Tim Grittani – $1,500 to $1 Million In 3 Years


I show you exactly how I do it! While the first four chapters lay the groundwork for everything that goes into my preparation before I even make a trade, the last eight chapters are where I dive into the specific strategies I use daily.

Tim Grittani – $1,500 to $1 Million In 3 Years
The DVD is packed with over 22 HOURS of education, trading techniques and live trade examples. I recorded live trades so you can see every detail of why I make the trading decisions that I do! I don’t just teach you how I do it; I show you exactly how I do it! While the first four chapters lay the groundwork for everything that goes into my preparation before I even make a trade, the last eight chapters are where I dive into the specific strategies I use daily.
Each of these chapters teaches a different setup that I use, including a grand total of 35 live trade examples! You will see my entries, my exits, my successes, and my failures. But, most importantly, you will see WHY I make the trading decisions that I do.
Chapter 1 – Introduction and History
Chapter 2 – Important Beginner Basics
Chapter 3 – Basics to My Trading Strategies
Chapter 4 – Educational Services and Daily Preparation
Chapter 5 – Buying New Stock Promotions
Chapter 6 – Buying OTC Multiday Breakouts
Chapter 7 – OTC Short Setups
Chapter 8 – Buying Major Daily Breakouts
Chapter 9 – Shorting Lower Highs into Spikes
Chapter 10 – Shorting into Daily Resistance
Chapter 11 – Shorting Overextended Gap Downs
Chapter 12 – Shorting into Bounces

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Read more: http://archive.is/d34Py
Here’s What You’ll Get in Tim Grittani – $1,500 to $1 Million In 3 Years

Tim Grittani – $1,500 to $1 Million In 3 Years :Sample