Alison A. Armstrong – Why Men Lie, Why Women Lie


Let’s shed some light on this sensitive topic that has a huge impact on our relationships. This recording will reveal the differences between men lying and women lying. How to create a space for honesty, open communication and trust. How to deal with lying in a way that fosters partnership

Alison A. Armstrong – Why Men Lie, Why Women Lie

Let’s shed some light on this sensitive topic that has a profound impact on all our relationships.
Lying is as old a tradition as the hills. Everyone does it, even if they believe they don’t. It is a common phobia for almost everyone to hear a lie, or be allowed to believe it. There are bold.-Face lies, exaggeration lies and white lies, lies by omission, false-Advertising and promises that turn out to be lies. Most lies are an expression Human Animals’ fear, sense of scarcity and need for approval.-Protection and striving to achieve status. Is lying ever an expression Human Spirit?
Listen to this recording to learn:

The reasons why men and woman lie are different
How to create an environment that encourages honesty and open communication
How to deal with lying in a way which restores partnership

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