Cindy Goldrich – Executive Function, ADHD and Stress in the Classroom


This recording teaches techniques and tools for children who struggle to focus, cooperate, and perform to their potential.

 Cindy Goldrich – Executive Function, ADHD and Stress in the Classroom

Join ADHD expert Cindy Goldrich, Ed.M., ACAC, for practical and effective TIPS, TOOLS and STRATEGIES to:

Improve motivation to learn and engage
Ease stress and anxiety to help kids anticipate and prepare effectively
Strategies to help manage their homework and improve accountability
Decrease time spent off task and out of compliance

Do you need new strategies to get kids to pay attention and learn more effectively? Are you struggling with kids who can’t get started, stay involved, or complete their class work?

This recording teaches techniques and tools for children who struggle to focus, cooperate, and perform to their potential.

Take advantage of the latest brain research and evidence-based best practices to get kids motivated, focused, organized, and performing closer to their true potential.
Empower students to take charge of their challenges and take responsibility for their own success in school and in life
Improve collaboration with parents who struggle to effectively help their children

This recording draws on Cindy’s clinical expertise of working with teachers other support professionals and parents as she brings to life how to bridge the gap between theory/research and actual implementation to address learning and behavior challenges in school. She will help you design subtle changes in the classroom to improve time management, working memory, motivation and emotional regulation that will benefit all children, not only those with ADHD. Walk away with new ideas, valuable handouts and important resources for teachers, parents, and students to manage homework, home/school communication, study-skills, behavior and more.

Implement strategies to increase students’ executive functioning skills during both structured activities and open learning times.
Establish classroom interventions that will improve time management, organizational and study skills for kids diagnosed with ADHD.
Apply simple breathing and mindfulness techniques to reduce students’ stress levels, improve emotional regulation in order to meet classroom expectations.
Adapt traditional behavior modification programs to address non-compliant behavior in kids who have ADHD.
Utilize classroom management strategies that apply to the whole class while also meeting the needs of students who are easily distracted or who have cognitive processing delays.
Implement strategies to improve homework compliance and improve study skills among students.

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Impact of ADHD, Executive Function and Stress on Learning and Behavior

Challenges ADHD creates beyond impulsivity, inattentiveness and hyperactivity
Relationship between ADHD, executive function and stress
Determining eligibility for services

Techniques to Strengthen Emotional/ Self-Regulation in School

Self-monitoring strategies for students to adjust their self-talk and focus control
Specific time management techniques for deepening concentration and perseverance
Environmental modifications to help students harness innate strength
Addressing the issues of ADHD medication in school

Strategies to Reduce Disruptive Behaviors, Stress & Anxiety

Powerful changes in the classroom environment to support student independence
Supporting lagging developmental skills required for self-regulation
Class-wide culture shifts to aide calm and focus for all students
Problem solving and self-advocacy tools to increase self-monitoring

Strategies to Improve Attention, Organization, Time Management and Memory

Powerful use of graphic organizers facilitate writing, organizing and problem solving
Specific timers, paper organizers, and homework management systems
Keys to incorporate movement, fidgets, and mindfulness techniques
Making IEP and 504 plans more effective and impactful for teachers and students