Erika Awakening – 30-Day Sexual Abundance Challenge


Have you struggled with a lack of sexual abundance and other sexual problems for so long that you’ve built up Format File: [1 Description (DOCX,PDF) + 1 Scre.. File size: 4.325GB

Erika Awakening – 30-Day Sexual Abundance Challenge

The 30th anniversary of the amazing success of the 30-Day Financial Abundance Challenge With Erika AwakeningTAPsmarter asked that Erika Awakening Make a 30-Day Abundance Challenge devoted to better sex, romance, and passion …
Here it is! This series will be: Erika Awakening reveals dozens of secrets that she has never before revealed except in sessions with her private clients … NOBODY else on the planet is teaching these secrets, as far as we know …
We use Erika Awakening’s revolutionary method of Holistic Belief Reprogramming (HBR) to reprogram your mind, literally harnessing the infinite power of your subconscious mind, to give you better sex, more love, better access to your divine creativity, and a deep sense of vitality and well-being. Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it? 🙂
All 30 videos are loaded and ready for you to start manifesting sexual power and abundance.! Continue scrolling down this page Find out the juicy topics we will cover in this virtual bootcamp, which is equally effective for women and men. Are you ready to have more sex, more creativity, and greater vitality? Are you ready to clear your second chakra and give deep healing to the Sacral Chakra? We do that in this revolutionary program.
To encourage full commitment (which is how you’ll see the greatest results), all Erika Awakening Products are NOT available for purchase-refundable. All purchases made through this website are subjected to the terms and condition of this site (read more). AND this product is going DEEP in your subconscious mind – remember you are always 100% responsible. We are grateful.
Day 1 – Let’s Get Started
Are you ready for a return to your natural sexual power, magnetism and abundance? 🙂
Erika Awakening Introduces the 30-Day Sexual Abundance Challenge …

Day 2: Clearing Sexual Frustration
Have you struggled with a lack of sexual abundance and other sexual problems for so long that you’ve built up a backlog of frustration, anger, and resentment? These emotions are preventing you from achieving your goals.
Tap along Erika Let go of your anger, frustration, and resentment to attract sexual abundance for yourself on a clean slate!!
To encourage full commitment (which is how you’ll see the greatest results), all Erika Awakening Products are NOT available for purchase-refundable. All orders on this website are subject the terms and conditions (read more here) AND this product is going deep into your subconscious mind. Remember that you are 100% responsible for your health, safety, and choices. We are grateful.
Day 3: Clearing your Fear of Committing (Fears Of Failure and Fears Of Success)
Are you finding excuses to not tap these videos every single day? Or are you making a commitment to do so?
You are not the only one. Most people would rather avoid uncomfortable feelings and fears. Unfortunately, avoiding our big “issues” doesn’t make them go away!!
Tap along Erika to let go of your resistance to this process and soothe your fears about being rejected or … even SCARIER … getting the sexual abundance you’ve always wanted … You will feel much more relaxed about the process and find it much easier to stay committed after tapping along with this video a few times …
Day 4: Cleansing Your Sacral Chakra
Is it possible to control your sexuality, creativity, enjoyment of the physical world and your ability communicate with your needs and desires through your sacral (second), chakra?
Reignite the “fire in your belly” Tap along with this video to clear and cleanse your sacral chakra!
To encourage full commitment (which is how you’ll see the greatest results), all Erika Awakening Products are NOT available for purchase-refundable. All orders on this website are subject the terms and conditions (read more here) AND this product is going deep into your subconscious mind. Remember that you are 100% responsible for your health, safety, and choices. We are grateful.
Day 5: Releasing Guilt & Fear About Asking For What You Want In Your Sex Life
Do you feel horribly guilty when you imagine receiving the sexual abundance that you’ve always wanted? It is not uncommon for people to be hesitant about asking for what they want.
It’s very difficult to manifest wonderful sexual abundance if you feel guilty about it. Even if you do receive it, you will probably sabotage it, so … Tap along with Erika Let go of your guilt about having a wonderful sexual life, love life, or romantic life and allow yourself to be open to receiving.
Day 6: Get Out of the Prison! “Evolutionary Biology”

