without risking rejection.
How to develop a rock solid frame so you’ll never be thrown off guard during a difficult or challenging pick up situation.
What to do if a woman returns to your apartment and she doesn’t feel comfortable enough to take off her clothes?
You’ll discover how to quickly create a SEXUAL connection with a woman so that you don’t end up in the FRIEND: ambiguous and terrifying-ZONE.
How to stop sleeping alone and become IRRESISTIBLE to women
Examples of how to pick women up in different VENUES the Coffee shop, to the supermarket, to the Shopping mall and beyond
How to make your masculine traits stand out.
Real life stories of my successes and failures in pick up, including WILD situations that I wouldn’t believe if I didn’t see them with my own eyes.
And a lot more…
 Here’s What You Will Get in Paul Janka – Beyond the Digits

Paul Janka – Beyond the Digits : Sample