
Aaron Doughty – Reality Transurfin

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Aaron Doughty – Reality Transurfin
Are you tired of “trying” to manifest what you want, only to feel like the whole process isn’t working?

Do you feel confused about the process of manifestation in general, not knowing the steps to take?

Do you feel like the more you want something, the more you subconsciously “push” it away?

The truth is, this is not only how I felt years ago, it’s also how many people feel that are using the Law of Attraction process to manifest what they want only to find they are “spinning their wheels.”

This is due to a combination of….
1) “Desiring” their manifestations and emphasizing a feeling of lack.
2) Creating an imbalance of energy by making their desires “very important” (this causes them to attract the opposite.)
3) Social conditioning (in Reality Transurfing this is called “pendulums”) blocking people from creating momentum due to “pull” and “draining” nature of it.
4) Trying to do too much and creating resistance, slowing down the process.
5)Feeling fake while “acting as if” reaffirming the old identity and therefore staying the same.

The good news is…
I found a better way…

What if I told you manifestation can be so much easier if you got to the authentic core of who you are and then realized that what you want, already exists…

It’s simply about aligning with that energy and creating from that higher-vibrational state.

When you get to that core you will feel empowered and feel like you can finally take off the mask of “trying” to manifest using the old way which creates resistance.
We get to that core by dismantling all the outdated ideas in regards to the manifestation process. I will show you how to remove the layers that are holding you back, the layers of inauthenticity that keep you in old patterns getting the same unwanted results.
This course goes beyond just the manifestation process and is intended to create a total transformation for the way you relate to reality in general.
This transformation comes from the book Reality Transurfing, which is a powerful manifestation process (and book) that has changed my life.
It brings in the awareness of quantum manifestation, understanding how reality works, and how to create from a new paradigm.
Some people say that even-though the book is powerful, it is hard to apply due to the lack of examples and practical application.

That’s where I come in. I have read all 5 books at least 3 times and I practice this process daily. I have obtained phenomenal results in my life due to this and I saw the need to share this transformation process in a way that people can relate too.

My intention to help you receive the massive benefits I have in an ongoing practical step- by-step process that combines personal development, Reality Transurfing and Quantum Manifestation.
The results you can expect to receive include…

-Feeling empowered to manifest knowing you can use this process to create whatever you want in your life
-The feeling of freedom to manifest from a totally new paradigm
-Getting to the authentic core of who you are so that you let go of blocks and resistance
-Step-by-step guidance on how to transform your life so that you never go back to feeling stuck and like you aren’t living to your true potential
-Powerful Techniques that allow you to “choose” the reality you want
-Exercises to decrease importance and resonate with your goals/desires
– Raising your consciousness and vibration to create from a whole new paradigm
-Plus much, more…

Your life can change very quickly once you take action and CHOOSE to do so. This is my way of helping you to radically change your life and leave the old you behind.

This is about becoming the authentic high-vibration person you are meant to be, without the layers of resistance, doubts and subconscious blocks that hold you back.
It’s time to let all of that go, and allow the process to be easy…
I’m ready if you are…

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