
Thomas Frank – Ultimate Brain in Notion

Original price was: ₹14,850.00.Current price is: ₹3,300.00.


Thomas Frank Ultimate Brain in Notion
The built-in Quick Capture view lets you capture tasks and notes, then intelligently sends them off to a Process dashboard, keeping itself clean and minimalistic.

The built-in Quick Capture view lets you capture tasks and notes, then intelligently sends them off to a Process dashboard, keeping itself clean and minimalistic.
File Size: 716.9 MB

Thomas Frank – Ultimate Brain in Notion

One Place for Everything.

Tired of cobbling together multiple apps to form your “second brain”? Me too. Ultimate Brain lets you capture and organize everything inside of Notion – turning it into a truly all-in-one workspace.
Capture Anything Instantly
Your second brain should make it easy and fast to capture anything, no matter where you are.

Ultimate Brain does that.

The built-in Quick Capture view lets you capture tasks and notes, then intelligently sends them off to a Process dashboard, keeping itself clean and minimalistic.

You can even capture Fleeting Notes, which archive themselves after a month.

 Plan Your Day Without Stress

The My Day dashboard lets you create a clear, clutter-free plan for your day.

It also emphasizes self-care, which is easy to forget when you’re focused on work.

There’s even a Daily Journal area where can write morning pages and review how your day went.

My Day View

 Manage Your Projects

Project View

Using Notion’s database magic, Ultimate Brain turns every project into a hub where you can manage tasks and notes related to that project.

No more jumping back and forth between a project management app and a note-taking app. It’s all here, all in one place.

You can even pull in other notes from around your workspace using Ultimate Brain’s unique “Pulls” feature – check out the Interior Design notes I’ve pulled in this example screenshot.

 Cut Out the Clutter (Automatically)

A second brain only works if you trust it and want to use it – and you’ll only want to use it if you can keep the clutter and bloat to a minimum.

Ultimate Brain comes with a smart Archive where anything can be sent. If something isn’t relevant to you, archive it – it’ll stay out of your hair, but be safely in the Archive if you ever need it again.

You’ll even find a few automatic archiving features – such as Fleeting Notes and Cold Tasks.
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