Trader Dante – Edges For Ledges


– Monday’s Markets: A look at the best opportunities across the markets. I will walk you through the key areas of business, including stops, targets, and entries. File Size: 760MB

Trader Dante – Edges For Ledges
Tom Dante – Edges For Ledges
January Only
Tom began January 2017. Dante This service is new and innovative for serious traders.
You will receive a brief, highly informative recording six days a week.
– Monday’s Markets: A look at the best opportunities across the markets. I will help you navigate the key areas for business, including entry, stops, and targets.
Download immediately Trader Dante – Edges For Ledges
– Tuesday’s Trades: I will record every single trade that takes place that day and provide a play by play look at them after hours.
– Wednesday’s Workshop: A discussion of profitable strategies that you can use in your own trading.
– Thursday’s Tips: Specific tips on best practices covering all aspects of trading.
– Fixed Income Friday: For Bund traders.
– Saturday’s Statistics: A close look at specific statistics for individual markets to assist you in your decision making.
The recordings will last approximately 10 to 15 minutes.