Michael Breen – Habit Hacking


The Only Way To Combine Science-backed Research With Powerful Neuroscience-Linguistic Programming Processes To Help You Hack Your Habits In 30 days or Less…

 Michael Breen – Habit Hacking

The Only Way To Combine Science-backed Research With Powerful Neuroscience-Linguistic Programming Processes To Help You Hack Your Habits In 30 days or Less…
Positive Habits Lead to Positive Results
Bad Habits can make you feel down. You can’t succeed if you have bad habits.
Isn’t it time you had the power to determine which habits you use?

As spectacular as that sounds, it’s entirely true!
It has made the successful, wildly succesful.
And failures of so many who were ignorant of it’s all powerful way.
It’s an unknown super-Everyone is born with power. It controls billions of people’s actions every day.
But most people never see it working.
Even fewer people know how to consciously toggle it ON or off, and use it to their advantage.
This is super-Power is your ability or willingness to change our behavior. Habit Hack your way to a better, more successful you

And that’s the conservative estimate. Many estimate it’s up to 90%.
What about you? What makes you happy with your habits?
If you’re like a lot of frustrated students of personal development…

It’s OK, it’s not your fault.
I’ve been there myself. I used to struggle with making changes only to see things fall back a few days later, or sometimes hours later. Then, due to a chance meeting with a legendary NLP Master Trainer, all that changed… overnight.
I learned a lot about Neuro from that meeting and many others.-Linguistic Programming does (folks) like Michael Breen, Richard Bandler and Tony Robbins) that most ordinary NLPers don’t, to create lasting and deep habit change. And much to my surprise it wasn’t one big thing … it was a several very specific things (five to be exact).
People believed that our habits were indestructible until recently. You can change a belief or behaviour, but it is difficult to change a habit. This is what most students and teachers of personal development would agree to. “forget it!”
They’d tell me “Tom, you “can’t teach an old dog new tricks”, “a leopard never changes it’s spots” All of it.
This was to me a puzzle. I mean… what was the point of studying and learning all about change, reading books, going to seminars, listening to audios if you can’t change something so fundamental as our habits?
Particularly since so much success and happiness is directly related to our habits!
You can see that deep down, I knew something personal development professionals often overlook or completely ignore.
That is…

The Fact Is…
Research suggests that as high as 40% of your behavior can be controlled by your habits.

Your habits can have a profound impact on every aspect of your life.
Your career, your relationship, health, finances, and wellness.
Your habits either propel you towards success and the realisation of your goals…
… or left unchecked hurtle you downwards towards failure and another loop around frustration and the status quo.
And the scary thing is… our habits for the most part, were not created consciously. As children, we learn ways to act. Over time, these patterns become unconscious, automatic and habitual.
The Habit Machines created both good habits and bad ones.
And as you know…

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

If You’ve Had A Difficult Time Changing Your Life, Don’t Blame Yourself. Change your Habits.

You are dissatisfied with your current results…

You know you’re capable of much more but can’t seem to ‘turn it on’…

You’ve read a ton of books, attended a bunch of courses, got       motivated, tried a bunch of things but results were … far from stellar!

Your life is essentially the same. You’ve never really cracked how to create real BREAKTHROUGH CHANGE.
Are you close?

It’s OK, it’s not your fault.
I’ve been there myself. I used to struggle with making changes only to see things fall back a few days later, or sometimes hours later. Then, due to a chance meeting with a legendary NLP Master Trainer, all that changed… overnight.
I was able to discover what the Neuro giants were all about in that meeting and many others.-Linguistic Programming does (folks) like Michael Breen, Richard Bandler and Tony Robbins) that most ordinary NLPers don’t, to create lasting and deep habit change. And much to my surprise it wasn’t one big thing … it was a several very specific things (five to be exact).
People believed that our habits were indestructible until recently. You can change a belief or behaviour, but it is difficult to change a habit. This is what most students and teachers of personal development would agree to. “forget it!”
They’d tell me “Tom, you “can’t teach an old dog new tricks”, “a leopard never changes it’s spots” All of it.
This was to me, baffling. I mean… what was the point of studying and learning all about change, reading books, going to seminars, listening to audios if you can’t change something so fundamental as our habits?
Particularly since so much success and happiness is directly related to our habits!
You can see that deep down, I knew something personal development professionals often overlook or completely ignore.
That is…

Think about it…

How in shape, or out of shape you are… is a result of your habits.

