Janene M. Donarski – 2-Day: Anxiety Certification Course


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Janene M. Donarski – 2-Day: Anxiety Certification Course

Neuroscience has provided us with a roadmap that shows us how to work with anxious minds. However, many clinicians have struggled to understand the intricate map that neuroscience presents.
In this new, comprehensive certification training program recording, you’ll see how neuroscience can inform why, how and what techniques can help your clients stop the symptoms of anxiety – even tough to treat panic attacks, worry, rumination, nausea, and pounding hearts.
You can now watch Janene DonarskiDr. LP, LMSW CCATP for a complete step by step-By-Step-by-step clinical training on how to revolutionize your anxiety treatment with the power and potential of neuroplasticity.
More than the neurobiological “whats and whys”, you’ll also learn the “hows” of actual treatment – so you’ll know exactly how to empower your clients with strategies to resist anxiety-Initiating cognitions
You’ll leave this program recording confident in your ability and be fully prepared to integrate brain-Strategies that are based on the power of mindfulness to calm the mind, even in the most anxious, worried, and obsessive clients.

Assess the neurological processes that cause anxious symptoms in clients.
Teach clients the neurological processes behind anxiety in a clear, understandable manner that increases client motivation.
Client engagement in treatment through personalized goals and attending the therapeutic relationship.
To increase client engagement, incorporate personalized goals and direct client efforts towards making lasting brain changes.
Analyze the differences between amygdala-Base and cortex-Recognize the symptoms of anxiety based on their causes and determine how they can be treated.
Communicate strategies to calm and train the amygdala in order to relieve anxiety symptoms.
You can teach clients to retrain their cortex to resist anxiety rather than making it worse.
Determine if the client is suffering from rebound anxiety or relapse symptoms to determine the best treatment options.
Analyze the effects of psychotropic medication on neuroplasticity in brain and identify possible treatment implications.
Reframe exposure as an opportunity for the amygdala to learn new responses to increase client engagement and treatment compliance.
You can present client education exercises that you can use in session to teach clients how to use mindfulness techniques.
Provide clinical strategies to manage comorbid depression. These strategies reduce worry, rumination and common cognitive errors, while encouraging positive thinking and social interaction.

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Neuroscience and the Treatment of Cancer Anxiety


Recognized causes and treatments
Could explain neurological symptoms
Science provides evidence, authority
De-stigmatizes disorders

Clinician concerns:

You don’t have to be a neuroscientist
Simplicity is a must
It is crucial to find the right level of explanation

Enhancing Engagement in Treatment

Don’t neglect the therapeutic relationship
Personal goals are the most important
Take on the challenges of anxious clients
Strategies are not easy to implement.
Guide the process using client’s goals
Maintain motivation


Defined in everyday English
Goal of neurologically informed therapy

”Change the brain” in desired ways
Increase anxiety resistance
Create a new you

Re-Consolidation: The modification or consolidation of emotional memories

CBT for Neuropsychologically Informed Patients

Effective strategies can be employed “rewire” The brain
Evidence of efficacy for many years has been documented
Skills-Based approach
A strong focus on the future
Psychoeducation is vital

Identify the Two Neural Pathways Anxiety

Amygdala bottom-up triggering emotion, physicality of an anxiety
Cortex – top-Down emotion generation based on cognition
How to explain the routes to clients
How anxiety is created in each pathway
The pathways are interrelated

Client Friendly Explanations

Use illustrations to help you understand the concepts.
Fight/flight/freeze the responses
The “language of the amygdala”
Anxiety The cortex
Help clients recognize the differences

Neuroplasticity of the Amygdala is essential for all Anxiety Disorders, PTSD and OCD, Depression

The amygdala and sleep
The impact of exercise
Breathing techniques that reduce activation
Meditation, relaxation, and yoga can be used to modify your responses
Exposure is an opportunity for the amygdala learn
Signs that the amygdala may be able to learn new responses
To change the amygdala, overcome your anxiety

Neuroplasticity in Cortex Essential for GAD/SAD, OCD/PTSD, Depression

”Survival of the busiest” principle
Specific circuitry can be strengthened or weakened
The healthy (adaptive use) of worry in the cortex
”You can’t erase: You must replace”
Recognize and reduce the uncertainty impact
Correct uses of distraction
Techniques for the left hemisphere

Cognitive defusion
Coping with thoughts
Anticipation is the key to success

Techniques for the right hemisphere


Mindfulness and anxiety resistance

Neuroplasticity, Medications Anxiety Disorders, OCD and PTSD, Depression

Medication’s effects in the rewiring process
The chemical imbalance myth
The dangers of sedating your brain with benzodiazepines
Promote neuroplasticity through SSRIs, SNRIs
Effectiveness of CBT and meds

Moving beyond diagnostic categories to focus on Anxiety Pathways

Be aware of anxiety as part of many diagnoses

Depression, substance abuse, etc.

Amygdala & cortex-Techniques that are based on other disorders
Target brain-Based on symptoms, rather than disorders
Worry, obsessiveness, and rumination are all related cortex-Techniques based
Panic, phobic responses, and compulsions responds to amygdala-Techniques based

Research, Risks, and Limitations