Paige Brunton – Square Secrets Business Bundle


Paige Brunton Square Secrets Business Bundle
Paige Brunton – Square Secrets Business Bundle, Being a web designer seemed like a decent way to make a great living, all from my laptop.

The ultimate insider’s peek at Square
Secrets Business™️
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Paige Brunton – Square Secrets Business Bundle

The ultimate insider’s peek at Square Secrets Business™️
6 years ago I was fresh out of college and had hopped on a flight to Germany. But without speaking German, my job options were well… none.
Being a web designer seemed like a decent way to make a great living, all from my laptop.
I just had two problems:

I had never run a business before

I had NO professional web design experience

But I was determined to figure it out!
But here’s the thing…I’m not a unicorn. 
I don’t have any special super powers (unless you count being able to binge-watch an impressive amount of ‘The Crown’ in one sitting.)
There’s nothing I did that anyone else couldn’t do, if they were willing to put in the work.
Which is why I made it my goal to help every girl out there with a similar dream, and got to work creating my step-by-step course, Square Secrets Business™!
Square Secrets Business™️:
The ultimate behind-the-scenes overview

What is Square Secrets Business™️?

Who is Square Secrets Business™️ for?

Do I need to take Square Secrets™️ first?

I design on something other than Squarespace…can I still take the course?

How long does the course last?

What format is the content in?

What kind of support do you offer?

How soon after taking the course will I start making money?

Will I learn from other designers? Or just you?

Can I see a breakdown of all the modules?

Will this course teach me how to sell Squarespace templates?

What bonuses are included when I enroll?

Can I hear from past students?

What is Square Secrets Business™️?
Square Secrets Business™ is your complete web design business blueprint!
You bring the web design skills and I’ll bring you a complete business game plan that will have you ready to begin working with clients and turning that web designer dream into your full-time job!
Skip the years of expensive and disheartening trial and error that have most new designers wanting to throw in the towel, and learn how to build a profitable web design business that supports a life you love, right out the gate!
Who is square Secrets Business™️ For?
You’re a perfect fit for Square Secrets Business™ if . . .

You love designing Squarespace websites and have some serious website building skills! (Still need help with this? My Square Secrets™ course has got you covered!

You are dreaming of offering Squarespace web design services to clients

Action-taker is your middle name. Given an exact blueprint, you’re eager to implement, willing to move mountains when you hit a challenge, and make things happen!

You’re ready to say ‘yes’ to opportunities, push yourself outside your comfort zone and be brave enough to begin working with clients

Psssst…Already working with clients?
We’ve had students join us who had already been designing for clients for years, but were feeling frustrated and burnt out by their business. Square Secrets Business™ has helped them:

Create a client-winning portfolio that is actually a reflection of the clients they dream of serving

Change their prices, packages, and messaging to appeal to their exact ideal client, instead of feeling like they are always attracting people who aren’t a good fit or don’t have real budgets

Develop a solid marketing strategy, tailored to their own personality and life, for consistently bringing in clients in the short and long term

Design a totally unique, streamlined web design process that works for THEM, but that their clients also love and rave about to other potential clients

Set up better systems and processes so that all the little BTS tasks could start to run on autopilot

Get legit contracts and financial tracking systems in place, and know they have everything they need to protect their business, and keep the legal and tax folks happy

