Quenten Chad & Jovan Stojanovic – 30 Day SMMA


How We ed And Scaled Our Online Marketing Agency To Over $10,000 In 30 Days. When You Join 30 Day SMMA, You Immediately Get Acces to The Entire Program PLUS More

Quenten Chad & Jovan Stojanovic – 30 Day SMMA

How We Started And Scaled Our Online Marketing Agency To Over $10,000 In 30 Days.
When You Join 30 Day SMMA, You Immediately Get Acces to The Entire Program PLUS More

Lifetime Access to All 7 Modules

($4,997 VALUE)

You will have LIFETIME access to over 15 HOURS of valuable videos.

Everything from setting up your business to the ultimate OUTREACH and how to be a savage at SALES to DELIVERING RESULTS to keep your clients happy to SCALING to MULTIPLE 6-FIGURES!

LIVE Meeting Footage of us Closing Over $30,000

($1,997 VALUE)

You won’t see this anywhere else! Live meeting footage of us CLOSING $30,000 on Skype… PAID on the spot! You’ll have access to this so you can replicate this for yourself.

Meeting & Sales Scripts, Email Templates, Contracts + More

($1,497 VALUE)

Our exact meeting script that allowed us to close every single one of our clients! The killer sales scripts and outreach templates so you can CLOSE clients! You will have our contract that allows us to keep our clients for a minimum of 3 months AND so much more!

Support + Feedback in Our Private Facebook Group

($1,997 VALUE)

Live group calls twice per month to help troubleshoot your specific problems. Whatever you need help with, we are available for you on these exclusive calls! We are also active in the group daily to help you with any of your questions!

Coaching from Jovan and Quenten

($1,997 VALUE)

You will be able to book one-on-one calls with the both of us which is only for 30 DAY SMMA STUDENTS!

If you have any questions or you need help – we are here for you!
Get immediately download Quenten Chad & Jovan Stojanovic – 30 Day SMMA
Class Curriculum
Module 0: This is the
The 30 Day Plan (5:22)

The Private Facebook Mastermind Group

Do NOT Give Up – Take It One Step At A Time (2:26)

Do The Work. You Have To. (2:22)

Follow This Template Step-By-Step (5:31)

Preview Why Businesses Will Pay You so Much Money (3:10)

Preview Know Your Worth (4:03)

STOP! Don’t Be Nervous (2:21)

Who to reach out to and how (2:08)

Outreach Psychology (it’s a numbers game) (3:23)

Pre Outreach Confidence (1:58)

Sending Out The Open Space Script (Facebook) (2:43)

The Secret Market Place (Facebook) (5:57)

The Student Approach (3:53)

The Trial Approach (3:46)

Time To Get On The Phone! (2:03)

What To Do After The Open Space Script (3:39)

The 5 Rules of Sales (8:08)

The 3 Things You Need (3:31)

How To Sell The Facebook Ads (5:46)

Pre Meeting Confidence (3:04)

What to Say in The Meeting (The Ultimate Meeting Script)

Real Estate Agent for $7500 ($2500/month) LIVE

Analytical Breakdown!

Another Real Estate Agent for $7500 ($25oo/month) LIVE

Analytical Breakdown! (25:36)

Congrats! You CLOSED! (3:20)

GOAL: Land Your First Client! (1:36)

Getting Paid! (3:45)

Facebook Ad Rundown (10:44)

Who Pays For The Ads (3:07)

How to Sign a Client! (3:33)

Contract Templates

Client On-Boarding Checklist

Open Space Script & More

Professional Facebook Posts

Final Words (2:22)


Follow This Template Step-By-Step (5:31)

Do The Work. You Have To. (2:22)

Student Success – $13,500 Client for Nolan G

Thank You for Choosing Pristine (0:59)
Module I: Preliminary Work

The Formula for Success (5:38)

Setting Up Your Domain (3:09)

Setting Up G-Suite for SMMA (9:27)

Setting Up Your Payment Processor (4:19)

Integrating Auto-Billing for Recurring Revenue (3:35)

Setting up Skype Numbers (4:11)

Building Case Studies (11:16)

Case Study For You

Schedule/Meeting Setup + Syncing with Mobile Device (5:46)

Charging Tax (HST/VAT/ETC) (5:36)

Setting Up Your Website In 60 Minutes or Less (Template Included) (3:07)

Setting up Facebook Business Manager (6:01)

How to Request Facebook Access (1:22)

How to Stay Organized (2:41)

Why You Need a Business Plan by Henny Yeshanew (8:26)

Expectations, Proposals, and Terms of Agreement by Joshua Daniel George (8:02)

How to Sign Clients Virtually (3:33)

(.PDF) Our Contract Template

(.PDF) Client On-boarding Checklist
Module II: Ultimate Outreach

Running Your Business Virtually (#SkypeCloseGang) (4:02)

Outreach Psychology (3:23)


How To Approach Outreach I (5:23)

How To Approach Outreach II (3:55)

The Top 3 Methods of Outreach (6:31)

Free Trials VS Paid Trial – What to Do (10:53)

Setting Up Servers for 24/7 Automated Scraping (3:28)

Lead Scraping Software Tutorial (11:17)

Alternative Lead Scraping Software (5:55)

Buying Leads (2:40)

Simple Mobile App Setup To TRIPLE Your Cold Calling Success Rate (5:22)

Automated Email Outreach (26% Reply Rates) (9:14)

The Ultimate Email Follow Up – Landed a $4,500 PER MONTH Client From This! (7:29)

Simple BUT Effective Follow – You Will Be Surprised (2:25)