Are you convinced that you must be an author? “alpha male” Or a “certain kind” Attract high-quality women-Do you want to find romantic partners who are trustworthy? Are you afraid of aging? Or do you feel confident because of your height, wealth, attractiveness, and other superficial factors?
You will love this video! As convincing as any of these! “evolutionary biology” Despite what your beliefs may seem to be, they do not reflect the truth about you. I have seen time and again that you can TRANSCEND these beliefs to live a limitless, fulfilling life.
To encourage full commitment (which is how you’ll see the greatest results), all Erika Awakening Products are NOT available for purchase-refundable. All orders on this site are subject to these terms and conditions (read more here). This product is also going deep into your subconscious mind. Remember that you are 100% responsible for your health, safety, and choices. We are grateful.
Day 7: Freeing Yourself From the Subconscious Imprint of The “Oedipal Complex”
You might not realize how this is affecting you sex lives. The first time I read about Sigmund Freud’s theories, they sounded fanciful to me.
In the last few years, I have realized that the Oedipal Complex is one of the greatest barriers to achieving what you want in your sex life and romantic relationships. Tap along to this video if you are experiencing jealousy, infidelity, rejection, or any other type of negative emotions in your love and sex lives. My clients have seen dramatic changes in their love lives after using the tapping sequence I teach in this video.

Day 8: Clearing your Fear of All the Downsides Sexual Abundance (More Fears of Success)
Do you feel fear when you think about receiving all the sexual pleasure you desire? Do you fear being overwhelmed, being judged or being judged by others, and not having the privacy that you need?
People often sabotage their own success by failing to address the part that is afraid of having great success. “hidden” reasons. This video will help you get rid of these fears and make your dreams come true.
To encourage full commitment (which is how you’ll see the greatest results), all Erika Awakening Products are NOT available for purchase-refundable. All orders on this website are subject the terms and conditions (read more here) AND this product is going deep into your subconscious mind. Remember that you are 100% responsible for your health, safety, and choices. We are grateful.
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Day 9 – Unloading your Religious Baggage
This video will help regardless of your religious beliefs. Even if we didn’t grow up in a religious home or reject religion, we all have some religious baggage. This is part and parcel of the collective unconscious mind.
In this video: Erika It will help you address the unconscious part in you that thinks sex should be illegal “bad” And “wrong” and sinful in God’s eyes … No matter what your religious or spiritual beliefs, you will feel so much lighter about sex after tapping along with this sequence.
Day 10 – Increasing your sense of worthiness to have what you desire
Do you feel worthless or unworthy of sexual and romantic abundance? It’s possible that you don’t even know why you feel like this. It’s just a vague, nagging feeling that undermines all your efforts.
Tap along Erika To uncover and remove the secrets fears and doubts that are keeping you from feeling worthy. It’s time to go to the next level with your self-Worth so you can easily obtain exactly what it is you desire!
To encourage full commitment (which is how you’ll see the greatest results), all Erika Awakening Products are NOT available for purchase-refundable. All purchases made through this website are subjected to the terms of this site (read more). This product is also going deep into your subconscious mind. Keep in mind that you are always 100% responsible and accountable for your own safety and health. We are grateful.
Day 11: Releasing Fear about Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Do you feel paranoid about getting a certain disease? Is it easy to see how this would suppress your sexual expression?
You can tap along with the video to release some fear.
Day 12 – Let go of your fear about becoming pregnant or getting someone else pregnant
Do you feel paranoid about the possibility of pregnancy? It is easy to see how this could stifle your sexual expression.
You can tap along with the video to release some fear.
To encourage full commitment (which is how you’ll see the greatest results), all Erika Awakening Products are NOT available for purchase-refundable. All purchases made through this website are subjected to the terms and condition of this site (read more). AND this product is going deep into your subconscious mind. Always remember that you are 100% responsible and accountable for your own safety, health, and choices. We are grateful.
Day 13 – Incorporating Mutuality into Your Relationships
Are you finding yourself in a situation where the people you like are not attracted? Are you finding that different expectations are set by the people in your relationships? Do you find yourself putting other people first? “on a pedestal” Being yourself “less than”? This video is for you!!
Lack of mutuality can lead to all sorts of conflict and drama in relationships. Wouldn’t it be nice if your expectations could always be aligned with the other person’s expectations, whether it’s for a one-Night encounter or the chance to live it for a lifetime
This video shows us how to release dysfunctional old nonsense.-You can create mutual patterns and ask the Universe for relationships that are mutually beneficial and enjoyable.

