
Daniel Fava – The Blog Traffic Accelerator

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Daniel Fava – The Blog Traffic Accelerator
What if you were able to attract tons of potential clients to your private practice website, without spending heaps of money on Facebook or Google Ads?
Is that even possible?
It sure is… And it’s easier than you may think…

“It’s so confusing and frustrating (especially if you’re not a techy person) to develop an online presence that gets noticed…”
“Building a website isn’t the hard part… it’s actually getting people to my website that’s got me stuck…”
“I’ve spent so much money on SEO and paid advertising and I honestly don’t see an increase in my traffic or clients… what’s the point?”
“I have no idea how to attract my ideal audience to my website… I’ve heard blogging is important but I just don’t know where to begin or what to even write about…”
“Blogging, SEO and social media are just so time consuming… how can I weed through all the information out there, let alone get it all done?”
If any of the above sounds like you, you’re in the right place…

You have a blog with a clear focus. One that attracts your ideal client and reader, interested in the topics that make you an expert…
You never have to worry about what you’ll write on your blog, because you’ve got a clear set of topics. Heck, you’ve already got blog post titles for months to come…
You don’t have to rely (or spend your money) on paid advertising because you’ve got a strategy to grow your traffic month over month…
You’ve got a little extra time in your week, because you’ve got a system for writing blog posts (posts that are also optimized for search engines)…
Not only that, you’ve found the secret to promoting your blog posts on autopilot, so while you only spend about an hour a week of work, you’re growing your traffic each day…
It’s all possible…

The Blog Traffic Accelerator is my step-by-step system to grow your private practice website traffic organically by combining a simple system for blogging with the untapped power of Pinterest.
That’s right… Pinterest.
It’s Pinterest that’s helped me personally grow my own website traffic from 522 pageviews in a month to over 10,000. That’s a 1,948.66% in just a year!!
And Pinterest now accounts for more than 90% of ALL traffic to my website.
Plus, I now spend less than hour a week using Pinterest, but my website traffic continues to rise.
But the thing is, these kinds of results are not reserved for online marketers and tech savvy nerds.
Because you see, the system I’ve learned, tested and now teach my students is actually quite simple.
You don’t have to be an IT expert to do it.
And the best part… this system is FREE to set up for your own private practice website.
That’s right… FAH-REE!!
It involves two things you can use without costing you a dime… blog posts and Pinterest.
I’ll show you, step by step, how to use both to create a system that keeps you creating optimized content for your website and exponentially attracts traffic filled with your ideal clients.
If you’ve struggled with maintaining a consistent blog schedule and getting people to your website, I’d love to show you how you can do it with ease.

Lifetime Access to 4 Easy-to-follow Modules
Each Module contains video lessons plus extra resources to help you take action.

$1500 Value
Downloadable Resources & Cheatsheets to Implement What You Learn:
$150 Value

Find Your Blog Focus Worksheet to help you discover who your ideal clients are and the exact topics you’ll write about on your blog
35 Blog Topic Idea ers Cheatsheet to get your creative juices flowing on the types of blog posts you could write
11 Things To Do Before You Publish a Blog Cheatsheet to make sure each blog post has everything in place that can make it a smashing success
The Blog & Page SEO Checklist so you’ll know exactly where to put keywords so you never publish content that isn’t optimized for search engines again
The Pinterest Profile Optimizer to get your Pinterest profile up and running and attracting more followers, repins and traffic to your website
The Pin Design Guide to show you how you can easily create pin images that stand out and drive more traffic to your private practice website, even if you don’t have a creative bone in your body
The Pinterest Mastery Checklist with advanced strategies to explode your following and (you guessed it) your traffic while spending less than hour on Pinterest each week.

That’s over $1600 worth of traffic-building resources designed to help you attract your ideal client to your website.

Your Course Curriculum


Introduction (3:37)

Module 1: The Planning Phase

Module 1 Snapshot (3:19)
Lesson 1- Finding Your Focus: Defining Your Target Audience + How to Choose Categories & What You’ll Write About (7:36)
Lesson 2 – Coming Up With Ideas: How to Create a Bank of Blog Post Ideas so You Always Have Something to Write About (7:12)
Lesson 3 – Staying Consistent: Creating a Simple System for Consistently Writing Blog Posts (7:56)
Lesson 4 – Measuring Your Growth: How to Use Google Analytics to Measure Your Growth (11:24)

Module 2: The Blogging Phase

Module 2 Snapshot (3:03)
Lesson 1 – Formatting: How to Ensure That People Actually Read Your Blog Posts (8:40)
Lesson 2 – Finishing Touches: What to Do to Each Blog Post Before You Hit Publish (12:49)
Lesson 3 – SEO: How to Easily Optimize Each Blog Post For Search Engines (9:32)
Lesson 4 – Now What?: What to Do After Publishing a Blog Post (6:38)

Module 3: The Pinterest Phase

Module 3 Snapshot (3:02)
Lesson 1 – Getting ed With Pinterest: How To Optimize Your Profile To Get Found & Increase Your Followers (13:35)
Lesson 2 – Reaching Your Clients: How To Arrange & Optimize Your Pinterest Boards To Attract Your Ideal Clients (9:57)
Lesson 3 – Creating Pins: How to Create a Pin Image for Each Blog Post That Get Repins & Drives Traffic (12:03)
Lesson 4- Rich Pins: Making Your Blog Post Pins Stand Out & Drive Traffic (4:18)

Module 4: The Mastery Phase

Module 4 Snapshot (1:51)
Lesson 1 – Taking It To The Next Level: Advanced Pinterest Strategies To Majorly Boost Your Blog Traffic (20:01)

> Please contact our team if you have questions, or broken links via our email [email protected].