
Esteban Lutz – K7 21 Day JumpStart – Membership Curriculum

Original price was: ₹224,550.00.Current price is: ₹10,790.00.


Esteban Lutz – K7 21 Day JumpStart – Membership Curriculum
Experience What You can Create in only 21 Days with the K7 Program
Starts on 1st of each month
Who This 21 Day Jump is For:
First, this process is simply for people who are READY and want a coach to guide them to the next level. This is a TAKE MASSIVE ACTION NOW Program.
The members who succeed in the K7 Jump are everyday folks who were sick and tired of being sick and tired. They’ve starved, sweated, worked, worked, and worked to get unsatisfactory or temporary results, only to slide back to where they ed.
With many of us STUCK at Home not able to get to a gym because they are all unsafe, closed, or inconvenient; sitting at home stressed out, constantly raiding our fridge and pantry…sound familiar?
I had you in mind when I created this K7 Jump Program, where the K7 coaches hold you accountable weekly.
Ever gone through a Frustration Phase? I have…Maybe you’re there, too.
The good news is that THE SOLUTION IS IN THIS PROGRAM!

There is HOPE
You are not a victim of your genes. ANY body can transform.
It’s not how MUCH you eat as much as the QUALITY of the foods you choose.
It’s not the AMOUNT OF EXERCISE, its the KIND of MOVEMENT you do.
No matter your style of Motivation…It’s in to this program.

Live ZOOM coaching, Facebook private page, PDFs, Video archives

What To Expect:

Weekly Large & Small Group Coaching with Founder Esteban Lutz, then with your certified K7 Transformation Nutrition Coach.
Pre & Post Fitness Tracking and Measurements
Accountability ~~ interruptive Accountability
Meal Prep & Recipe Guide
Fitness Programs to Follow (Video and PDF)
The K7 Program is comprised of natural, whole foods, vital supplements, and weight-loss-specific physical movement to reduce inflammation, fat, and inches in a quick and efficient way.

Within a few days you will notice your clothes fitting a little better and reduced inflammation overall. Until you go through a process like this, you may not even know what it is like to feel “normal.”

By the end of the process our members report having incredible energy, losing significant weight, and creating momentum that carries them into a new lifestyle.
Members also have reported improved lab and medical results.
What You Get:
With this 21 Day Jump Coaching you will have access to daily instructions via video or PDF that will support a massive reduction in inflammation and inches in 21 quick days.
Using the K7 Nutrition Principles and Fitness coaching from Esteban Lutz, you will be guided through your daily fitness routine, exactly what to eat, how to prepare it, and how to shift your mindset to where you can breakthrough the frustration of stagnant exhaustion.
The K7 21Day Transformation Jump includes:

Private Coaching Call
Weekly small group zoom coaching
Weekly Team coaching from founder Esteban Lutz
Metabolic Reset: Blood sugar detox and hunger hormone balancing
Meal Plans: Balanced, whole-food nutrition with the optimal blend of proteins, carbs and fats to stimulate increased fat-oxidation
Easy, Effective Movement Plan: With ALL Levels in mind, Fitness Programs are designed for optimal and quick fat loss while dropping mid-line inches.
Mindset Coaching: Receive Mindset Coaching to revolutionize your habits and rituals to form new behaviors for the transformation you seek.
Resources: Complete access to exclusive K7 Fitness Curriculum
Coach & Peer Support: Enjoy membership in our private Facebook group and get a daily boost of motivation and accountability.