How happy or unhappy you are… a result of your habits.

How successful or unsuccessful you are… a result of your habits.

How much money you have or lack of… a result of your habits.

Your habits can have a profound impact on every aspect of your life.
Your career, your relationship, your health, finances, and wellness.
Your habits either propel you towards success and the realisation of your goals…
… or left unchecked hurtle you downwards towards failure and another loop around frustration and the status quo.
And the scary thing is… our habits for the most part, were not created consciously. As children, we learn ways to act. Over time, these patterns become unconscious, automatic and habitual.
The Habit Machines created both good habits and bad ones.
And as you know…

If You’ve Had A Difficult Time Changing Your Life, Don’t Blame Yourself. Change your Habits.

You are dissatisfied with your current results…

You know you’re capable of much more but can’t seem to ‘turn it on’…

You’ve read a ton of books, attended a bunch of courses, got       motivated, tried a bunch of things but results were … far from stellar!

Your life is essentially the same. You’ve never really cracked how to create real BREAKTHROUGH CHANGE.
Are you close?

It’s not just that we have good habits or bad habits. It’s the impact they have on our lives.
Our health, our careers and our relationships.
You see in any area of your life where you’d like to be more successful, there are specific habits that people who are successful use.
You can be more successful, happier, in better health, in better shape, make more income, and be healthier.
However there is a powerful force that literally switches off part of your brain, so you can’t see when a harmful habit is working.
It’s like you look out and think you correctly observe the world, but you’re looking through rose tinted glasses and can’t see how key bad habits, are holding you back, blocking the path, obstructing your way.

“In truth, the the only difference between those who have failed and those who have succeeded lies in the difference of their habits.
Good habits are key to success. Bad habits can lead to failure. Thus, the first law I will obey, which precedes all others, is I will form good habits…”
-Og Mendino (The Greatest Seller in the World).

Common Bad Habits

1. Snacking & over-Eat all the time

2. Too much time spent watching TV

4. You can sleep in

5. Checking your email multiple times per day

6. Too much time spent on social media

7. Skipping the gym

8. Procrastinating

3. Staying up late

9. Consuming too much alcohol

10. Not following through on what was said

Take a look at the week just gone.

Think about it…

How in shape, or out of shape you are… is a result of your habits.

How happy or unhappy you are… a result of your habits.

How successful or unsuccessful you are… a result of your habits.

How much money you have or lack of… a result of your habits.

Bad habits can cause you harm

As healthy & fit as you’d like to be?

As energetic and focused as you’d like to be?

As happy and fulfilled as you’d like to be?

As successful as you’d like to be?

Earning as much money as you’d like to be?

Do you want to have deep and lasting friendships?

Do you want to have the influence and impact you desire?

Are you ready to live the life you really want?

Be honest. No one but yourself needs to know…
Are you consistently achieving the results and outcomes that you desire in your life? Are you…

Take any area of your life you’d like to be more successful in; business, career, relationships, dating, health etc.
You probably already know what it takes to succeed or have someone you can share that knowledge with.
If your goal is to lose weight or get fit, then you already know the benefits of regular exercise and improving your diet.
You probably know what courses, courses, and relationships you need to help you move up in your career and make more money.
If you want more confidence and to be more outgoing, you probably know the right people and resources that you can use.

It stays silently until it falls from your conscious mind into your subconscious mind. There, the new program can operate automatically and without awareness.

The world is flooded with information.

This realization leads to the question: What kind of habits are you able to maintain?

Think about your entire self-Help books, audio programs and seminars, as well as TV shows. People who read by themselves are the majority-Listen to audios, read books, attend seminars, and take notes.-Help TV programs fail to effect real and lasting change
Perhaps you’ve been there yourself. I’m certain I have.
 Here’s what you can expect in the new book Michael Breen – Habit Hacking

Michael Breen – Habit Hacking : Sample