Susan Marie – Psychopharmacology Conference


Clients often only have a few minutes with their prescriber and require additional support. It’s vital that you are able to answer their questions, help manage side effects and understand reactions.

 Susan Marie – Psychopharmacology Conference


Drug metabolism concepts
Drug mechanisms of action- what we know, what we don’t know
Placebo effects- power & how to get it to work for your client
When to refer for medication- pearls for increasing client interest and participation
Developing highly effective collaborations with prescribers

Depressive Disorders

Neurochemistry of depression
Controversy regarding antidepressants and placebo- Who to treat when?
Types of antidepressants- pearls and pitfalls of different agents
Managing side effects
Treatment Resistant depression and drug combinations

Anxiety Disorders & Obsessive Compulsive Disorders & Trauma Related Disorders

Neurochemistry of anxiety
SGAD, panic disorder, phobias
Physiological interventions
Anti-anxiety medications

The many other options often ignored

Benzodiazepines: risks and benefits

How to recognize problematic prescribing patterns
Getting off benzos: key pearls for success

Managing side effects

Bipolar Disorders

Neurochemistry and symptoms
The Bipolar Spectrum concept & DSM-5® changes
Types of mood stabilizers, when to use which and potential adverse effects

Atypical antipsychotics
Augmenting agents

Effective strategies for improving outcomes for clients

Using blood levels effectively- what the prescriber may not be watching

Treating pregnant or potentially pregnant women with bipolar disorder

Psychotic Disorders/ Schizophrenia

Neurochemistry of psychosis and schizophrenia
Antipsychotic Medications:

First generation (typical)
Second generation (atypical)

Managing side effects

Extrapyramidal symptoms and TD
Metabolic problems- what blood tests are needed and when
Preventing Diabetes Mellitus

Recognizing hyperprolactinemia- and why you need to know
Use of atypical antipsychotics for multiple disorders
Pregnancy and psychotic disorders

Attentional Disorders

Differential diagnosis
Neurochemistry of ADHD
Controversy about treatment of ADHD with stimulants
Substance abuse and ADHD
Stimulant medications
Non-stimulant options
Managing side effects

Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders
Differential diagnosis
Chicken or the egg? What came first, sleep problems or mental illness
Controversy about treating sleep problems with hypnotics
Sleep interventions that really work
Hypnotic medications: risks and benefits
Alternatives to hypnotics
Recognizing adverse Effects

Substance Use Disorders

Neurochemistry of addiction & habit development
Drugs of abuse and interaction with psychiatric medications


Marijuana (discussion of medical marijuana, cost vs. benefit)
Challenging the old thinking about when to prescribe for clients with dual diagnosis-what we now know
Medication assisted treatments for addictions


Behavioral addictions- what we know works

Eating Disorders

Anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder
Weight gain from psychotropic medications
Recognizing medical emergencies

Standard of care for lab work

Integrating psychotherapy with psychopharmacology

Special Populations: Geriatric

Specialized guidelines for geriatric clients
Discussion of dementia treatment
Antipsychotic controversy

Special Populations: Women

Hormonal issues in mood disorders & anxiety
Pregnancy and breastfeeding-

Presenting the choices
Resources for you and your clients

The dangerous, the concerning, and the possibly good options for psychopharmacology
Menopause- current knowledge and agents

Treating Clients with Comorbid Chronic Pain

Neurochemistry implications- why it’s critical to intervene
When psychopharmacology can help
Other alternative interventions

Limitations of The Research & Potential Risks

Would you like to receive  Susan Marie – Psychopharmacology Conference ?

Learn current understanding of how & why mental health medications work
Increase your effectiveness communicating and collaborating with prescribing practitioners
Understand which medications are evidenced-based to best treat which disorders
Improve your clients’ responses and clinical outcomes to medications
Help your clients recognize side effects and what their options are with these problems
Learn about new trends in prescribing, including changes from DSM-5®
Understand current controversies in the field

Spend twelve action-packed hours learning about the newest advances in psychopharmacology and contemporary trends in medication management. From her unique perspective as a doctored psychiatric nurse practitioner, Susan Marie teaches psychopharmacology thoughtfully, with an emphasis on the experience of the client. Susan’s extensive 30 years of experience in mental health and passion for clients, shines through in the detail and thoroughness of her presentation.
Clients often only have a few minutes with their prescriber and require additional support. It’s vital that you are able to answer their questions, help manage side effects and understand reactions. Designed for counselors, nurses, psychotherapists, psychologists, and other mental health professionals, Susan provides the information you need in order to best help your clients.
This conference allows time for exploration of underrepresented areas, including ADHD, sleep, eating, and substance use disorders. Take home specialized guidelines for geriatrics, pregnant or nursing women, and clients with chronic pain. Discuss how the DSM-5® has impacted prescribing patterns and the use of psychotropics in newly defined diagnoses. In addition to a general ‘nuts and bolts’ review of medications, you will examine case examples, discuss medication controversies and how to effectively collaborate with prescribing practitioners.
Susan’s engaging presentation includes many take home “pearls” you can use to teach your clients about their medications and how to protect them from concerning, dangerous or adverse effects. You will find this conference to have the most up to date medication information and how to use it most effectively with your client.
 Here’s What You’ll Get in Susan Marie – Psychopharmacology Conference

Susan Marie – Psychopharmacology Conference : Sample