Jeddah Mali – Seeds of Enlightenment


Close your eyes while sitting in a relaxed environment. You’ll experience how every alteration in your thoughts affects your awareness, the energy all around. Layer after

Jeddah Mali – Seeds of Enlightenment

Seeds of Enlightenment:

The Truth of Universal Consciousness
Course 1 in the Changing the Paradigm Series
Close your eyes while sitting in a relaxed environment. You’ll experience how every alteration in your thoughts affects your awareness, the energy all around. Layer after layer of resistance will dissipate. Limitations will fall by the wayside. Restricting beliefs about your life and everything in it disintegrate. Automatically. With no effort.
Acclaimed Spiritual Master, Jeddah Mali guides and teaches you all of this and more, in real time. As she speaks, you experience what she means immediately in meditation. You can now get the first volume of Jeddah’s teachings in an unmatched collection of eight exquisite meditations called Seeds of Enlightenment. It is truly unlike anything you have ever experienced.
Get immediately download Jeddah Mali – Seeds of Enlightenment


Prepare you for your journey
PDF Guide booklet

A 24 page reference booklet to get you started and enhance your journey
Meditation 1

Conscious Awareness in the Present Moment
Meditation 2

Intention and Feedback
Meditation 3

Overcoming Limitation
Meditation 4

Energy Centers
Meditation 5

Energy Bodies
Meditation 6

Trust and Surrender
Meditation 7

Changing the Paradigm
Meditation 8

Benevolent Intelligence

You’ll learn…

How the universe operates
How every alteration in your thoughts affects your awareness; change your thoughts, change your world
Why the Law of Attraction works and you’ll go much deeper
How to achieve true freedom and contentment so thorough and pervasive that it settles peaceably through every cell of your body for all time
That you are truly a “spiritual being having a human experience” instead of a “human being having a spiritual experience”

 Here’s What You’ll Get in Jeddah Mali – Seeds of Enlightenment

Jeddah Mali – Seeds of Enlightenment : Sample