Michael Breen – An Introduction to Using NLP in business


Discover what NLP sub-modalities are and how the affect our experience Discover what is essential for your client’s brain to generate a change Learn about what needs to

Michael Breen – An Introduction to Using NLP in business

Module 1: Business NLP – Essential Mindset [teleseminar]
We start of this training by focusing on the shift in mindset that is essential to successfully applying NLP in business.
The Single Biggest Mistake That 97% Of NLPers Make When Working With Businesses.

A Behind The Scenes Look At What It Really Takes To Succeed As a Consultant Or Coach.

Proven Step By Step Concepts You Need To Have In Place If You Ever Want To Build A Real Business.

How To Really Use NLP in Business, Coaching or Consulting – I can tell you now It’s not what you think!

Actual Examples Of How Michael Uses NLP in His Coaching and Consulting

A Tried and Tested 3 Step Formula You Need To Grow A Successful business

and more…
In Module 2 : “Core Skills” you will learn
Learn how to hear what your client really wants (which is different to what they are saying)

Discover the key role of verbal and non verbal communication when working in business

Learn how we use language to invent problems and also transform them

How learning occurs, the critical role of semantic response and how your clients accept (often unnecessary) limitations

Be instructed through an exercise where you will learn how the way you look at any business situation can be changed rapidly

How to get over the urge to rush in and solve your friends/co-workers or clients problems

and more…
In Module 3 : “Critical Questioning” you will learn
How the labels you’ve been taught on your practitioner course kept you limited

Discover why the content a client uses is often the least important part of the engagement

What your client’s brain is doing anytime you communicate with them

The critical process that drives how people come to hold the world view they do and how to track it on the fly

What you need to change if you want to help someone to do something different

Why words like porn, ****, God have specific responses and why you will want to track and utilize the impact these class of trigger words have on your client (very powerful)

and more…
In Module 4 : “Problem Transformation” you will learn
What are the two most important prerequisites that lie at the heart of transforming any problem

What key processes is always almost always operating whenever a client is faced with a tough problem and why it can be their undoing in business contexts, yet will be your lever

What is the number 1 state to evoke in your client to help them overcome chronic problems and get moving on a solution fast

Discover the two key components that must be present in order to have action happen (if you don’t have these, you will see zero progress)

and more…
In Module 5 : “Sub-Modalities” you will
Discover what NLP sub-modalities are and how the affect our experience

Discover what is essential for your client’s brain to generate a change

Learn about what needs to happen inside your client for their thinking to lead to action

Find out what really changes when anyone changes their mind

and more…
Get immediately download Michael Breen – An Introduction to Using NLP in business
Note: There is a small digital audio effect on track 1 of module 4 and occasional mobile interference, which was unable to be removed from the audio..
In Module 6 : “Core NLP Distinctions” you will
Learn how to deal with cross-motivational strategies that keep people stuck

Learn about Michael Breen’s elite “Framing Tool” and how to use it in solving problems (this is an incredibly powerful thinking and problem solving tool that Michael uses in every interaction in business)

Learn what happens in the brain when your client focuses on what they don’t want

Discover the critical NLP presuppositions that organise your perceptions to get the most from this powerful technology

and more…
In Module 7 : “Persuasion 101” you will
Learn how experts of persuasion think about it

Discover the key role of presuppositions in persuasive language

Find out about the 3 essential building blocks to start to do powerful persuasion

Learn how to use truisms

and more…
Other products with Michael Breen