2000 books – 10x Productivity


As your life, career and business evolve, you will need new ideas to help you get to the next level. Format File: [50 MP3s, 49 PDFs, 49 MP4s] File Size: 2.309 GB

2000 books – 10x Productivity

Video Summaries of the 50 Greatest books on Time Management, Productivity, Goal Setting, Systems, Execution, Strategy & Leverage

Sample of 250+ ideas from the Program

Productivity & Time Management

Goal Setting

Strategy and Leverage

Trusting the Process

Execution Mindset

Defeating Procrastination


Routines, Rituals and Habits

Brain Performance
    Absorb key concepts from each book
We take 4-7 key concepts from each book and create engaging, explanatory videos around those ideas. As per research by Edgar Dale (also known as cone of experience), Videos are 3-5 times more effective than reading when it comes to learning new ideas
Your Vault of 250+ Actionable Strategies, Tips, Tools and Techniques
Our book summaries cover over 250+ great ideas on massively increasing your productivity.
As your life, career and business evolve, you will need new ideas to help you get to the next level. No matter what stage of career or business you are in, you can always come back to this library and find new ideas to explore and apply and increase your productivity dramatically.
10+ Hrs of Video content
The Most impactful and actionable ideas are made available to you in easy to absorb videos. Our video library has over 10+ hours of content.
1 Yr of reading compressed into 10 Hours of Video _x0001F642_
If you decided to read these 50 books, you would need  to read for nearly for 250-300 hours (assuming you can read at 200 words per minute). So if you read 1hr/day every Monday-Friday for a whole year, you will get to 250 hours of reading. Well, we have done all that reading for you … and compressed all that reading into awesome videos you will enjoy learning from.
World Class 180 Day Money back Guarantee
The last thing I want is for you to pass on this because you’re not sure it’ll work for you. I *know* it will, so here’s our offer to you:
Put us to the test. Take the program for a spin today.
Spend just a few days with the course and see your productivity soar.
Then take up to 180 Days to grow your productivity to insane levels.
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And if for some reason you don’t agree that we’ve given you a faster, easier way to absorb the knowledge you need to become insanely productive, we will cheerfully refund your money, no questions and no hassles, any time within the next year.
Either way, all the risk is on us.
Order Now for $69

180 Day Money Back Guarantee
I will personally give you a 100% money back guarantee. Try the course for 180 days. If you do not like it for any reason, just let us know and we will promptly refund your money, no questions asked.

Some of your comments and feedback
Allan Paine
Mani has the ability to break down the most difficult problems and find simple insights that feel like Ah-ha moments. Earlier this year, I was feeling overwhelmed and run down because of the demands of my business. I felt like I had lost my sense of control and was feeling very stressed out. Mani gave me one strategy to apply and that single strategy literally gave me my sense of control back. Having that sense of control has given me the space and clarity to think much more strategically. Great work!

Allan Paine President, Founder PM Holdings
Here’s What You’ll Get in 2000 books – 10x Productivity