Course Curriculum

Prep Phase & Introduction to the K7 Transformation

7 Key Principles
Checklist – when ing each month
Preparing Your Kitchen (2:08)
How to Take Measurements – Video (4:01)
Nutritional Coaching & Supplements (3:12)
Fitness Programs

Fitness Programs

Fitness – How TO
Arms & Shoulders – Strength (8:02)

Week1: The Jump ~ Days 1-6

Grocery List Days 1-3
Grocery List Days 4-6
Menu – Days 1-3 Menu: Custom Gut-Centric
Menu Day 4 – 6 (liquid Super Foods)
Video: Lucky 13 Salad – How to prepare (9:34)
Video: Blood Sugar Detox (2:53)

You are Making Progress ~ Days 7-12

Grocery List Days 7 – 14
Menu Day 7 & 8
Menu Day 9
Menu Day 10
Menu Days 11 & 12
Video Zucchini Spaghetti – Day 9 – 10 (6:50)

Days 13-14 !You Can Do This!

Final Week Grocery List: Days 15-21
Days 13 – 14 Menu
Menu Days 15 – 17
Menu Days 18 & 19

You ARE Worth it! Menu Days 18-19

Fitness – Full Body Program (12:02)
Feedback Time: Whats Working? What’s Not Working?

Bring it Home

Menu Days 20 & 21
Mango Salad recipe
Final after 21 days – What’s Next


How K7 started – video (7:58)
Goal Setting after Jump (2:33)
NO List of AVOID Foods
Food Exchange List
Video: Science Behind Week1 K7 Jump (34:12)
Mindset Minute – 5 steps to a strong foundation (3:18)

dotFIT – How To Tutorials

How to Log in to your Program (2:07)
How to Build / Activate your Program (6:47)
Your Program Summary Overview (1:54)
Food Logging (12:22)
3rd Party Apps Devices (2:18)
Activity Tracking (14:50)
Logging Measurements (0:46)
Dietary Support (3:10)
dotFIT Store (1:12)
Learn & Ask The Experts – recipes, studies, etc (2:26)

Month 3 – OPTIMIZE

Fitness Program month 3 (7:19)
MINDSET – I cheated! Is that BAD?
MINDSET – Stress Eating the 4 – F’s

BONUS – Office Stretches & Home Routine

Home Stretches and Fitness (7:17)
MINDSET – Overcoming Setbacks & Plateaus video (15:56)


MINDSET – ever wondered “How did I put this weight on?!?”

Your Instructor

Esteban Lutz

My approach is People over Perfection. Intimacy over Industry. Movement over Machines. Fitness over Fads. Execution over Excuses. And most importantly, the quality of Your Life above all. Health and Fitness have been more than a career for myself, it’s a lifelong passion.

I have had the privilege of working with 24HR Fitness as an educator and company consultant of the Apex Nutrition team. The Apex Nutrition team is a nutritional supplement division which is also the distributor of the Bodybugg system; made popular through The Biggest Loser reality show.
As a Vice President of Fitness with Lifestyle Family Fitness (ranked #1 Fitness company in the world from 2005 to 2009), I had the honor of working with and leading the nation’s top 1,000 personal trainers. An entrepreneur at heart and a former cage fighter with black belts in jiu-jitsu, karate, and tae kwon do, I also founded the International Cage Fighting Alliance.
My experience doesn’t stop there! Listed below are the many other accomplishments I have achieved through my journey over the years.

30+ Years Experience in Fitness and Nutritional Coaching
Athletic Training and Nutrition Coach at USF
Dozens of fitness and nutritional coaching certifications
Fitness Trainer for Professional Athletes, D-1, high school
Rehab-Fitness Coach at Orthopedic Institute in Florida
Consultant for Several Reality Shows
Specializes in Movement-Based Training
National Account Manager for 24 Hour Fitness
Coached and Developed over 5,000 Fitness Trainers
Developed HIIT high-calorie Programs
Founder of the K7 Weight Loss Program

I have customized workouts to stimulate progress and keep your body changing. You will never need to question if you’re performing an exercise correctly because we are carefully examining all aspects of your performance at all times. My mission is to create the culture and environment to facilitate transformation. With 30+ years in the fitness industry, I bring seasoned experience to the vision of E-Lutz Fitness. This is physical Transformation the way it was meant to be.

> Please contact our team if you have questions, or broken links via our email [email protected].