David Neagle – Just Believe Masterclass


Surpass your own limitations and create the lifestyle of your dreams. What Makes Just Believe Masterclass the BEST Success-Mindset Program? Rather than teaching you what to think, Just Believe Masterclass teaches you HOW to think, giving you the ability to tap into your personal strengths, desires, goals, and purpose with CONFIDENCE…

David Neagle – Just Believe Masterclass

Surpass your own limitations and create the lifestyle of your dreams.
What Makes Just Believe Masterclass the BEST Success-Mindset Program?
Rather than teaching you what to think, Just Believe Masterclass teaches you HOW to think, giving you the ability to tap into your personal strengths, desires, goals, and purpose with CONFIDENCE. Through reflection techniques and one-of-a-kind exercises, you’ll gain the clarity you need to see that next opportunity or make that next decision.
How Just Believe Masterclass Works
01 | Learn at your own pace
The entire Just Believe Masterclass Curriculum is delivered upon completion of your registration, so you get to decide when and how fast you learn.
02 | Learn according to your own learning style:
This program is delivered via audio download, written transcript and PDF supplemental one-of-a-kind worksheets and exercises.
03 | Refer back any time
All materials are yours to keep. Download the materials to your computer or mobile device and continue to use the course as a trusted resource whenever you need it.
Module 1
Foundational Principles of Accurate Thinking- Part 1

Building the Foundational Beliefs of Success
How The Mind Works
The 3 Human Needs
Creating a Winning Self Image
How Beliefs Affect Your Self-Image

Module 2
Foundational Principles of Accurate Thinking- Part 2

Goal Setting and The Creative Process
The Levels of Awareness
The Terror Barrier
Desire Is The 1st Indication of Manifestation
Everything Is Created As A Whole

Module 3
Foundational Principles of Accurate Thinking- Part 3

The Discipline of Raising Your Standard – Part 1
The Discipline of Raising Your Standard – Part 2
Entering into the Spirit of It – Part 1
Entering into the Spirit of It – Part 2

Module 4
Essential Teachings from The Science of Getting Rich

The 1st Principle of the Science of Getting Rich
The Impression of Increase
The Power of Gratitude
The Law of Forgiveness
The Spirit of Beauty and Opulence

Module 5
The Champion’s Mentality

There are No Shortcuts
Turn Weakness into Strength
Build a Bigger Heart
Tap into the Pain to Make the Gain!
Try One More Time

Module 6
Understanding Greatness

Going from Good to Great – Part 1
Going from Good to Great – Part 2
Going from Good to Great – Part 3
Going from Good to Great – Part 4
Going from Good to Great – Part 5

Module 7
Changing the Authority of Your Mind

The Quiet Answer
The Savior’s Vision
The Awakening: The Closing of the Gap
Release from Fear
Fear and Conflict

Module 8
Living Your Greatness

The Decision to Be Great
Setting High Expectations
The Common Denominator of Success
The Principle of Guidance

Module 9

The Roles We Choose out of Negative Love – Part 1

41. The Roles We Choose out of Negative Love – Part 2
42. Freedom and Romance – Part 1
43. Freedom and Romance – Part 2
Module 10
The Laws of the Universe

The law of thinking
The law of supply
The law of manifestation
The law of receiving
The law of compensation

Module 11
The Laws of the Universe Part 2

Working with the law
The law of increase
The law of non-resistance
The law of success

Just Believe Masterclass is a culmination of all those years of study, experience, and quite honestly, the hard lessons I learned along the way. And let me just say something…
take a look at the people who are successful…

the people you compare yourself to or the people you admire.
Those people didn’t start out that way. The one common denominator between all successful people is that they learned how to think.
Archive: http://archive.is/czzJD
Here’s What You’ll Get in David Neagle – Just Believe Masterclass

David Neagle – Just Believe Masterclass : Sample