LinkedIn Outreach (Automated) (7:28)

Case Study Pixel Tracking Strategy (3:46)

Instagram Outreach (Automated) (11:35)

The Time-Zone Strategy (2:32)

Automated Voicemail Outreach (8:03)

Facebook Outreach Strategy I (Ad Review Strategy) (6:09)

Facebook Outreach Strategy II (Group Strategy) (9:09)

Facebook Outreach Strategy III (Fully Automated Strategy – No Ads Required) Part 1 (5:45)

Facebook Outreach Strategy III (Fully Automated Strategy – No Ads Required) Part 2 (8:49)

The Referral System Outreach by Joshua Daniel George (3:58)

Outreach via Screen Capture by Avi Grondin (15:42)

Upwork Outreach by Bradley Riley (13:22)
Module III: Sales Mastery & Close Footage

Psychology of Sales (5:14)

Goals With Sales (1:58)

The Sales Cycle (3:32)

The Five Rules of Sales (8:08)

Sales Tonality (4:57)

The 3 Things You Need (3:31)

Emotional Selling VS Logical Selling (4:39)

The 4 Types of Personas (6:49)

Objection Handling (3:48)

The Attention Grab Method (12:13)

Ruthlessness in Sales (3:43)

Pre-meeting Confidence (3:04)

(.PDF) Our Meeting Script/Structure

Close #1: E-Commerce Brand for $13,500 ($4500/month) LIVE

Close #2: Real Estate Agent for $7500 ($2500/month) LIVE

Close #3: Another Real Estate Agent for $7500 ($25oo/month) LIVE

Close #4: Spa Salon for $8000 ($2000/month) LIVE

Failed Close #1: Real Estate Agent

Analytical Breakdown of Close #1

Analytical Breakdown of Close #2

Analytical Breakdown of Close #3

Analytical Breakdown of Close #4

Skype Closing + iMSG Switch Strategy (4:25)

The Triple Yes Strategy (6:08)

The Price Drop & Silence Strategy (4:22)

The Babystep Payment Walkthrough (5:39)

Creative Followup Method I (3:20)

Creative Followup Method II (11:13)

Creative Followup Method III (5:39)

Intro To Sean’s Calls (Why They Were The BEST Cold Calls) (2:13)

Cold Calls & Booking Meetings by Sean Bell PART 1 (LIVE) (4:35)

Cold Calls & Booking Meetings by Sean Bell PART 2 (LIVE) (9:51)

Cold Calls & Booking Meetings by Sean Bell PART 3 (LIVE) (6:42)

Cold Calls & Booking Meetings by Sean Bell PART 4 (LIVE) (7:48)

Enterprise Sales by Avi Grondin (2:52)
Module IV: Facebook Ads & Delivering Results

Introduction to Delivering Results (4:00)

Lead Generation – Two Types of Forms (intro) (1:32)

Landing Pages VS Facebook Native Lead Gen (6:18)

Part 0: Intro to Client Setup (1:08)

Part 1: Setting Up The CRM (3:35)

Part 2: Setting Up Profitable Facebook Ads & Lead Gen Forms (7:39)

Part 3: Integrating with Zapier (6:19)

Part 4: Back To The CRM (5:11)

Part 5: SMS Followups to SKYROCKET Your Converisons (11:09)

CRM Pricing Trick (2:40)

Scaling Facebook Adsets For Local Lead Gen (9:02)

Management Content Gathering Chrome Extension Hack (3:56)

Automating Social Media Management Posting (3:39)

Delivering Results on Instagram (Fully Automated) (3:04)

Successful Facebook Ad Examples

$16,000 Worth Of Revenue in 30 Days [SPA SALON CASE STUDY] (24:47)
Module V: Scaling, Team Building & Outsourcing

Team Members VS Virtual Assisstants (5:47)

Employees VS Contractors (5:32)

Finding Superstars (6:27)

Scaling Too Fast (6:16)

Communicating & Password Keeping with Slack (3:42)

Asana for Virtual Assistants (6:50)

Cold Call Tracking Sheet (7:40)

Scaling & Networking by Henny (11:41)

Team Management by Henny (8:11)

Outsourcing by Bradley Riley (PART 1) (8:17)

Outsourcing by Bradley Riley (PART 2) (9:13)
Module VI: Surprise Bonus Module

How To Do an SMMA Business Partnership (7:00)

An Extremely Profitable SMMA Service NO-ONE Knows About (9:50)

The $27,000 Beer Close (7:04)

“The Counter” – A Sneaky Method of Outreach (6:40)

Handling A Client That Has Left You by Joshua Daniel George (8:49)

Scaling by Mastering Your Niche (7:01)

Structuring Your Bank Accounts by Avi Grondin (13:47)
Module VII: Unstoppable Scripts, Secure Contracts & More

Website Template – Setup in Less Than 60 Minutes

3-Month Contract Template

On-Boarding New Clients Checklist

Automated Email – Step-by-Step

Email Templates

Using A Scraper Software

How to Triple Your Cold Calls

Ultimate Cold Calling Scripts

Objection Handling (Cold Calls)

Ultimate Meeting Structure – Script

The Triple Yes Theory – Step-by-Step

The Payment Walkthrough

Successful Facebook Ad Examples

Cold Call Tracking Sheet (Your Army)

Employee VS Contractor (READ THIS!)

The Most Effective Outreach Approaches

The Five Sales Principles

Professional Facebook Posts
Here’s What You’ll Get in Quenten Chad & Jovan Stojanovic – 30 Day SMMA