Day 14 – Invoking Venus, Aphrodite and Cupid within Your Subconscious Mind
Do you ever wish that you could be more like a god/deity in your sex life and romantic relationships? Now you can be …
The truth is that we all contain god and goddess energy within us, but most of us don’t know how to tap into that power and reap all its benefits. Follow these steps to tap into your inner Venus/Cupid and see your love life transform before you eyes
To encourage full commitment (which is how you’ll see the greatest results), all Erika Awakening Products are NOT available for purchase-refundable. All purchases made through this website are subjected to the terms and condition of this site (read more). AND this product is going deep into your subconscious mind. Always remember that you are 100% responsible and accountable for your own safety, health, and choices. We are grateful.
Day 15 – Letting Go “How to” Problem
Many of my private clientele report the same problem to be me. They have spent years trying to learn. “how to” seduce women or men “how to” Good relationships are key to success “how to” to be more empowered They want to be more empowered. “what to do” And “what to say” to achieve the results they desire.
I hate to break it to you, but … The “how to” approach to things doesn’t work. It makes people miserable. “up in their heads,” It is difficult to feel connected to the person in front of you and it does not feel natural at all. I can help you find a better way. In this video, we let the responsibilities of life go. “how to” We tap you into the infinite intelligence of your inner guidance and natural fluid wisdom. You can breathe a sigh relief knowing that your intuition can now guide you in all situations.
Day 16 – Unlocking the Subconscious Association Between Death and Sex
It’s possible you will not even be conscious that your subconscious mind has associated sex and death, but please tap this video anyway.
Have you noticed that the first to die is the woman who has sex with the horror movie’s protagonist? Did you ever hear of a science program explaining the origin of sexual reproduction and the beginning of death? You’d be amazed at how many there are “true love” Stories end in tragedy (ahem Romeo and Juliet).
Many people don’t understand that some of the biggest saboteurs in their love life are the totally unconscious ones that they never thought about before now. This video will help you to let go of this association. You’ll be amazed at how much happier you feel about sex, love, and life after this video.
Get your instant download Erika Awakening – 30-Day Sexual Abundance Challenge
To encourage full commitment (which is how you’ll see the greatest results), all Erika Awakening Products are NOT available for purchase-refundable. All orders on this website are subject the terms and conditions (read more here) AND this product is going deep into your subconscious mind. Remember that you are 100% responsible for your health, safety, and choices. We are grateful.
Day 17 – Reconciling the Conflict Between the “Material” And “Spiritual” Worlds
Do you find it difficult to separate spirituality from sexuality? Perhaps you’ve learned that sex can be very spiritual, and that spiritual people tend to be celibate or virgins. That the body is not spiritual, or that God doesn’t really approve of sex?
This video aims at resolving this deep inner conflict. By integrating both worlds together, we can have them both.

Day 18 – Freeing Up Your Sexual Expression
Many of us are very restricted when it comes to sexual expression. Even some seemingly “sexual” People are really only covering up their sexual shame and fear. “rebelling” Against parents and authority figures
In this video: Erika Awakening These soul clearing exercises will help you get rid of them-Killing blocks allows you to express yourself sexually without having to apologize to anyone.
To encourage full commitment (which is how you’ll see the greatest results), all Erika Awakening Products are NOT available for purchase-refundable. All orders on this website are subject the terms and conditions (read more here) AND this product is going deep into your subconscious mind. Remember that you are 100% responsible for your health, safety, and choices. We are grateful.
Day 19 – Bringing Sex and Love Together
Do you believe you can have sex with no love? Are you averse to romantic or sexual partners? “falling in love” It could be “too complicated” Und thereby, create unfulfilled expectations
Most people don’t even realize how much they betray themselves by disconnecting their hearts during sex, especially non-Long-term sex. It always comes back and haunts us in some way or another.
Tap along Erika To let go of your fear of including love in sex so you can love freely and without conflict. You can make any sexual experience win/win, mutually respectful, no matter how long it lasts.

Day 20 – Transcending the Pleasure/Pain Duality
Most of us were taught early in life to seek pleasure and avoid suffering. Unfortunately, as Erika In this video, he explains how when we are enslaved in this duality, it is necessary to continue running on a hamster wheel indefinitely.
This video will show you how to dissolve the pleasure/pain duality to achieve a state of constant joy. This is how you can bring your new self.-Create a happy emotional state through sex, and be ready for some big-Time miracles, including spontaneous tantric sex!!
To encourage full commitment (which is how you’ll see the greatest results), all Erika Awakening Products are NOT available for purchase-refundable. All orders on this website are subject the terms and conditions (read more here) AND this product is going deep into your subconscious mind. Remember that you are 100% responsible for your health, safety, and choices. We are grateful.
Day 21 – Tapping in to Your Nature Sexual Power
Are you afraid of your sexual power? Do you feel weak and ineffectual
Tap along Erika As she guides you, resolve the inner conflict caused by fearing your power and rediscover your natural sexual ability quickly and effortlessly.!
Day 22 – Reconnecting to Your Body for a Fulfilling Sexual Life
Do you notice yourself getting “up in your head” Are you thinking about or engaging in sex while engaged in? Are you out of touch with your own and other people’s feelings?
It is vital to feel our true sexual power and to be able to hear our intuition. This video explains. Erika Guides you through a tapping sequence that will help you feel more present and alive. A great video to tap before you head out for the evening, or whenever your heart needs more fire!!
To encourage full commitment (which is how you’ll see the greatest results), all Erika Awakening Products are NOT available for purchase-refundable. All orders on this website are subject the terms and conditions (read more here) AND this product is going deep into your subconscious mind. Remember that you are 100% responsible for your health, safety, and choices. We are grateful.
Day 23 – Overcoming Awkwardness so that Sex Feels NATURAL
Do you feel awkward around your potential romantic and sexual partners and do you feel stilted? It’s not hard to see why … look at all the “baggage” We have been releasing! A little fear here and there can lead to a lot of awkwardness and tightness. This is not fun at all!
This video will help to ease your fears and make you feel more confident about sex.

