Fractal Flow Pro – Price Action Trading Volume 2


Fractal Flow Pro – Price Action Trading Volume 2


Built on scientific principles.
12 HD video lectures.
Applicable in ANY market and ANY timeframe.
It can be used by itself or in alignment with FFS, MMS, NTS & PAT1
Immediatelly available to download.
High level information for low cost.
Precise Technical Analysis Techniques/Setups.
Frequent Trade Opportunities.
Simple, Solid and Safe Risk Management Guidelines.
Understand the Nuances of Price Action Vol.1
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table of contents

1 – Nash Equilibrium & Market Manipulation
2 – Newtonian Action Space Extrapolation & The Counterpoint Between Players
3 – The Good and the Bad of Dynamic Frequency Breakouts
4 – Cross Dimensionality and Reverse Engineering
5 – Near Extremes, Non-Equidistant Extrapolation Lines & Neutral Bias.
6 – Standing Motion to Running Motion & Triple Intersection
7 – Inward Parallels, Good Stops & Positive Feedback Loops
8 – Fibonacci Square Fields, Tuned Forks & Circular Decomposition
9 – Attention to Detail, Open Space & The Barriers of Price
10 – Switching Quality of Subtle Lines and Depth of Analysis
11 – Market Manipulation, Evolutionary Psychology and Pitchforks
12 – The Paradox of Fractal Flows and The Imperfection of the Market

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