Holosync – Super Learning Memory Suite


Students of all ages will be able to stay focused while they study and do their homework and get better grades.

You’ll increase overall focus, File size: 824.24 MB

Holosync – Super Learning Memory Suite

What could you accomplish…
…if you were so focused – so absorbed in what you’re learning or doing…
…that all the information is poured into your brain effortlessly?
Monday morning, 8:12 am, Beaverton, Oregon
Dear friend
Have you ever begun to turn the page of the book you’re reading when you suddenly realize that although your eyes saw the words…
You don’t know what you just read.
Your eyes saw the words but your mind was elsewhere. You lost focus and were distracted by thoughts, feelings, or sounds.
Or perhaps you’ve became distracted and lost the thread of a conversation – and were embarrassed to say so. You may have met someone and instantly forgotten their name.
Did you ever have something important that you needed to think about but instead of focusing your attention, you found it frustrating? “brain fog,” Despite making little or no progress,
We’ve all had these experiences. The truth is, one of THE most valuable mental capabilities – and one of the greatest predictors of every kind of success (socially, at school, or at work) – is…
Focus…the ability to concentrate – and stay focused.
For thousands of years the truism has been: You either have the ability to focus, or you don’t…
…and there’s very little you can do about it.
We live in an amazing new world today, where technology can solve problems that were once difficult to solve. “impossible.” This includes the use of technology to improve focus, learning, memory, recall, and recall.
Yes, there is technology that allows anyone to experience laser.-Focus and concentrate with laser focus. Learn more here

You can take less time and remember it when you need it.
Mailing a letter from one side of the world can take up to 2 weeks. Emailing takes just minutes.
It took the Mayflower 66 days to sail from England and America. A jet makes the same trip in 7 ½ hours – more than 200x faster.
We’re lucky to be alive in an age where technology makes what has always been slow and difficult…
It’s easy and quick.
Today, you can be one the most focused and focused people on earth with just a flip of a switch. You can learn quickly and easily and keep track of everything you have learned.
Your ability to focus and learn more quickly will make a difference in many other areas of life. When it’s time to accomplish something – anything, really – you’ll keep your attention on what you want and exclude from your awareness…
What used to distract you, takes you off-preventing you from achieving what you want.
Instead of dissipating your energy on irrelevant and distracting thoughts or actions, you’ll stay focused on accomplishing your goal.
“Ordinary people seek entertainment and distraction. Extraordinary people seek focus and learning.”~ Bill Harris
Is it really important to be able to focus? Only if you want to study or learn faster, comprehend what you read (or hear) more deeply, easily remember any information you’re exposed to, and more easily stick to and complete…
Do what you set out.
All winners have the same qualities: focus and the ability to learn. Believe me, no matter your current situation, you can also have these qualities – with very little effort and in a relatively short time.
To give you this chance at a better life-changing technological boost, Centerpointe’s team of neurotechnology sound engineers have created a special collection – a “suite” – of Holosync® audio tracks called…
…Super Learning & Memory Suite
This brain is incredibly affordable-The enhancing suite includes three downloadable Holosync® soundtracks that give you a number of desirable advantages:
You’ll learn and retain between five and twenty times more information during study and reading time

You’ll significantly increase your retention and recall

You’ll be able to prepare for situations where you need to “be on,” It is easy to keep important information and ideas organized “top of mind”

You’ll clear away your “brain fog” Reduce your stress levels

You’ll keep yourself laser-Focused and engaged in any type of detail work

Students of all ages will be able to stay focused while they study and do their homework and get better grades.

You’ll increase overall focus, concentration, and memory
How can we achieve this magic? Use Holosync® sound technology to create precise, positive (and safe) changes in the brain. There are several electric brainwave patterns.
Enhanced learning (upto 20% more information in a fraction of the time)

