Brent Brookbush – Human Movement Specialist Certification


You can take as long as necessary to complete the courses. All courses are approved for continuing education credits Format: [WebRips – 431 MP4, documents – 506 PDF] File Size: 57.389GB

Brent Brookbush –  Human Movement Specialist Certification

Human Movement Specialist (HMS) Certification
You can take as many courses as you like.

All courses can be used for continuing education credits

Choose from over 150 courses

Courses are convenient and short

Each course gets credit, no big end exam
Frequently Asked Questions


Which courses count towards the Human Movement Specialist (HMS) certification?


What is the price of the Human Movement Specialist (HMS) certification?


Is the Human Movement Specialist (HMS), certification recognized outside the United States
Download immediately Brent Brookbush –  Human Movement Specialist Certification


Are there any additional credits I can use to keep my account afloat? Human Movement Specialist (HMS) certification?


Do I have to become a member to continue the service? Human Movement Specialist (HMS) certification?


Can I use the same credits in my continuing education and HMS certification?