Simplilearn – PPC Specialist Masters Program Training


The Advanced PPC Course is designed to transform you into an industry-ready paid marketing professional. Follow our clear, structured learning path recommended by industry experts and fast-track your career. You will learn to master the nuances of pay per click, display advertising

Simplilearn – PPC Specialist Masters Program Training

The Advanced PPC Course is designed to transform you into an industry-ready paid marketing professional. Follow our clear, structured learning path recommended by industry experts and fast-track your career. You will learn to master the nuances of pay per click, display advertising, conversion optimization, and web analytics, and you’ll acquire extensive project experience to prepare you for managing paid marketing initiatives.
Key features

25+ hours of high-quality e-learning content
Online progress quiz
Downloadable workbooks and exercises
Practice tests
Topics on Conversion Tracking, Bidding & Reporting
Comprehensive and up-to-date content

What’s the focus of this course?
Pay Per Click (PPC) is an effective internet advertising model used to direct traffic to websites. Advertisers pay the publisher or the website owner only when the advertisement is clicked. Simplilearn’s Advanced Pay Per Click course trains professionals in the fields of PPC and Paid Search. In the digital world, a PPC-certified professional is able to display compelling campaigns to target an audience based on expressed interests and demonstrated search history.

What are the course objectives?
This Advanced Pay Per Click (PPC) course helps participants to gain expertise in Pay Per Click and Paid Search. After completing this course, participants will:

Have knowledge and expertise on various aspects of Pay Per Click advertising.
Be familiar with the auction model, ranking algorithms, and post-click activity.
Understand the differences between various search engines and how each one can affect a campaign.
Be able to assess the market shared by the search engines.
Analyze past and future Pay Per Click trends.
Define, measure, and compare keywords and choose the best to fit the advertising model.
Have a strong awareness of campaign settings, how to structure a campaign, and pricing models.
Be proficient in writing your own ads, developing landing pages, and using ad groups.
Review the market trends to decipher which PPC campaign works for other marketers.
Track clicks and the Return on Investment to determine success for each campaign.
Will have knowledge of display advertising
 Will gain insights into advanced Content marketing and advanced website conversion rate optimization

The program provides access to more than 35 live, instructor-led online classes conducted by an expert training team. You’ll gain access to high-quality e-learning content, simulation exams, a community moderated by experts, monthly mentoring sessions and other resources to enable you to master the skills you’ll need to become a complete PPC specialist.

Who can become a PPC Specialist?
PPC skills are ideal for those who seek leadership positions in paid marketing. The following roles are best suited to be PPC specialists:

Marketing managers
Digital marketing executives
Marketing and sales professionals
Management, engineering, business, and communication graduates
Entrepreneurs and business owners

Why become a PPC Specialist?
Paid marketing is the most effective way to target digital audiences and accounts for 40+ percent of all digital marketing budgets. PPC specialists are responsible for planning, managing, and executing paid marketing campaigns on various media to achieve business goals such as brand awareness, lead generation, and sales conversion. This role requires a blend of marketing and analytical skills and an in-depth understanding of bidding methods, performance measurement, ad platforms, conversion optimization and search engine marketing to manage campaigns that drive real ROI.
There is impressive year over year growth of paid digital spending and a huge global demand for pay per click specialists. A few supporting facts and figures:

There are 2700+ jobs in the USA and 5300+ jobs in the UK that require PPC skills
In India, there are 4000+ jobs on for PPC specialists

What skills will you learn?
At the end of this PPC Certification course, you will be able to:

Ensure that your business can be found easily on search engine results
Dramatically increase the traffic to your site
Enhance your reach to both local and global customers
Control your ad budget
Measure your ads’ performances
Get leads quickly and improve your lead generation results

What are the projects and tools included in the course?
As part of the courseware, you will get to work on 5 projects based on industry use cases. Below are its details:
Project 1: Keyword Research Using the Keyword Planner, do initial research on keywords that encompass your target services.
Project 2: Ad Creation Using the keywords, create ads for your product or service to reach your target.
Project 3: Audience Targeting and Strategy You need to create an audience to help reach your target market and to keep those who converted by seeing your ads.
Project 4: Account Organization Understanding the relationship between the layers of your account will help you organize your ads, keywords, and ad groups into effective campaigns that target the right audience.
Project 5: Create a Marketing Plan Understanding the business goals and objectives to plan the strategy for promoting your products and services.
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