Karen Curry Parker – Quantum Human Design – Level 3


Karen Curry Parker Quantum Human Design Level 3
What to listen for when coaching clients to help reframe their thinking and their “story”, to help them create bigger breakthroughs from your coaching

What to listen for when coaching clients to help reframe their thinking and their “story”, to help them create bigger breakthroughs from your coaching File Size: 8 GB

Karen Curry Parker – Quantum Human Design – Level 3

Circuits, Gates, & Channels

In this introductory level of training you will learn:

The mechanics of evolution, how change influences society, how to help clients navigate times of change and transition with resiliency
Core psychological and spiritual challenges in a chart and how to use this information to help your clients achieve mastery and inner alignment to accelerate personal and professional growth
How the Quantum Human Design chart influences the body
What to listen for when coaching clients to help reframe their thinking and their “story”, to help them create bigger breakthroughs from your coaching
All about circuits, Gates and Channels and how the circuitry in the chart affects relationships, perceptions, health, wealth and lifestyle choices

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