
Elliott Saxby – Kundalini Bodywork Online

Original price was: ₹51,000.00.Current price is: ₹3,735.00.


Elliott Saxby – Kundalini Bodywork Online
The course

Course Trailer

Introduction: What is Kundalini Bodywork?(1:21)
Introduction: Kundalini Bodywork Online Course(0:42)
Introduction: Kundalini Energy(11:20)
Testimonials: Past Advanced Trainings(11:11)

Course Introduction

1. Welcome(4:01)
2. Integrating Polarities(3:13)
3. About Elliott(4:54)
4. Intention and Embodiment (Exercise)
5. Overview of Learning Reviews (PDF)
6. Introduction Learning Review (PDF)
7. Contraindications
8. Coaching (Coming Soon)
9. How to Download PDFs(0:29)
10. Learning Reviews Cheat Sheet (PDF)

Part 1: Breath

1. Breath(2:41)
2. Breathing for Emotional Intelligence (Breathing Rhythms)(6:15)
3. Breathing for Emotional Intelligence (Out Through the Mouth)(4:13)
4. Relaxed on the In-Breath and Out-Breath(5:15)
5. Conscious Emotions, Conscious Breath(7:00)
6. Ujjayi Breathing, Part 1(3:12)
7. Balancing Our Nervous System(4:40)
8. Don’t Be Tarzan(3:22)
9. Learning Review 1 (PDF)

Part 2: Creating Alignment

1. Creating Alignment Between Our Three Bodies(2:23)
2. The Separate Self(1:22)
3. Our Bodies(3:47)
4. The Actual Root Cause of Our Problems(6:41)
5. Our Etheric Field(1:53)
6. Learning Review 2 (PDF)

Part 3: Kundalini

1. Introduction to Kundalini Energy(11:20)
2. Learning Review 3 (PDF)

Part 4: Self-Practice

1. Shaking(9:48)
1a. Shaking Music (PDF)
2. Microcosmic Orbit & Kundalini(5:53)
3. Defining the Aura(6:26)
4. De-armouring the Pelvic Floor(4:29)
5. Antidote to Mula Banda (Root Lock)(11:14)
6. De-armouring: Demonstration 1(10:23)
7. Tantrum Not Tantra(5:00)
8. Hand Scream(2:05)
9. Pillow Bashing(2:59)
10. Recap: Main Self-Practice Points(8:12)
11. Guided Practice 1(19:35)
12. Guided Practice 2 (With Shaking)(22:48)

Entry test: Take at any time

Entry test

Part 5: Sessions

1. Session Plan(6:07)
2. Demonstration (a)(5:40)
3. Demonstration (b)(1:06)
4. Demonstration (c)(1:09)
5. Demonstration (d)(0:38)
6. Demonstration (e)(5:39)
7. Demonstration (f)(4:17)
8. Demonstration (g)(0:55)
9. Demonstration (h)(3:08)
10. Kundalini Bodywork and Energetic Sex(4:19)

Part 6: Navigating Emotions

1. Beliefs Can Affect Us More Than The Truth(1:55)
2. How Suppression And Attachment Keep Our Vibration Stuck(2:33)
3. Anger, Laughter and Crying(6:09)
4. Surrendering to Our Karma(7:45)
5. Three Dimensions of Being(20:39)
6. Trauma and the Ego(5:05)
7. Working with Desire(9:43)
8. From Judgment to Discernment(5:21)

Part 7: Breath (Part 2)

1. Breath (Part 2)(2:10)
2. Three-Part Yogic Breathing(18:29)
3. Emptying the Lungs: Three Breaths Out Exercise(9:14)
4. Non-judgement through Bodywork(3:30)
5. Holotropic Breathwork Exercise(14:00)
6. Debrief: Holotropic Breathwork Exercise(3:19)
7. Breathing for New Answers(10:14)
8. Ujjayi Breath Part 2(5:56)
9. Three-Part Yogic Breathing Reversed(12:07)

Part 8: Self De-armouring

1. Self De-armouring(16:51)
2. Stretching the Vagus Nerve(11:37)
3. Learning from Nature(12:37)
4. Working with the Pain Body(7:31)
5. Emotional Detoxing and De-armouring(5:58)
6. The Autonomic Nervous System(3:46)
7. Body Scan(6:28)
8. Non-Judgement and Acceptance as the Vibration in the Body(5:54)
9. De-armouring the Beast in the Belly; The Dungeon Under the Rib Cage(5:59)
10. Self de-armouring (Guided Practice Session)(39:45)
11. Self De-armouring – Tools(2:17)
12. Self De-armouring – Lacrosse Style(14:41)
13. Self De-armouring – Lacrosse Style (Guided Practice Session)(12:30)
14. Self De-armouring Before Self-Pleasuring(6:10)

Part 9: Kundalini Bodywork

1. Kundalini Bodywork(8:14)
2. Energetic Bodywork(10:19)
3. Protection(7:53)
4. Exponential Growth and Abundance(9:15)
5. Shaktipat (Part 1)(13:53)
6. Shaktipat (Part 2)(11:44)
7. Generating Sexual and Emotional Energy(3:05)
8. Black Magic(8:48)
9. What Happens When the Body Shakes(16:23)
10. Sources of Energy(8:51)
11. The Most Basic and Effective Kundalini Exercises(12:31)
12. Pendulum(1:29)
13. Our Chakra System and Energy Centers(19:03)
14. Suffering(11:48)
15. Grounding(9:34)
16. Into the Bones (Audio)(3:54)
17. Shaking (Recap)(13:57)
18. Maintaining your Kundalini Bodywork Practice(8:18)
19. Tantric Embodiment Exercise (PDF)
20. Clinical Trials(3:37)

Part 10: The Polarity Framework

1. The Polarity Framework(9:08)
2. The Polarity Framework in Kundalini Bodywork(8:08)
3. The Polarity Framework (PDF)
4. Setting Intentions with the Polarity Framework Exercise (PDF)

Part 11: Shadow Work

1. Shadow Work(6:44)
2. A Note on Shadow Work in this Course(0:44)
3. Second Level Shadow Work(12:41)
4. Inspirations for Personal Shadow Work(11:28)
5. Shadow Work: Making Our Desires Healthy Exercise (PDF)

Part 12: Advanced Trainings Online (COMING SOON)

: Advanced Trainings Online(20:51)

Guided Practice Audios

Guided Practice (Audio)(19:35)
Guided Practice with Shaking (Audio)(22:48)

Bonus Materials (Optional)

Shakti Embodiment(4:09)
Grounding in Pleasure (with Testimonial)(3:11)
Kundalini & Transforming Trauma(0:59)
Kundalini Bodywork Session (Demonstration)(0:49)
Abdominal Work in Kundalini Bodywork(5:55)
Energetic Cord Cutting(4:31)
Kundalini Shaking(1:21)

Training & Event Recaps (Optional)

Kundalini Bodywork in Ibiza(1:02)
Recap: Amsterdam Advanced Training 2021(12:44)
Recap: Zürich Advanced Training 2021(8:39)

Zoom Calls & FAQs (Optional)

Question: On the Microcosmic Orbit(4:47)
Zoom Group Call: 25th Feb. 2022 (Full Version)(219:14)
Zoom Group Call: 19th May 2021 (2 Minute Version)(2:11)
Zoom Group Call: 19th May 2021 (Full Version)(68:58)
Zoom Group Call: 26th April 2021(25:41)

> Please contact our team if you have questions, or broken links via our email [email protected].