
Optionpit – VIX Made Easy

Original price was: ₹149,550.00.Current price is: ₹13,800.00.


(This course can be delivered immediately) 

Optionpit – VIX Made Easy
Option Pit is introducing a new series webinars to make option trading more accessible for novice traders. We will address the VIX first.
-VIX Our webinar intro will reveal the secrets to the VIX Learn the basics of its movement.
-VIX Futures will teach you basic VIX Prices around the VIX Futures and market conditions interpreting using the VIX Future curve
-VIX Options describes the fundamental functions of the unique VIX Calendar and skew can be used to assist with trade setup based on the edge available at any time.
-VIX Positions helps with the basic option trading strategy for calls, puts and spreads, and call butterflies unique to VIX
-VIX Trading will bring all of the theory to practice. VIX Optional trade strategies that work in all conditions are available using the optimal trade strategies that we outline in the course
This course is five hours long and a great place for option trading.
Get Optionpit – VIX Made Easy Get it now!
Here’s what you’ll get in Optionpit – VIX Made Easy