
Chandler David Smith – Real Estate Investing Course

Original price was: ₹44,850.00.Current price is: ₹3,735.00.


Chandler David Smith – Real Estate Investing Course

Here’s what we will cover in the course…

Intro – Real Estate Investing Overview

Explains all of the advantages of investing in real estate, breaks down the returns you can expect and explains required words and terms needed to understand the future modules.

Choosing Your Market

Should you invest where you live or in a different market? Learn how to locate the proper market and sub market to begin building your real estate portfolio.

Understanding Your Market

Learn how to understand the submarket you have chosen. How to analyze the rents, vacancy, expenses, etc.

Getting Financing

Gain a relationship with multiple credit unions and banks, get pre-approved for a loan and have quality financing secured for your next purchase. Residential and commercial financing will both be covered.

Liability – LLC and Insurance Setup

Protect yourself and your investments. Learn to mitigate some of the largest risks tied to investing in real estate.

Building Your Team

Build your 10+ member real estate investing team without over spending.

Picking a Management Company

Find and screen the perfect management company.

Creating/Finding Deals

Build the funnels that will give you consistent deal flow.

Analyzing Deals

Learn to run the numbers on properties of all sizes from single family homes to 25 units+.

Negotiating Deals

Learn how to put in offers, negotiate with the sellers and get the best price and terms on every deal.

Negotiating Financing

Maximize your earnings by negotiating the rates and terms of your financing.

Due Diligence

Learn to conduct a full inspection of the actual property and its financials. Acquire additional leverage for additional negotiations before closing.

Property Closing

Everything you need to look for before and during closing.

Taking Ownership

All of the steps that need to be taken once you have closed on the property.

Adding Value

All the ways that you can add value to your property to justify higher rents and resale value.

Raising Rents

Properly increase rents without having higher vacancy.

Systemization – Checks and Balances

Get all of your systems in place so that you can build and scale your real estate investing business.

Bonus Modules

Creative Financing
Increasing Credit Score
1031 Exchange
Selling Property
Future Case Studies of Full Property Analysis

> Please contact our team if you have questions, or broken links via our email [email protected].