Chris Niebauer – No Self, No Problem: How Neuropsychology is Catching Up to Buddhism


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In this groundbreaking audiobook, neuropsychology professor Chris Niebauer explains how after decades of research on the brain, Western science may have inadvertently confirmed a fundamental tenet of Buddhism: anatta, or the doctrine of “no self”.
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Chris Niebauer – No Self, No Problem: How Neuropsychology is Catching Up to Buddhism

Has science confirmed what the Buddha already knew?
In this groundbreaking audiobook, neuropsychology professor Chris Niebauer explains how after decades of research on the brain, Western science may have inadvertently confirmed a fundamental tenet of Buddhism: anatta, or the doctrine of “no self”.
Niebauer shows how findings in neuropsychology suggest that our sense of self is actually an illusion created by the left side of the brain and that it exists in the same way a mirage in the middle of the desert exists: as a thought rather than a thing. This incredible thesis has significant and wide-ranging implications in psychology, philosophy, religion, and personal growth.
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