Susan Kaiser Greenland – 2-Day Experiential Workshop


Working in a classroom or a clinic can be overwhelming and exhausting. As the level of children’s distress and needs increase so do competing demands from parents and administrators.

 Susan Kaiser Greenland – 2-Day Experiential Workshop


An Exploration of the Inner Kids Model and Activity-Based Mindfulness
A fun, pragmatic approach to mindfulness and meditation using games to develop six essential life skills:

Caring & Connecting

Experience mindful games: lecture, demonstrations and dyads

Quieting: Calming and Self-Regulation

Explore mindful strategies to:

Develop restraint
Release nervous energy
Calm and self-soothe

Experience a mindful activity: A Cooling Out-Breath, Shake It Up, and Gratitude Walk

Focusing: Attention and Concentration

Explore mindful strategies to develop:

Help kids ignore distractions
Build steady, flexible attention

Experience mindful games/activities: Mindful Breathing, Counting Breaths, Tic-Toc, Slow and Silent Walking, and Visualizations

Seeing & Reframing: A Wise and Compassionate Worldview

Explore mindful strategies to explore:

Cause and effect
Develop perspective taking

Experience mindful games: Duck! Rabbit!, Pinky Pointing or Thumbs Game, Life is Good, and Three Good Things.

Caring & Connecting: Speaking and Acting with Wisdom and Compassion

Explore mindful strategies to develop:

Age-appropriate discernment
Capacity to let go of old hurts and disappointments
Offer a roadmap for speaking and acting in a way that’s helpful to self and others

Experience mindful games: Is it Helpful?, The Three Gates, What Did I Hear?, Resting and Noticing, Stargazing, Pink Bubble

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Working in a classroom or a clinic can be overwhelming and exhausting. As the level of children’s distress and needs increase so do competing demands from parents and administrators.
This vicious cycle wears down teachers and clinicians while fueling stress, frustration, conflict, and disappointment for children and caregivers alike.
Join mindfulness expert, Susan Kaiser Greenland to show you how activity-based mindfulness beats this depleting cycle by developing six crucial life skills that lead to:

Stronger attention
Greater emotional intelligence
Enhanced self-regulation
Strengthened compassion for self and others

Effective, brief, yet authentic, mindful activities build lasting psychological strengths while offering moments of calm in the classroom and clinic, even when stress and strong emotions run high.
You’ll learn to foster six essential life skills – Quieting, Focusing, Seeing, Reframing, Caring & Connecting – using mindful games that have been empirically tested for over 15 years with thousands of children. Using mindful activities will strengthen and support how you communicate and teach while helping kids and caregivers alike develop mind-body awareness, compassionate life skills, and manage stress.