Day 24: Releasing Grief, Regret and Shame About Lost Time and Lost Opportunities
This is the 30-Day Sexual Abundance Challenge, you may be feeling a bit like I was feeling as I recorded the videos — how sad it is that we all miss so many opportunities in our lives to love and have fun with other people due to all this baggage and all these fears!! Then regret and grief become a block, keeping us bound to the past and preventing our ability to seize the moment and make up for lost time.
You will feel lighter after tapping along to this video. Don’t be afraid to cry as you tap, it’s very powerful to let these tears stream out of us. It’s much easier to be present after grieving and to take advantage of every opportunity without delay.
To encourage full commitment (which is how you’ll see the greatest results), all Erika Awakening Products are NOT available for purchase-refundable. All orders on this website are subject the terms and conditions (read more here) AND this product is going deep into your subconscious mind. Remember that you are 100% responsible for your health, safety, and choices. We are grateful.
Day 25 – Let Go of the Barriers Between You And Other People
We were taught at an early age “not to talk to strangers” To and from “protect” There are many ways we can help ourselves. Unfortunately, all these defenses create walls around us, and it is truly exhausting to keep other people at arm’s length.
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As we let go of all the walls in this video, we can breathe a sigh and invite others to give us the love, touch, and affection we truly deserve! 🙂

Day 26 – Letting Go of The Curse Of “Specialness”
Most of us were taught from a young age that we need to do and be something. “special” To “earn” Love and attention. Unfortunately, many of these traits were carried forward into adulthood. “performance” from ourselves and others and don’t allow ourselves to be loved exactly as we are.
This EFT tapping video will help to accept the fact that everyone deserves love, sex and affection.
To encourage full commitment (which is how you’ll see the greatest results), all Erika Awakening Products are NOT available for purchase-refundable. All orders on this website are subject the terms and conditions (read more here) AND this product is going deep into your subconscious mind. Remember that you are 100% responsible for your health, safety, and choices. We are grateful.
Day 27 – Accepting Sex as an Expression Of Divine Union
Most people have subconscious fear of sex, even though they don’t realize it. This is because their ego fears union with other people or with the Divine. This video invites a union between Divine Masculine (DIVINE FEMALE) and Divine Feminine. We release all fears that prevent us from experiencing ecstatic sexual experiences. Tap along to this video again and you will experience spontaneous tantric experiences. It has happened for me and for my clients after similar tapping sequences.
Day 28 – Tapping to Let go of Shame About Sex
Many of us feel deeply ashamed about our sexuality. You can see how society hides sex from other bodily functions behind closed door. Our bodies are what we learn from birth. “dirty” Must be hidden.
Shame is one of the lowest vibrational energies and can literally push other people away. The more shame we let go of from our belief systems, the more magnetic we will become. After tapping along, you may feel more connected to your self and others. Erika In this video
To encourage full commitment (which is how you’ll see the greatest results), all Erika Awakening Products are NOT available for purchase-refundable. All purchases made through this website are subjected to the terms of this site (read more). This product is also going deep into your subconscious mind. Keep in mind that you are always 100% responsible and accountable for your own safety and health. We are grateful.
Day 29 – Seven Chakra Spiritual Clearse
Day 29 Erika This helps to remove guilt, shame, or other blocks from all seven chakras. This invigorating sequence will make you feel clear and alive.

Congratulations! You made it to Day 30!!
Day 30 – Congratulations and Gratitude Session
This is the last day of the 30-Day Sexual Abundance ChallengeWe thank the Universe for all the miracles she has already shown us and count our blessings. It is clear that we are asking the Universe to send more miracles.
Here’s what you can expect in the new book Erika Awakening – 30-Day Sexual Abundance Challenge