Eat That Frog! Video Training Program


It’s like getting a private coaching session from one of the world’s leading success experts! Brian Tracy presents the video training program File size: 12.49GB

Eat That Frog! Video Training Program

It’s like getting a private coaching session from one of the world’s leading success experts! Brian Tracy teaches the lessons of success in this video training program. Eat That Frog! Frog!
(Digital Video Streaming Version)
It’s like getting a private coaching session from one of the world’s leading success experts! Brian Tracy teaches the lessons of success in this video training program. Eat That Frog! Frog! The 2.5 hour course features 24  segments: a special welcome, an introduction, all 21 chapters from Eat That Frog! A wonderful conclusion.
Each segment invites viewers to apply what they’ve learned in the Eat That Frog! Action Workbook is available to help viewers learn the best habits. The course can be viewed at your own pace. By the end, viewers will be able to stop procrastinating once and for all and get more done.
Duration: 150 minutes
Formats: Streaming (one year subscription), DVD
Product Play Instructions
Digital Video Streaming version – After purchasing this one-year subscription, a confirmation email will be sent with a link and a link.  This link can be used on up to 6 computers. Each browser of the same desktop can be considered one computer. The link expires after 365 days. The product is only for individual purchasers. It is not for group presentation. For subsequent years, you can renew the product at a reduced price.

DVD version – You will receive a physical DVD by mail after you purchase. The product can only be viewed by one person and is not intended for group presentation. Uploading to video-sharing websites is prohibited.
About the Author

Brian Tracy (Author).

Get your instant download Eat That Frog! Video Training Program

Brian Tracy is a leading authority on personal and human development in America. He is a dynamic and inspirational speaker who addresses thousands of people annually on topics of personal and professional growth. This includes executives and staff from companies like IBM, McDonnell Douglas, McDonnell Douglas, and The Million Dollar Round Table. Brian Tracy International was founded by a former executive who had a successful career in sales, marketing and investments, real estate development and distribution, as well as management consulting. Tracy is also the author of thirteen other books, including Maximum Achievement. He is also the narrator of a number of audiocassette bestsellers, including The Psychology of Achievement and How to Start and Grow Your Own Business. Visit for more information about Brian Tracy.

Table of Contents
Author Welcome
Introduction: Eat That Frog
1 Set the Table
2 Plan Every Day in Advance
3 Apply the 80/20 Rule To Everything
4 Take into account the Consequences
5 Creative Procrastination Tips
6 Continue to use the ABCDE Method
7 Key Results Areas to Focus on
8 Apply the Law of Three
9 Things to Do Before You Start
10 Take it One Oil Barrel At a Time
11 Key Skills Upgrades
12 Identify Your Main Constraints
13 Take the pressure off yourself
14 Motivate Yourself into Action
15 Technology is a Terrible Master
16 Technology is a Wonderful Servant
17 Things to Pay Attention
18 Slice and dice the Task
19 Create Large Chunks of Time
20 Develop a Sense Of Urgency
21 Single Handles for Every Task
Conclusion: Putting It All Together