Increased storage, retention and retrieval of learned data and other memories

Enhanced, distraction-Focus and concentration free of distractions
Combining proprietary combinations of precise Holosync® sine wave audio tones, embedded under your choice of soothing music or gentle ocean waves, we create these beneficial brain wave states to enhance your learning, memory, and focus.
Super Learning & Memory Suite Three powerful soundtracks are included:
Ultra Focus and Learning This brainwave state dramatically increases focus, concentration, learning, and alertness. Instead of turning the page and realizing that you have no idea what you just read, you’ll be so drawn into the content that…
…every word will register and every thought will stick in your brain.
You won’t be distracted by anything. You’ll almost become what you’re reading. You’ll become totally absorbed. And, it won’t be a grind. You’ll enjoy yourself!
And, get this: Even after hours of reading or studying – which, as you know, can be quite draining – you’ll feel refreshed and energized.
Ultra Focus was my first experience with it. Learning I was reading dense scientific papers. Even after three hours of reading dense scientific studies, it was difficult to focus and concentrate. When I finally took off my headphones to have lunch, I felt light like a feather.
Download immediately Holosync – Super Learning Memory Sui
In fact, I had more energy when I finished than when I began!
Without Ultra Focus, and Learning You gradually exhaust the neurochemical fuel that is required to focus, concentrate, and learn…
…leaving your brain feeling tired and drained.-fogged.
Ultra Focus and Learning Your session ends feeling clearer-You are more focused and able to think clearly than you were when you started.
To make sure that the learning sticks, you can use the second soundtrack from our website. Super-Learning & Memory Suite: Super Memory Stabilizer.
Listening to Super Memory Stabilizer helps to retain complex information so that you can easily recall it when you need. Super Memory Stabilizer uses a specific formula of brainwave patterns that help you transfer what you’ve learned to…
…long term memory where you can quickly recall it.
Super Memory Stabilizer also includes powerful affirmations, encrypted with Centerpointe’s proprietary Autofonix “silent messaging” technology.
These affirmations were specially selected to improve your ability to learn, organize, and access everything you’ve learned, quickly and easily.
Click Here to see silent affirmations we use Super Memory Stabilizer:
The third soundtrack to the Super-Learning & Memory Suite Laser is the name of this laser Memory Recall.
This is the soundtrack “primes you” to retrieve what you’ve learned.
It can be used in situations where there is a lot to recall, such as before a test or meeting. Laser will help you to remember more than stressing out and clogging your memory. Memory Recall will give you the confidence and clarity…
…to access and express what you’ve learned.
After listening to Laser Memory Recall you’ll be “in the zone,” With crystal-Clear mental clarity, without distractions, hesitancy or worries.-guessing.
Laser Memory Recall allows you to experience the exact brain state that you need to access stored information.
Finally, we’ve added a 4th “bonus” track – Eureka Moment – I know you’ll love…
Let me ask: Are you naturally creative?” Does your job require creativity Are you up against…
…personal problems or work problems that seem insurmountable?
Eureka Moment is your source for creative solutions and ideas to any vexing problem or situation that requires a creative solution. It will ignite your creativity. “inner artist” To stimulate your brain to produce, “Aha!” moments.
And, while you tap into your brain’s inner creative genius, you’ll also be supercharging your mental energy – without artificial chemical stimulants.
Eureka Moment triggers several productions “feel-good” Neurochemicals that will give your mind a natural and wonderful experience “high.”
That’s four powerful, focus and memory-Inducing music for as low as $17.25 per month

Focus on what matters most. Learning, Memory Now!
Our six-member team has been a success.-These four soundtracks have impressed me over a month-long testing period. I’ve also seen young students improve their grades dramatically by using Super Learning & Memory Suite During study.
I know you’ll be impressed. I’m sure. They are indispensable. It’s a small investment that will make a big difference in your mental abilities.
Be well
Focus on the positive. Learning, Memory Now!
PS: If you have ever experienced this, you should get help. Super Learning & Memory Suite:
You need to learn something for school or your job. You relax and start reading. You feel hungry after a while so you put down the book and head to the kitchen to make something.
After reading for a few minutes you hear voices outside. You listen to what they’re saying for several minutes and then bring your attention back to your book.
You feel restless so you decide to listen on your phone to some music. After reading for a while again, you remember something you should’ve done yesterday and you start thinking about it. You also remember you forgot to get groceries so make a mental note to do it later in the day.
When you look at your watch, an hour has past, and you’ve read one and a half pages. And, you don’t remember much of what was on those one and a half pages.
It’s easy to become distracted – unless you’re plugged into Super Learning & Memory Suite.
It is only a matter of time before you can reap the benefits. Try it!
Here’s what you’ll get in Holosync – Super Learning Memory Suite