
Cathleen King – Primal Trust – Level 1 Live Q&A Class Recordings

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(This course is available and delivery within one day!)Implementation of daily brain-body neuro retraining practices Format File: 4 MP4, documents – 3 PDF

Cathleen King – Primal Trust – Level 1 Live Q&A Class Recordings

In Regulate™ you will gain a complete understanding of:

The Science of the Chronic Stress Response & Cell Danger Theory

Polyvagal Theory and Somatic Awareness

Vagus Nerve Toning

Neuroplasticity- Brain Rewiring

Somatic Movement and Presence practices

Trauma Healing Principles, /Breath Work and more.

Implementation of daily brain-body neuro retraining practices
Introduction To Regulate™ (4 lessons)

Lesson 1: Overview of who this for and what we address

Lesson 2: Dr Cat’s Healing Story

Lesson 3: Origins of Primal Trust™ & Regulate™

Lesson 4: Primal Trust Vision and Values
Get immediately download Cathleen King – Primal Trust – Level 1 Live Q&A Class Recordings
Module 1: Understanding The Science Of Stress ( 9 lessons) 

Lesson 1: What is the Chronic stress response – General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)
Lesson 2: Chronic Stress and Limbic System Impairment – Brain to Body Stress Cycle
Lesson 3: When Stress Doesn’t Stop – Limbic System Overactivation
Lesson 4: Inflammation and Cellular Danger Patterns – Understanding the mind-body connection
Lesson 5: Who Gets Stuck In Stress & Illness? Trauma types and influences
Lesson 6: Cell Danger Response – Mitochondria and cellular threat
Lesson 7: Specific Conditions  Related To Chronic Stress

Lyme Disease, Chronic Pain, Mold and Chemical Sensitivities, CFS, Anxiety, POTS, Digestion
Lesson 8: Regulate Core Neural Retraining Tool #1
Lesson 9: Module 1 Summary – Homework and Symptom Talk Guidelines

Module 2: Polyvagal Theory and Mapping Your Nervous System (4 lessons)

Lesson 1: What is the Polyvagal Theory? What is the vagus nerve?
Lesson 2: Polyvagal mapping:  What is the current state of my nervous system?
Lesson 3: 5 Reasons why we may feel worse before better
Lesson 4: Summary/ Homework – Using polyvagal mapping to help move out of chronic stress responses.

Module 3: Vagus Nerve Toning  (6 lessons)

Lesson 1: Intro – Why use nervous system calming tools?
Lesson 2: WHAT is the vagus nerve? Why use vagal toning practices
Lesson 3: Vagus Toning – The Breath and Sound
Lesson 4: Vagus Toning – Eye yoga (functional neurology exercises to improve brain processing)
Lesson 5- Additional Vagal Toning Ideas
Lesson 6- What Can happen as You Apply The Tools of Regulation

Module 4: Brain Retraining Home Program (9 lessons)

Lesson 1: What is brain retraining/ self-directed neuroplasticity
Lesson 2: Why we target the memory and visual centers of the brain
Lesson 3: The 5 components of Primal Trust™ ABC Dimensional Shift Brain Retraining (Developed 2019)
Lesson 4: How to do ABC Brain Retraining (Developed 2019)
Lesson 5: What to focus my visualizations on and help with intrusive images
Lesson 6: Why Change is hard
Lesson 7: Dealing with triggers
Lesson 8: Limitations of brain retraining
Lesson 9: Summary/ Homework

Module 5: Somatic Awareness and Movement (9 lessons)

Lesson 1: What is somatics? Bottom-up approach
Lesson 2: Somatic Awareness: Neuroception, interoception and more
Lesson 3: Somatic Orienting Practices
Lesson 4: Somatic Movement Overview
Lesson 5: Somatic Movement Practices
Lesson 6: Riding The Polyvagal Wave With Somatics
Lesson 7: General Movement Options
Lesson 8: Pacing
Lesson 9: Module 5 Summary

Module 6: Trauma Healing & Breathwork (7 lessons)

Lesson 1: What Is Trauma?  How Does Trauma Occur?
Lesson 2: Trauma Healing & Proper Sequencing Of Treatment
Lesson 3: Breaking The Trauma Response Loop Tools
Lesson 4: From Primal Fear To Primal Trust
Lesson 5: Trauma Presencing Guided Practice
Lesson 6: Breathwork Overview and Basic How-To Guide
Lesson 7: Advanced Breathwork- Creating Safe Sympathetic Activation

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