Do I need to take Square Secrets™️ First?
That depends!
Square Secrets Business™ was definitely created with past Square Secrets™️ students in mind, because in order to build a successful web design business, you kinda have to be good at the actual design part first!
Square Secrets™ is more than just teaching you how to build pretty (highly customized, nothing-like-the-template) designs in Squarespace.
It also teaches you the site-building best practices and online buyer psychology you need to understand in order to make sure that pretty website is also set up to sell.
If you want to be able to charge premium prices for your services, book out your business months in advance, and build a killer portfolio that sets you apart from the competition, you definitely need to know more than how to drag and drop your client’s content into a cookie cutter template.
So if you aren’t totally confident with your design skills, I def recommend taking Square Secrets™️ first, since there is no overlap in content between the two courses.
Most students end up taking both courses, whether they snag the course bundle up front for a savings, or decide after taking Square Secrets Business™️ that they could benefit from taking Square Secrets™️ after all!
Do I have to be a Squarespace designer to take Square Secrets Business™️? OR Does it apply to other platforms?
Turns out that we’ve actually had many past students take this course and then go on to offer WordPress, Showit, or Shopify web design.
If you want to design on other platforms, 95% of the course content will still be totally applicable to you. The principles of landing clients, doing consultation calls, managing a project, collecting site content, and the legal and tax aspects of running a web design business are the same regardless of your chosen site platform.
The bits that won’t relate to you in the course will primarily be when I talk about transfering sites from your Squarespace account to your clients, the Squarespace Circle and the Squarespace Marketplace.
So if you want to be a web designer on another platform, know you’re still welcome inside the course and many past students have actually done the same!
Course enrollment opens just 1X a year, but once enrolled, you have access to all the materials right away (no having to wait for the modules to slowly drip out over several weeks)!
And how long it takes is completely up to you!
If you wanted to complete the course in 4 weeks, I’d suggest setting aside 3-4 hours a week to go through the content.
Of course you can totally change that up to fit your life and schedule.
You have access for life, so you do you!
What format is the course content in?
The lessons are all in pre-recorded video format, with the option to slow or speed up the playback to suit your learning style!
Teachable (our online learning platform) will keep track of your progress so when you take a break and come back, you can jump in exactly where you left off!
You’ll also get access to all the supporting student documents! If you don’t have an Adobe subscription for the editable templates, you can also request a PDF version so you can easily recreate the document using the softwares you already use and love!
Square Secrets Business™️ Module Breakdown
Module #1
Business foundations
Want to know what sets successful designers apart from the ones who find themselves small and struggling even after years of trying to make their business work?
The foundations!
And there’s two ways to learn these foundations. You can…
Spend the first 3-5 years of your business test driving a whole bunch of strategies just hoping one sticks and you can finally start profiting from this rather expensive hobby you have.
Grab your bevvy of choice, snuggle up on the sofa with module one of Square Secrets Business™, and start applying what you’ve learned right from DAY ONE.
Module #2
Finding Clients
Pretty hard to build a profitable design business without paying clients, right?
But it’s probably the #1 struggle I hear on repeat in my inbox…
“Paige, where are all these dreamy clients with real budgets everyone is always talking about!? I feel like I have to beg people to work with me, and even then I’m working for peanuts!”
If you don’t want to get stuck in a cycle of working for free and saying yes to projects you hate, just to pay the bills, then Module 2 is your jam!
All those guest experts I introduced earlier? They are spilling the beans on how they were able to quickly book out their businesses, all while charging legit designer rates, and only saying yes to clients they were actually passionate about serving!
And the best part? No two client-attracting strategies they share are the same.
So you can truly hand-pick the client-finding method that feels like you, and learn the best practices for using that specific strategy to start attracting the exact type of person you are hoping to work with.
Module #3
Locking Down Sales
Sales? Ew.
You run a web design business. Not some shady used-car lot.
But now that you’re a pro marketer (thanks to everything you just devoured in Module 2 ), you’re going to need a way to seal the deal, and convince clients to hand their money over to you, a complete stranger on the internet.
The good news?
It doesn’t have to feel icky. And there’s no need to play email tag for weeks to get your dream clients to commit.
It’s possible to genuinely connect with your potential clients, AND give them the push they need to book your services that same day.
Module #3
Locking Down Sales
Sales? Ew.
You run a web design business. Not some shady used-car lot.
But now that you’re a pro marketer (thanks to everything you just devoured in Module 2), you’re going to need a way to seal the deal, and convince clients to hand their money over to you, a complete stranger on the internet.
The good news?
It doesn’t have to feel icky. And there’s no need to play email tag for weeks to get your dream clients to commit.
It’s possible to genuinely connect with your potential clients, AND give them the push they need to book your services that same day.
Module #5
Long-term business success
When you start your own web design business, you might be surprised to learn just how little time you’ll spend on actual designing.
There are roughly 1,000,001 other tasks that need to happen in order to keep the lights on in business, all of which fall on you (at least until you make your first hire which, surprise! I also cover in the course!)
If you are going to balance it all, you:
A) need to know what those BTS tasks even are…
B) need to know how to balance them in a way that doesn’t lead to burnout and just straight-up hating your business
So, besides teaching you the strategies that will get your business up and running like yesterday, I’ll also be sharing everything you need to know to sustain and enjoy it for the long haul!
Module #6
Legal & taxes
Possibly the most overwhelming part of starting your new business, and really just adulting in general, is figuring out the fine print.
Now, fingers crossed nothing ever goes amiss in your business…
But I’ve seen some pretty crazy go down in online business, so I wouldn’t feel right sending you off into the world without knowing the full story.
So think of module 6 as the best way to bubble wrap and protect your new business from head-to-toe!
I want to sell Squarespace Templates…will Square Secrets Business™️ teach me how?
After taking the courses and fully booking out their services, a lot of students have made it their goal to add an additional revenue stream to their business.
(Something that didn’t require taking on more clients, or magically coming up with 30 extra hours in a week!)
My solution?
A new bonus course teaching them how to take their current Squarespace designs and turn them into a passive income product to sell on autopilot!