Arash Dibazar – Black Blood


We can gage what a true man is by gaging the woman’s response to him. We can’t analyze the male energy by leaving out the female energy. Because both were meant to attract one another, bringing forth new life and evolving with each generation.

Arash Dibazar – Black Blood

What the world really needs right now…
Humans have strived to improve as individuals, as a species and as a society since the dawn of time. This desire to improve was the catalyst that led many of the most important, influential and fascinating discoveries. Today, in 2018, we are able to boast the most advanced knowledge in medicine and technology, as well as entertainment, and many other areas. Despite all the possibilities and inventions, it is still difficult to ensure that life on earth continues. The true expressions of the divine male/female energy!
This aspect of your daily life is too important to ignore.
One of the most frequently discussed topics is: What should men do to become more men and what should women do to become more women?
This question keeps popping up. Because to the degree, that you‘re being a man, to that degree women will perceive you as attractive. To the degree, that you‘re being a woman, to that degree men will perceive you as attractive. This natural law will determine the success or failure of your relationship. It can lead to either happiness and fulfillment or negativity.
Let me clarify: There are certain qualities men must possess. The first being:
Honesty is a must for a man. A man must be honest if he wants to be perceived as a real person. You can’t afford to lie. To lie simply means you‘re afraid of what is, which makes you a coward. A quality that is immediately recognized by a woman.
The foundation of a relationship is a woman trusting her man. This is what has been neglected. If a man trusts a woman, but she doesn’t trust him, they don’t have a relationship yet. The relationship begins when a woman begins to trust a man.
Ask yourself these questions:
If you’re not trusted, can we call you a powerful man?
How to tell the difference between male and female energy
You know what a man is by looking at him from a woman’s perspective.
We can gage what a true man is by gaging the woman’s response to him. We can’t analyze the male energy by leaving out the female energy. Because both were meant to attract one another, bringing forth new life and evolving with each generation.
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