Dan Kennedy & Sally Hogshead – Fascination Marketing System


This product includes LIVE training, modules, PDFs, and other resources. It’s a “Special GKIC Edition” Similar, but not identical, to Sally’s product: The Complete Fascination Business System. What is it that makes you fascinating?

Dan Kennedy & Sally Hogshead – Fascination Marketing System

This product includes LIVE training, modules, PDFs, and other resources. It’s a “Special GKIC Edition” Similar, but not identical, to Sally’s product: The Complete Fascination Business System
What is it that makes you fascinating? It all starts with understanding how to combine two of the seven personality triggers in such a way that sparks intense interest from those around you.
They made it happen! Somehow, don’t ask me, our wiz-Bang

Tech team was able 4 hours of LIVE Training I gave

With Sally Hogshead Yesterday, and make it all on one page for you

To re-Watch or pay attention (make sure they know you are grateful the next time).

(They are visible)

Now, for my story of the day — with one of my favorite tie-ins,

She was the belle of the ball…
As she entered the room, every eye turned.
Every man, prince or pauper, wanted to dance with her

It will bear your name.
Every step-Sisters all over the world wished they could be her.
Everyone there that evening was spellbound … FASCINATED!
Yes, it was a good night for Cinderella. But there are always good things.

It came to an abrupt halt at midnight.
You see – Midnight was bad news for Cinderella and it’s potentially

You may also be in for some very bad news.
The luxury coach departs at 12 Midnight tonight.

Pumpkin, horses turn back into mice, and lizard coachman becomes a lizard

The tail grows and the tail scampers under a rock, which is a sign that there is no glass

slipper for you!
You see, this ain’t no fairy tale – it’s fact and if you don’t act fast before

the belfry rings 12, you’ll lose out on your chance to claim a copy

Of Sally Hogshead’s revolutionary “Fascination Advantage Marketing

Yes, you’re fascinating, but are you using it to your advantage?
Last week, I was in Orlando emceeing and presenting at GKIC’s SuperConference. The room was full the most ambitious and most successful entrepreneurs.-They are the ones that make it happen-Who had spent their money, and more importantly, their time learning.
Remember that school is never out for the real pro…no matter what level you are at.
I was among the first to see the event, and it was a privilege. Sally Hogshead’s special presentation on how to attract more customers and money using your “fascination.”
Sally She showed us how she used it “her fascination” to go from making $3000 to $30,000 per speaking engagement…and how we could use our “fascination” We are also planning to raise our fees substantially for our products or services.
She said: “Your personality is your most valuable asset” He taught us how to use our fascination to make us stand out in the market.
Sally It was pointed out that if all things are equal, any person, product, company, or service will win. The most fascinating person will always win.
To illustrate, she told a story of going on a ride in a theme park. There were two options. One was a green or one was an orange ticket. She was told the difference was “the orange ticket was the more intense and exciting ride and had more thrills. The green ticket was for those who wanted a milder, less intense version of the ride.”
The orange ticket ride was more popular than the orange ticket ride. People were also visibly and audibly excited about the orange ticket ride.-ticket holder line. The green is the opposite.-People in ticket holder lines were subdued, and seemed kind of bored.
After taking the orange ticket ride, Sally She decided to ride the green ticket ride to see the difference. She was shocked to discover that the rides were identical!
The rides were all the same, but the orange ticket ride had more attraction.
Which type of ride do you offer your customers and prospects? Is it a boring one or one that is exciting? Let’s see if you think you could bring more life to your marketing and business. I’m about to give you 10+ years of research into a few short paragraphs.
You can see Sally This video will show you how to make your business and yourself more successful “orange ticket experience” Use what she calls your “fascination advantage.”
According to more than ten years worth of research, the key is that Sally These are the seven modes of “communication triggers” These are your characteristics “fascination advantage.” These triggers include: Passion, Trust and Mystique, Prestige and Power, Alarm, Rebellion, and Prestige.
One of these triggers is your most natural trigger. There is also a secondary trigger. There are 49 possible combinations. One of these combinations is your “fascination advantage.”
A personality archetype is a person who has both a primary trigger for power and a second trigger for prestige. “The Maestro.” Maestros have a commanding presence and are respected for their high standards. Their strengths include being ambitious, admired and respected, competitive, and results-oriented.-oriented.
The more you build your business around your natural triggers, the more successful it will be. Because you are unique and no one can copy you. That means that being more of yourself is the greatest value.
In fact Sally’s studies show that when you find ways to accelerate and amplify your fascination, your ideal client’s brain enters into intense focus, almost as if they are spell-bound. This will change their brain and allow them to think automatically “yes” Instead of “no,” They will be more willing to work with your company.
For example, if your job requires you to be a “Maestro”Your focus would be on people who are making decisions.-People who want to achieve better results are the ones who make it happen. You can focus on your “fascination advantage”Also, do more of what comes naturally to your mind; decision-People who want to achieve better results will be attracted to you.
Get Dan Kennedy & Sally Hogshead – Fascination Marketing System Get it now.
Sally’s five step system for doing this is to:
1) Identify your fascination advantage. Stay tuned to discover your fascination advantage.
2) Engage your audience in just nine seconds. The average attention span is now 9 seconds. That means that you need to focus on your fascination advantage in just nine seconds to win over your prospect or customer, client, or patient. If your advantage is reputation, then your prospect would want respect and results. You would charm your audience by exacerbating their interest.-delivering.
3) Communicate with the highest value of your life “Golden Triangle.” The three sides of a Golden Triangle represent: the problem or need
Your client’s needs are solved, the opportunity that your product or service offers to solve them, and your fascination advantage, which is how you can add unique value.
4) Optimize your staff. Sally says that to optimize your team, you don’t want to hire people that are like you. You want to hire people who will add value and enhance your fascination with them.
5) Fascinate long-term to create long-term clients. Think of some of the people and companies that are still fascinating, such as Apple or Warren Buffet. Focusing on their achievements is a great way to do this. “fascination advantage”They continue to be leaders in their field. Your fascination advantage can be used to build loyalty and increase the willingness of your audience to pay more for your products and services.
Your greatest asset is your personality. In fact, in many cases your personality doesn’t just add value, it IS the value. The higher income you want and expect, the more it’s about who you are and not what you do.