Daniel Beer – Millionaire Farming Protocol


I am giving you a point by point walk through of every tool, system, technique, and marketing strategy my real estate team currently uses to farm over 32,000 home per month and generate over $1MM in GCI per year just from our farm alone.

Daniel Beer – Millionaire Farming Protocol

Dear friend,
I am giving you a point by point walk through of every tool, system, technique, and marketing strategy my real estate team currently uses to farm over 32,000 home per month and generate over $1MM in GCI per year just from our farm alone.  In fact, this year we will generate roughly $1,750,000 in commissions with our farming program.
My NEW training program gives you a full look under the hood of the most powerful lead gen source of one of the top producing teams in the nation.  In fact, farming was the key strategy that led to our business landing on at #831 on the Inc. 5000 list of fastest growing companies.

This is for you if you want to dictate where you do the bulk of your business and you want to turn each sale into a magnet that attracts the next so you don’t have to spend the rest of your life cold calling.
You’ll learn not just what to do, but also the how and the why for every step of the way.  That is what truly makes this program different.  That plus the fact that I am actually still in the business and live this stuff every single day.  This isn’t just theory for me, as it is for so many others.
I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars testing everything I could get my hands on in farming.  I know what works and I know what doesn’t.  Now I’m sharing it all with you.
Sign up for Millionaire Farming Protocol right now and you’ll get:
Millionaire Farming Protocol 5 Week Course. This is as much a farming course as it is an advanced marketing course that you can apply to all you do in business. You can take the training at your own pace, and you have access to it for LIFE. This is the most in depth farming course available in the entire real estate industry with over 30 hours of training. What makes this course different is you don’t only get what you have to do. You also get the how and the why from a real world rainmaker that actually does this day in and day out, just like you do.  Come with me on a step by step journey of:

Week 1: The Millionaire Farming Protocol – Learn to build authority and trust in your farm.  In this module we establish the foundation to a profitable farming campaign through consistency, and what are known as the Snowball Effect and the Expert Effect.
Week 1 Part 2: Choose, Launch, and Grow Your Farm – Learn how to most effectively choose the best farm for you, implement a launch strategy that will immediately create traction, and grow your farm to whatever scale you desire.
Week 3: Insider Rules to Direct Response Farming – Become the Anti-Realtor by doing things differently and create greater response and results than what typical agents experience.  This will also translate to all other areas of your marketing in your business.
Week 4: Learn how to use Risk Reversal strategies to preemptively overcome objections and sign more listings. Risk reversal is the preeminent strategy use by marketing wizards like Tony Robbins to build their business and now you will have them in your real estate business. This includes the Guaranteed Sale Program, Minute to Minute Listing Agreement, and Flexible Commission Structure.
Week 5: The Anatomy of a Mailer – I will walk you through, step by step, the EXACT mailing pieces I am using right now in our farming program. You even get the templates as a download.
Week 6: Competition Killing Marketing Touches – Take you farm by storm with this multi-channel approach so you can cement your place as the market leader in your farm. Think of this as the finishing move.

What is it worth for you to have access to the step by step farming program that has generated over $1MM in Commission for our business three years in a row?
BUT THIS IS NOT FOR EVERYBODY:  This is not for you if you want to get rich quick, skip hard work, or want a sure thing.  I can’t ever guarantee results, by law.  I don’t know you.  I don’t know what your drive and your hunger looks like.
The only thing I can guarantee is that you will receive world class training and get the what, how, and why behind our entire farming program to generate more than seven figures per year in commissions.
Own the entire course for life for only $997.  The Same system that has generated over $4,250,000 in commission in my farm over the last three years.

Read more: http://archive.is/fsRaF

Here’s What You’ll Get in Daniel Beer – Millionaire Farming Protocol